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Friday, December 28, 2007


By FarSight3 |

Yesterday the "plan-B" was put aside. Pakistan's opposition leader, Benazir Bhutto, was assassinated with two shots in her neck and head. That powerful bomb blast that killed about twenty Pakistani nationals was ignited shortly afterwards some twenty meters from the vehicle that Bhutto was in when she was shot at close range at Rawalpindi near Islamabad...

According to some interview with Bhutto from November one can conclude that certain circles inside the U.S.admin had their plans with Bhutto: Either she was used as a "Plan-B" (if Musharraf wouldn't act as desired) or else.

Finally we have arrived at this "else" now - as you can read from this WP piece where you can read that finally a deal was cut to make it officially possible that U.S. troops may "return" into Pakistan:
    ...Beginning early next year, U.S. Special Forces are expected to vastly expand their presence in Pakistan, as part of an effort to train and support indigenous counter-insurgency forces and clandestine counterterrorism units, according to defense officials involved with the planning...
Now, as this new agreement has been finalized, the first U.S. personnel could be on the ground in Pakistan by early 2008, according to Pentagon sources.


Frost over the World - Benazir Bhutto (RIP) - 02 Nov 07


Sir David speaks to former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto about her controversial return to Pakistan, who she thinks is behind the deadly bombing of her convoy in Karachi last month, and whether she and Musharraf can forge a powersharing agreement.

Interestingly, at 6min 12sec into the interview Bhutto states that Omar Sheik murdered Osama Bin Laden!

Besides the fact Sir David never bothers to ask re, the above statement, this "Omar Sheik", if as Bhutto says, "he murdered Osama bin Laden", the question begs, for who's sake did he murder bin Laden?

And, considering her statements in the video and the fact she was aspiring to be the Pakistan leader again, another puzzling question just begs to be could she, Musharraf or this "Omar Sheik" not understand that, at the very least, every Pakistani being "played as pawns" in a "game", which is more than likely, controlled from outside of Pakistan...? If however, they're aware of these "games" being played out in Pakistan, then they're part of Pakistan's problems!! In which case, it made Bhutto's assassination an inevitability...


The torture tape fingering Bush as a war criminal

Andrew Sullivan | TimesOnline

Almost all of the time, the Washington I know and live in is utterly unrelated to the Washington you see in the movies. The government is far more incompetent and amateur than the masterminds of Hollywood darkness.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Bill Moyers Journal: America on Steroids

Nicole Belle |

Bill Moyers finds parallels with the degradation of rampant steroid use in baseball to how degraded our country has become by those seeking quick ways to short cut and short circuit level playing fields.
    You don’t get a level playing field with performance enhancing drugs, any more than you get an honest government with political action committees and bundled contributions, or a fair economy with some derivatives, hedge funds, and private equity managers taxed at rates lower than their janitors.


Every time the Israeli lobbyists in the United States demand more money or more special legal protections, they wave about these so-called "Neo-nazi" or "White Supremacist" groups like Stormfront and the American Nazi Party. AIPAC, ADL, JDL, and their ilk raise tons of money by waving these boogie-men around as a real imminent threat and danger!

Yet no matter what laws get passed and no matter how many millions ADL, JDL, etc. raise, Stormfront and the American Nazi Party remain strangely unmolested by either criminal or civil actions.

How very strange!!!


Monday, December 17, 2007

Agenda-driven Intelligence


In these days when the Israelis are offering to ‘help’ the Americans by providing lies about Iran which are in direct contradiction to the unanimous conclusion of 16 (!) American intelligence agencies, it is worthwhile to remember that Israel has a long and undistinguished history of providing lies to the United States (Abingdon is a former American diplomat):
    “Abingdon said the Israelis provided intelligence to the CIA, and defense attorney Nancy Hollander asked him if he found the Israeli information reliable. ‘No,’ he answered, and she asked why not.

    ‘I feel the Israelis have an agenda ... they provide selective information to try to influence US thinking,’ he said.”
General Shlomo Brom, a former senior Israeli military intelligence officer, reported to the Israeli government that Israel was a ‘full partner’ in American and British intelligence failures that described Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. The Israelis actually had a secret unit attached directly to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s office which fed disinfo directly to Feith’s Office of Special Plans.


Staring into the Abyss
The Collapse Of The Modern Day Banking System

By Mike Whitney | InformationClearingHouse
    “In past financial crises... the Fed has been able to wave its magic wand and make market turmoil disappear. But this time the magic isn’t working. Why not? Because the problem with the markets isn’t just a lack of liquidity — there’s also a fundamental problem of solvency.” Paul Krugman
Stocks fell sharply last week on news of accelerating inflation which will limit the Federal Reserves ability to continue cutting interest rates. On Tuesday the Dow Jones Industrials tumbled 294 points following the Fed's announcement of a quarter point cut to the Fed Funds rate. On Friday, the Dow dipped another 178 points when government figures showed consumer prices had risen 0.8% last month after a 0.3% gain in October. The stock market is now lurching downward into a “primary bear market”. There has been a steady deterioration in retail sales, commercial real estate, and the transports. The financial industry is going through a major retrenchment losing more than 25% in aggregate capitalization since July. The real estate market is collapsing. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced on Friday that he will declare a "fiscal emergency" in January and ask for more power to deal with the $14 billion budget shortfall from the meltdown in subprime lending. Economists are beginning to publicly acknowledge what many market analysts have suspected for months; the nation's economy is going into a tailspin which will inevitably end in a hard landing.


Saturday, December 15, 2007

CIA Torture Jet wrecks with 4 Tons of COCAINE

By redstatehatemonitor | Daily Kos

This Florida based Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA crash landed on September 24, 2007 after it ran out of fuel over Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula it had a cargo of several tons of Cocaine on board now documents have turned up on both sides of the Atlantic that link this Cocaine Smuggling Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA that crashed in Mexico to the CIA who used it on at least 3 rendition flights from Europe and the USA to Guantanamo's infamous torture chambers between 2003 to 2005.


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Resistance and Hope

By Charles Sullivan | InformationClearingHouse

If we Americans are nothing more than hopelessly addicted consumers who think of ourselves as an exceptional people with special entitlements; if we see ourselves as god’s morally superior chosen people; if we are selfish and greedy beyond redemption—then we are complicit in all of the horrible crimes that government commits in our name.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Countdown Segment: Bushed!

By Logan Murphy |

Keith Olbermann has a new segment on Countdown called Bushed! that keeps track of past Bush scandals you may have forgotten about — because of all the new Bush scandals.


Click here for the video...

Terror detentions 'like apartheid-era'

By Correspondent in Cape Town |

ARCHBISHOP Desmond Tutu has accused the United States and Britain of pursuing policies like those of South Africa's apartheid-era government by detaining terrorism suspects without trial.

At an event to commemorate the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDR) today, the Nobel laureate said the detention of suspected al-Qaeda and Taliban members at the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was a "huge blot on a democracy".

"Whoever imagined that you would hear from the United States and from Britain the same arguments for detention without trial that were used by the apartheid government," Archbishop Tutu said.


Countdown: CIA Agent Involved In Torture Tapes Now Says Waterboarding Is Torture

By Logan Murphy |

The #5 story on Monday’s Countdown delivered a bombshell - John Kiriakou, a former CIA agent who actually led the team of agents who appeared on the destroyed torture tapes has come forward in an interview with ABC to confirm the tapes DID show waterboarding and that while he believes the technique was effective, he now believes it is torture and is wrong. It’s becoming more and more difficult for President Bush to convince the world that he hasn’t committed war crimes.


Click here for video...

White House, Press Spinning Iran’s Centrifuges

By Ray McGovern | InformationClearingHouse

Those who know about the centrifuges used to refine uranium tell me they must spin at an almost unrivaled velocity—almost unrivaled, because Bush administration statements are being spun at equivalent speed by White House and corporate media spiders. Without Spinmeister Karl Rove and former spokesman Tony Snow, it is amateur hour at the White House. And the theater would be as funny as The Daily Show, were the subject not so serious.


Monday, December 10, 2007

Webster Tarpley - The "War On Terror" Is A Fraud


Webster Tarpley discusses the tactics used by todays ruling class.


When Is Bush Going to Come Clean?

By Paul Craig Roberts | InformationClearingHouse

The recent disclosure that the latest National Intelligence Estimate concludes that Iran halted its nuclear weapon program several years ago, assuming Iran ever had such a program, has caused consternation among neoconservatives, right-wing Israeli government officials, and Bush regime ranks.

Members of the right-wing Israeli government have denounced the NIE finding as contrary to Israel’s interests. Former Bush regime official John Bolton accused America’s intelligence agencies with conspiring to discredit President Bush with politicized intelligence. According to Bolton, it is US intelligence agencies, not the neoconservatives, who have their “own agenda.” President Bush has promised to continue his threats against Iran regardless of the NIE finding.

The NIE finding puts Bush on the spot by bringing US intelligence up to speed with the International Atomic Energy Agency, whose director has repeatedly reported, as he did on December 4, that “the agency has no concrete evidence of an ongoing nuclear weapons program or undeclared nuclear facilities in Iran.”


My Bush Would Make a Better President



CIA destroyed torture tapes

By Joe Kay |

The revelation that the Central Intelligence Agency destroyed at least two video tapes depicting the torture of prisoners held by the United States underscores the brazen criminality of the Bush administration. Aside from the torture itself, the elimination of evidence of brutal interrogation exposes top CIA and government officials to obstruction of justice charges.

In an article published on Friday, the New York Times cites several unnamed current and former government officials in reporting that “at least two videotapes” were destroyed.


The Ticking Lie Scenario

By David Bromwich | The Huffington Post

President Bush, at his press conference on Tuesday, pleaded ignorance as his excuse for statements going back many months--statements which, if made with knowledge and not from ignorance, were treacherous, deceptive, and entailed a deliberate risk to the security of the United States.

He said he didn't know the contents of the December 2007 National Intelligence Estimate until a few days ago. This, he implied, was the reason why he spoke freely and provocatively through the summer and fall about the direness of the international threat posed by Iran. A pardonable error, since he was using the best intelligence available to him at the time.

The NIE seems to have been made public as a result of pressure within the intelligence community. The new findings about Iran, if kept secret and distorted, might deeply affect the future of the United States; and so their release became a patriotic obligation. A similar motive can be heard in some recent court decisions and in public statements by leaders of the armed forces.

The National Intelligence Estimate of December 3 says: "We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program."


Saturday, December 08, 2007

Unfit To Serve
"You, Mr.. Bush, are a bald-faced liar."

MSNBC - Broadcast 12/06/07

A Special Comment about the President’s cataclysmic deception about Iran.


The Media is a Two-sided Sword That Carves Our Fate, But We Are the Millions...

By Vincent L. Guarisco | TheTruthSeeker

'Circus dogs jump when the trainer cracks his whip.' ~George Orwell

Today’s media magicians really do perform in magical ways! Please remind me later (after the revolution) to nominate many of them for Academy Awards -- such stunning performances! Let's get to the meat, shall we? Did you enjoy the way the great American empire instructed its biggest tricksters to contain those of us who possess any real hint of rebelliousness or realism for independent thinking on what the hell is going on? Loud little suckers, aren’t they? Indeed. Well, keep the ear muffs on because this media circus will continue unabated as we endure another cryptic year in our ongoing struggle to survive tyranny in this land of dwindling opportunity. This will not change overnight. Yes, the circus trainer cracks his whip and the media dogs do jump to their profitable delight, but this we must endure for a little while longer, because blowhards are eternal and every devil gets his due...and we are the millions.


Thursday, December 06, 2007

White House Reveals Bush Lied: Was Told In August Iran’s Nuclear Program ‘May Be Suspended’

By Faiz |

On Tuesday, President Bush said he was never forewarned by the intelligence community that Iran had suspended its nuclear weapons program in 2003:
    In August, I think it was John — Mike McConnell came in and said, We have some new information. He didn’t tell me what the information was.
Now the White House is revealing that wasn’t true. In fact, Bush did know what the information was. CNN reports:
    President Bush was told in August that Iran’s nuclear weapons program ‘may be suspended,’ the White House said Wednesday, which seemingly contradicts the account of the meeting given by Bush Tuesday.”
The White House statement released by Dana Perino tonight also states McConnell told Bush “the new information might cause the intelligence community to change its assessment of Iran’s covert nuclear program.”

On Tuesday, Bush said “nobody ever told me” to back down from his hawkish rhetoric on Iran. No, maybe not. But Bush knew Iran “may have suspended” its nuclear weapons program and that the intelligence community was in the process of “changing its assessment.” And yet, he continued to warn of “World War III” and a “nuclear holocaust” because nobody told him specifically to stop.


Cheney: By Jan. 2009, Iraq Will Be A True ‘Democracy In The Heart Of The Middle East’

By Amanda |

Today in a new interview with Politico, Vice President Cheney said that he is “confident” Iraq will eventually be in a “good” enough place that the administration will be able to look back and say, “That was the right decision. It was a sound decision going into Iraq.” When will that time be? According to Cheney, Jan. 2009:
    But Cheney said that by the middle of January 2009, it will be clear that “we have in fact achieved our objective in terms of having a self-governing Iraq that’s capable for the most part of defending themselves, a democracy in the heart of the Middle East, a nation that will be a positive force in influencing the world around it in the future.”

    All of that by 2009? “Yes, sir,” he replied.
The Bush administration has been pledging this flourishing democracy since the United States invaded almost five years ago. Some of Cheney’s promises:
    We would act in that same spirit after a regime change in Iraq. With our help, a liberated Iraq can be a great nation once again. Iraq is rich in natural resources and human talent, and has unlimited potential for a peaceful and a prosperous future. Our goal would be an Iraq that has territorial integrity, a government that is democratic and pluralistic, a nation where the human rights of every ethnic and religious group are recognized and respected. [8/26/02]

US intelligence report shows war drive against Iran based on lies

By Bill Van Auken | WSWS

President Bush used a White House press conference Tuesday to defend his administration’s policy of aggression towards Iran. He insisted that new findings by US intelligence agencies that Teheran has no active nuclear weapons program would not change his policy in the slightest.

The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) that was issued on Monday, reflecting the assessments made by 16 US spy agencies, reversed the conclusion made two years earlier that Iran was seeking to develop nuclear weapons and instead claimed the country had “halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003.”

It also expressed the opinion that Iran would be unable to produce a nuclear weapon, if it were to attempt to do so, before the year 2015.

These findings constitute a damning indictment of the Bush administration’s relentless fear-mongering in relation to an alleged nuclear threat from Iran. They demonstrate that just as in the buildup to the war against Iraq five years ago, the White House has been engaged in a systematic campaign to drag the American people into another war based on lies.


Putin's Landslide


Putin believes Russia’s vast energy and mineral resources will eventually make it the world’s leading power. Only 55 years old, Putin might even live to see this triumphant day for Mother Russia.


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job
Man who set up Operation Gladio tells Italy's largest newspaper attacks were run by CIA, Mossad

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

Former Italian President and the man who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio Francesco Cossiga has gone public on 9/11, telling Italy's most respected newspaper that the attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies.


Monday, December 03, 2007

Despite Knowledge That Iran Halted Nuke Program, White House Continued To Warn Of False Threat

By Amanda |

The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) released today concludes that “in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program.” It adds that “Tehran had not restarted its nuclear weapons program as of mid-2007,” and the country is “less determined to develop nuclear weapons than we have been judging since 2005.”

The assessment, which relies on data collected through Oct. 31, was reportedly completed in 2006, but was blocked by administration officials who wanted it to be more in line with Vice President Cheney’s hardline views.


When We Do It, It's Okay.

Smoking Mirrors Blog

In America you have free speech - unless we don’t like it. You have the freedom of assembly, as long as it’s a mile away behind a chain link fence. You can vote for your president and he will be the president unless we don’t like it and then we’ll rig the votes and send the decision to our homeboys in the court; if it’s closer than we wanted.

It’s a funny thing about how the land of the free has more people in prison than anywhere else. It’s a funny thing how the land of opportunity has more homeless people than anywhere else except in the countries where we are making people homeless while we bring them democracy. It’s a funny thing about how we have so much crime.


Saturday, December 01, 2007

Reckoning: The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

When we look back someday at the catastrophe that was the Bush administration, we will think of many things: the tragedy of the Iraq war, the shame of Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib, the erosion of civil liberties. The damage done to the American economy does not make front-page headlines every day, but the repercussions will be felt beyond the lifetime of anyone reading this page.

I can hear an irritated counterthrust already. The president has not driven the United States into a recession during his almost seven years in office. Unemployment stands at a respectable 4.6 percent. Well, fine. But the other side of the ledger groans with distress: a tax code that has become hideously biased in favor of the rich; a national debt that will probably have grown 70 percent by the time this president leaves Washington; a swelling cascade of mortgage defaults; a record near-$850 billion trade deficit; oil prices that are higher than they have ever been; and a dollar so weak that for an American to buy a cup of coffee in London or Paris—or even the Yukon—becomes a venture in high finance.

And it gets worse. After almost seven years of this president, the United States is less prepared than ever to face the future. We have not been educating enough engineers and scientists, people with the skills we will need to compete with China and India. We have not been investing in the kinds of basic research that made us the technological powerhouse of the late 20th century. And although the president now understands—or so he says—that we must begin to wean ourselves from oil and coal, we have on his watch become more deeply dependent on both.


Rabbi Weiss, Outside Annapolis Peace Confab, Rips Zionism


On Nov. 27, 2007, in Annapolis, MD, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, a spokesman for the Neturei Karta International, ripped into Zionism. He blasted the Zionists for its supposed "fearmongering." He also accused the Zionists of "beating" Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem. His remarks were made outside the U.S. Naval Academy, on Randall Street, near Gate I, close to the waterfront, in this port city. A Middle East "Peace" conference was being held inside the Naval Academy.
For background on Neturei Karta International, see: and on the "Middle East Peace Conference," check out this analysis:


Citigroup deal highlights US banking crisis

By Joe Kay |

On Monday, US banking giant Citigroup announced a deal with Abu Dhabi to secure a $7.5 billion cash infusion. The arrangement is intended to shore up the bank’s financing amidst an ongoing credit crisis, but the desperate character of the deal is an indication of the deep crisis facing American capitalism.

Citigroup—the largest US bank and the largest corporation in the world measured by assets—has been particularly hard hit by the deflation of the US housing market, which has called into question the value of hundreds of billions of dollars in mortgages and securities.

Certain basic measurements of the bank’s financial health have fallen sharply in recent months—in particular its capital ratio, representing the amount of assets the bank has relative to its liabilities. To provide a temporary bandage for this problem, the bank arranged the deal with the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), a state institution of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates.



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