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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Litvinenko: Case Closed

The Irish Bulletin Blog

It seems that days before the poisoning of the former KGB agent hit the headlines, Russia and the government of the United Kingdom (I stress the government, not any particular person within that structure) were preparing to sign an extradition treaty, guaranteeing mutual co-operation in transferring criminal elements from one country to the other, as the need arises.

Of course, top of that extradition list would be one Mr. Boris Berezovsky (left), who is wanted by the Russian authorities for a variety of crimes. Facing the dock for looting Russia of billions - ostensibly for the benefit of his "motherland" of Israel - it's clear that the former oligarch, a close friend of Blair, Bush and co., needed a distraction - and quickly. The Russians were fully aware of this from the beginning, thus explaining their calm, collected approach to the contrived "East-West crisis". More...

Litvinenko and the Apartheid State of Israel

By Joe Quinn | Sign Of The Times

The polonium allegedly used to kill Alexander "Sasha" Litvinenko has now been traced not only to the dead mans' own home and that of Russian Oligarch in exile Berezovsky, but also to the headquarters of "security and risk management company", Erinys International. "Security and risk management company" is simply a politically correct name to describe those companies that hire and then rent out ruthless mercenaries to carry out the US government's dirty work in Iraq - the murder of any Iraqi who gets in the way of the US corporate looting of Iraq's wealth.

Such "private" firms are required because, to use US or British troops to protect US and European big business operations in Iraq would immediately expose the real reason for the Iraq invasion. Of the dozens of such "security and risk management" companies currently with their hands in the Iraq cookie jar, the vast majority were established since the US invasion of Iraq. No coincidence there.

One of the founders of Erinys is Sean Cleary, a South African and ex-Apartheid era official. Sean Cleary is closely linked with Jonas Savimbi, leader of the UNITA rebel movement in Angola. (take note of the mention of Angola, it comes back to haunt us later). Erinys has its headquarters in the CIA/MI6/Mossad international drug-running, human-trafficking, money-laundering playground of Dubai. In the summer of 2003, Erinys was awarded an $80-million contract to provide security for Iraq's oil infrastructure. Today, Erinys has more than 15,000 employees and is the biggest employer in the private security business in Iraq. More...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Only paranoia can justify the world's second biggest military budget
Britain's level of defence spending isn't related to real threats we face, but the needs of our military-industrial complex

By George Monbiot | The Guardian

No one noticed. Or if they did, no one complained. The government didn't even bother to issue a press release. Last week the Ministry of Defence quietly secured a £1.7bn increase in its budget. The spending for 2006-7 was allocated months ago, which means that another fund must have been raided to find the extra money. It's the equivalent of half the annual budget for the Department for International Development. But another billion or two doesn't make much difference when we are already sloshing out £32bn a year on a programme whose purpose is a mystery. More...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

John Stockwell: The Third World War

Edited and directed by Kurt Nimmo. Audio taken from America’s Third World War: How 6 million People Were killed in CIA secret wars against third world countries.

Contrary to Previous Reports, Cheney Was ‘Basically Summoned’ By Saudi Crown Prince

Think Progress

Last weekend, Vice President Cheney traveled to Saudi Arabia in a visit that “was originally portrayed as U.S. outreach to its oil-rich Arab ally.” Cheney made the trip purportedly to discuss a “range of regional issues,” Cheney’s spokeswoman said. The Associated Press reported that Cheney was “seen as a US diplomatic push to stem surging violence in Iraq.”

But today’s Washington Post reports that the push for the meeting came from the Saudis, not the other way around:
    Saudi Arabia is so concerned about the damage that the conflict in Iraq is doing across the region that it basically summoned Vice President Cheney for talks over the weekend, according to U.S. officials and foreign diplomats.
What does it say about the nature of U.S.-Saudi relations when the Vice President can be “summoned” by the Saudi Crown Prince? More...

Can Syria And Iran Help With Iraq?


Respect MP George Galloway and former US intelligence officer Bob Ayres, debate whether we should be talking to Iran and Syria about stabilising Iraq, or if we should keep those countries at arm's length?

George Galloway - Islamophobia part 1


For Islamophobia part 2: Click here

Monday, November 27, 2006

They lied their way into Iraq. Now they are trying to lie their way out
Bush and Blair will blame anyone but themselves for the consequences of their disastrous war - even its victims

By Gary Younge | The Guardian

'In the endgame," said one of the world's best-ever chess players, José Raúl Capablanca, "don't think in terms of moves but in terms of plans." The situation in Iraq is now unravelling into the bloodiest endgame imaginable. Both popular and official support for the war in those countries that ordered the invasion is already at a low and will only get lower. Whatever mandate the occupiers may have once had from their own electorates - in Britain it was none, in the US it was precarious - has now eroded. They can no longer conduct this war as they have been doing. More...

Suspect Nation

Information Clearing House

Since Tony Blair's New Labour government came to power in 1997, the UK civil liberties landscape has changed dramatically. The right to remain silent is no longer universal. Our right to privacy, free from interception of communications has been severely curtailed. The ability to travel without surveillance (or those details of our journeys being retained) has disappeared.

Contracting “Clean Break” Chaos in Iraq

Dick Fojut’s Are 70,000 Pentagon Mercs Killing Iraqis? (Is Grass Green?) is compelling enough to include here in total. But first, here’s the trailer from Shadow Company, a documentary concerning “contractors,” i.e., hired guns, in Iraq.


Interview With George Galloway
"George Bush and Tony Blair are not Christians"

Information Clearing House

George Galloway is an outspoken politician. He's vehemently against both the war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Click play to view

The Secret Government


Thursday, November 23, 2006

Private Spies Stalk The Internet
Trying to entrap non-existent "Al-Qaeda cells" into incriminating themselves

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

An organization of highly trained, committed and ruthless individuals with links to global intelligence agencies are using the Internet to try to foment terrorism in order to advance their unified political agenda. No it's not Al-Qaeda, it's Vigil, the elite private spies who are stalking the web and telling the government about any e-speech they deem suspicious.

The Scotsman reports,

The organisation is not the US Central Intelligence Agency or Britain's MI6 but Vigil, a shadowy network of retired spies, senior military personnel, anti-terrorism specialists and banking experts. More...

Olbermann schools Bush on Vietnam


"As Long As You're Not Doing Anything Wrong, You Have Nothing To Worry About"
Tired cliche to cover big brother agenda doesn't wash anymore

By Steve Watson |

I am personally sick of hearing the above phrase used whenever the latest surveillance tool is trotted out and used on the public as a means of control. It's worn out and doesn't work anymore. People are finally beginning to stop laughing at the madness of the big brother society, but will it be too late when people begin to see the seriousness of the threat?

Endlessly used as an excuse to pass into everyday use policies and technology that are eroding our freedoms and giving our governments more control and responsibility over our lives are phrases such as "Why worry if you have nothing to hide?"

Since when were long established civil liberties and the citizen's right to privacy replaced with this "new freedom", this "freedom lite" shall we call it, this guilty until proven innocent mantra?

The problem lies with what is considered to be "something to hide". More...

Missing presumed tortured

By Stephen Grey | Newstatesman

More than 7,000 prisoners have been captured in America's war on terror. Just 700 ended up in Guantanamo Bay. Between extraordinary rendition to foreign jails and disappearance into the CIA's "black sites", what happened to the rest?


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Iraq: The Hidden War

Information Clearing House

- Warning -
This video contains images that should only be viewed by a mature audience


Blair is wildly exaggerating the threat posed by terrorism
Craving a monstrous enemy, the prime minister has vastly overstated this supposed threat to world security

Simon Jenkins | The Guardian

What is it about a desert that drives men mad? On Monday morning the prime minister stood on the Afghan sand and said: "Here in this extraordinary piece of desert is where the fate of world security in the early 21st century is going to be decided."

Tony Blair was talking to soldiers he had sent to fight the toughest guerrillas on earth for control of southern Afghanistan. He told them: "Your defeat [of the Taliban] is not just on behalf of the people of Afghanistan but the people of Britain ... We have got to stay for as long as it takes."

The prime minister's brain has clearly lost touch with reality. More...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Iraq: Unwinnable and Unsolvable – And Exactly As Planned

By Reggie | TvNewsLies

Don’t kid yourself. This is exactly the way they want it to be: chaotic, devastating, confusing, horrendous, and right on target. Clever bastards, these neocons – their goals were always so damn clear, and they finally got there: get into Iraq and find a way to stay there forever. Forever, folks, - that’s always and into eternity. That was the plan from day one, and that’s the way it’s working out. More...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Swedish human rights worker viciously attacked by Jewish extremists in Hebron

International Solidarity Movement

Jewish extremists punched the 19-year-old Tove Johansson as she accompanied Palestinian children home, breaking her jaw and spitting at her as they chanted: “We killed Jesus, we’ll kill you too!” More...

White House brushes off CIA draft on Iran: report


A view of the Arak heavy-water project, 120 miles southwest of Tehran, August 26, 2006. The White House dismissed a classified CIA draft assessment that found no conclusive evidence of a secret Iranian nuclear weapons program, the New Yorker reported. (ISNA/Handout/Reuters)
Reuters Photo: A view of the Arak heavy-water project, 120 miles southwest of Tehran, August 26, 2006....

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House dismissed a classified CIA draft assessment that found no conclusive evidence of a secret Iranian nuclear weapons program, The New Yorker magazine reported.

The article by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh said the CIA's analysis was based on technical intelligence collected by satellites and on other evidence like measurements of the radioactivity of water samples.

"The CIA found no conclusive evidence, as yet, of a secret Iranian nuclear weapons program running parallel to the civilian operations that Iran has declared to the International Atomic Energy Agency," according to the article. More...

Democrats and Republicans Agree: Iraq Shall Suffer Occupation in Perpetuum


nooccupation.jpgAs it turns out, predictably so, the tussle between neocon Republicans and their kissing cousin neoliberal Democrat relatives is not about ending the “war” in Iraq but rather over how many brainwashed kids will be sent there to be shot up, killed and maimed, afflicted with “mysterious diseases” that translate into a “debilitating death sentence,” thanks to depleted uranium (see Soldiers Face Debilitating Diseases).

“[Incoming House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer] said Democrats would continue funding the existing troop levels,” reports the Associated Press. “Our objective was to remove Saddam Hussein and create an environment in which a democracy could be established. That has been done.” More...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Iraq is a 'disaster' admits Blair

By Tim Shipman | Daily Mail

Blair's most frank admission yet over the war in Iraq came during an interview on the new Al Jazeera English television channel with Sir David Frost
Tony Blair admitted that British intervention in Iraq has been a disaster last night - sending shockwaves through Westminster.

In his frankest admission about the war to date, Mr Blair admitted that Western forces have been powerless to stop the descent into violence.

The Prime Minister stopped short of accepting the blame for plunging Iraq to the brink of civil war - blaming instead the insurgent uprising that has killed 125 British troops.

But his admission in an interview with the Arab new channel Al Jazeera will be seen as an historic climbdown for Mr Blair, who has always fought to put a positive gloss on often disastrous events.


Friday, November 17, 2006

Olmert Hugs Bush, Praises Iraq War

By Nathan Guttman |

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert raised eyebrows this week when he praised America’s war in Iraq as a “great operation” that brought stability to the Middle East.

Olmert made his remarks Monday during a White House press conference with President Bush, before heading to Los Angeles to speak at a major gathering of thousands of Jewish communal activists.

“We are very much impressed and encouraged by the stability which the great operation of America in Iraq brought to the Middle East,” Olmert said as he sat next to Bush in the Oval Office. More...

Neocons to "Forget about the democracy crap" in Iraq
Bush cabal More Dangerous Than Ever
Realization that their days in power are numbered spells trouble for America

Steve Watson |

161106iraq-troops&prisoner.jpgNews today that the Bush Administration is to intensify operations in Iraq, rather than concede to withdrawal, and that domestically they are desperately attempting to pass last minute warrantless surveillance legislation, indicates that the Neocon leadership is more desperate, more determined and more dangerous than ever.

The London Guardian today reported that internal strategy documents being prepared by long term Bush ally James Baker, under the guise of the "Independent" Iraq Study Group, will advocate "a last big push" to win the war involving an increase of US forces by up to 20,000 soldiers. More...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

US soldier admits Iraq girl rape

BBC News

Room where alleged rape and killing took place
US investigations into deaths

A US Army soldier has pleaded guilty to raping a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and helping murder her and her family.

James Barker agreed to the plea deal at the start of his court-martial in the US to avoid the death penalty, his civilian lawyer said.

A criminal investigation began in June into the killing of the family of four in their home in Mahmudiya, south of Baghdad, in March 2006.

Specialist Barker is one of four US soldiers charged with murder. More...

Germany urged to prosecute Rumsfeld for war crimes

By Tony Paterson | The Independent

Human rights activists are trying to persuade German prosecutors to open a war crimes investigation against the outgoing US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld over his alleged role in abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. More...

Now Daddy Bush Slams Bloggers
Blames Internet for "ugly climate," echoes vitriolic rhetoric of web haters

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison

During an appearance with his wife Barbara on Fox News last night, George Bush senior slammed Internet bloggers for creating an adversarial and ugly climate, echoing the rhetoric of fellow Neo-Cons and the White House itself in trashing the reputation of the world wide web.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

CIA acknowledges existence of presidential order authorizing it to detain, interrogate terror suspects overseas


In response to an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit, the CIA has finally acknowledged the existence of a presidential order authorizing the agency to detain and interrogate terror suspects overseas.

"For more than two years, the CIA had refused to either deny or confirm the existence of the documents and had argued in court that doing so could jeopardize national security," the ACLU notes in a press release received by RAW STORY. More...

Monday, November 13, 2006

Cheney’s Revenge

By Mike Whitney | Uruknet

Cheney doesn’t like to be betrayed, in fact, Cheney hates to be betrayed. Loyalty is the only virtue among thieves, and Bush has violated that basic bond. That probably means big trouble for George W. Bush in the future.

Understandably, the country is breathing a sigh of relief after the midterm elections, but it may be a bit premature. Cheney may be down, but he’s not out. And, unfortunately, nothing has really changed. Cheney hasn’t abandoned his plan for global domination and he still has plenty of agents lurking in the shadows who will carry out his agenda. His problem now is how to get back “in the game” and settle scores with the people who screwed him over. More...

Israeli Snipers Killing U.S. Troops in Iraq?


Anderson Cooper of CNN showed this video (without the rifle info) of snipers killing U.S. troops in Iraq on his October 18, 2006 show. CNN says it obtained the video from a “representative” of an unnamed “insurgent leader.” Bear in mind that Anderson Cooper used to work for the CIA.

Richard Wilson’s hypothesis: Israeli soldiers and/or Mossad agents are killing our soldiers in Iraq in order to enrage American troops so that the slaughter continues.

Proof: At the very beginning of this video clip, you see a rifle with a video camera attached to it. This weapon is made by the Rafael company, an Israeli arms manufacturer, that also makes IEDs. More...

Ostrovsky on ADL and "labeling" people


Former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky explains the collusion between ADL of B'nai B'rith and Mossad. Note: The "Pete" referred to is former US Congressman Paul "Pete" McCloskey.

Click here, "for Ostrovsky on Mossad and Jewish loyalties..."

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Outrage at London sting by US spies

By Christopher Leake | UK Daily Mail

Undercover American agents are staging secret 'sting' operations in Britain against criminal and terrorist suspects they want to extradite to the US. In a recent operation, agents from America's Department of Homeland Security set up a suspect by posing as dealers wanting to illegally sell night-vision goggles for export to Iran. More...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

VIDEO: Massacre of Palestinian Women and Children
Israel's "Cloud of Autumn" Massacre in Gaza

By Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research

The "hidden agenda" behind Israel's so-called "unilateral disengagement plan" (leading to the 2005 evacuation of Jewish Settlers) is to transform Gaza into a concentration camp.

How long will the Western media, which claims to be balanced, continue to justify Israeli war crimes?

View the video


Cheney in a Box
Dead Ender, Gone Hunting ...

By Mike Whitney | Uruknet

Right now, Cheney is probably huddled somewhere with his national security team, rubbing his sweaty-hands together, figuring out how he can get back in the game and keep his fetid plan moving forward.

Cheney is smart; real smart. Smart like a cobra. He’s not going down without a fight and he doesn’t give a damn if he takes the whole country with him.

This is all about Cheney now; Dick Cheney, political survivor and skilled bureaucratic infighter. If anyone thinks that he’s going to sit around waiting for the Democrats to start sniffing around the Republican corruption-cesspool; they’re crazy. More...

Friday, November 10, 2006

MI5 Dame: Brit Intelligence Busy Creating Terror Events


Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, director general of MI5, wants Brits to be afraid.

“There are up to 30 alleged ‘mass casualty’ terror plots in operation in Britain, as well as hundreds of young British Muslims on a path to radicalization,” reports the Independent. “Describing the scale of the home-grown terrorist problem, she said MI5 and the police were tackling 200 groups or networks totalling more than 1,600 identified individuals in the UK who were ‘actively engaged in plotting or facilitating terrorist acts,’” never mind that such terrorist acts rarely come to fruition, usually instead sputtering out into absurd allegations of liquid bombs and other fantastical plots nipped in the bud, or so we are expected to believe, that is after we suspend credibility, again for the umpteenth time. More...

What If Israel Had Never Been Created?
“Imagine there's no countries...Nothing to live or die for...Imagine all the people living life in peace.”
- John Lennon

By Anonymous | Truthseeker

Thanks mostly to U.S. President Harry S. Truman and his “susceptibility to Zionist influence,” Israel came into existence in 1948. (1) Humanity, and in particular, the Palestinians, have paid dearly for his decision. The land on which the Palestinians had been living for centuries, in peace, with a minority Jewish population, has been gradually transformed into an Apartheid State by the machinations of the Zionist Movement. That Apartheid State, in turn, is today dominated by Israel's Death-Mayhem-and-Occupation Machine. More...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Saddam: Let's now charge the accomplices

By John Pilger | Information Clearing House

Why isn't George Bush Snr being charged? In 1992, a congressional inquiry found that Bush as president had ordered a cover-up to conceal his secret support for Saddam and the illegal arms shipments being sent to Iraq via third countries. More...

"End of a Six Year Nightmare"

European Reaction | De Spiegel

Following the midterm slap in the face to the Bush Adminstration there has been little sympathy in Europe for the beleaguered White House. The day after the Republicans lost control of the House of Representatives, in much of Europe there is quiet satisfaction -- and relief. More...

Malachi Ritscher: A Martyr For Peace


Here is his testament:

My actions should be self-explanatory, and since in our self-obsessed culture words seldom match the deed, writing a mission statement would seem questionable. So judge me by my actions. Maybe some will be scared enough to wake from their walking dream state - am I therefore a martyr or terrorist? I would prefer to be thought of as a 'spiritual warrior'. Our so-called leaders are the real terrorists in the world today, responsible for more deaths than Osama bin Laden. More...

The Antiwar Wave
Voters repudiate interventionism

In the end, it didn't matter what John Kerry said or didn't say: it didn't matter that Saddam Hussein was condemned to death, and, most of all, it didn't matter that the White House fell back on its post-9/11 strategy of implying that a vote for the Democrats is a vote for Osama bin Laden – the antiwar wave that has been rising for months crashed and broke over the heads of the Republican Party, sweeping away all but the most entrenched incumbents. This election, in the broadest sense, was a referendum on the Iraq war – and the results are a dramatic rebuke to the War Party.

No amount of Republican scaremongering and cheap demagoguery was enough to stem the tide. An electorate that was sick of a war that they thought should never have been fought in the first place rose up and swatted the neoconized GOP. More...

Neo Culpa – Now They Tell Us!

David Rose –

As Iraq slips further into chaos, the war's neoconservative boosters have turned sharply on the Bush administration, charging that their grand designs have been undermined by White House incompetence. Target No. 1: the President himself. More...

Rumsfeld Dumped, Bush Suggests a Spook


It is all smoke and mirrors, as usual.

“Robert Gates, the 63-year-old career intelligence officer chosen to replace Donald Rumsfeld at the Pentagon, takes over with the clearest of missions: get American troops out of Iraq as quickly and cleanly as possible,” reports the Times Online.

In fact, this is not the “clearest of missions,” as Congress, increasingly under the control of the Democrat side of the Property Party equation, has not explicitly declared it plans to leave Iraq in the near future, fearing the connotation it has “cut and run” once again, this time allowing “al-Qaeda,” as Bush said during his press conference earlier today, to inundate Iraq and use it as a base of operations, never mind the Iraqi resistance is likely to resist “al-Qaeda” jihadists as a foreign contagion, and also never mind “al-Qaeda” is essentially a creation of American, Pakistani, and British intelligence. More...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

While You Voted, Palestinians Died


No matter who wins the midterm election, be it Democrats or Republicans, the slaughter in Palestine will continue.

In fact, it is a safe bet to conclude that the vast majority of the winners, and indeed most of the losers, support the criminal state of Israel, infamous for using U.S. supplied weapons to kill Palestinian school children.

Israel’s slaughter, fully supported by the neocons and most of our “representatives” sitting in Congress, is not even a campaign issue. Staunch support for Israel is a given. Pervert preachers may be paraded across the front page of newspapers and websites, but you will not see one photo of critically wounded children ushered into the hospital in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip. More...

The trial of Saddam Hussein and the coming trials of George W. Bush and Anthony Charles Lynton Blair

The Business of Emotions Blog

You need moral as well as legal authority to hang someone and this court had neither.

It was not only Saddam Hussein who was on trial, it was also the morality which propelled the invasion and motivated the behaviour and actions of the occupying forces.

It too is guilty.

To be hung is relatively quick and clean. What awaits this morality and its agents is much more unpleasant. More...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

OLBERMANN: “This country was founded to prevent anybody from making it up as they went along.”

By: Jamie Holly | Crooks & Liars

Having frightened us, having bullied us, having lied to us, having ignored and re-written the constitution under our noses, having stayed the course, having denied you've stayed the course, having belittled us about "timelines" but instead extolled "benchmarks"…

You've now resorted, Sir, to this?

We must stay in Iraq to save the two-dollar gallon of gas?

Video - WMV


Monday, November 06, 2006

Disputatious Neocons Unload on Vanity Fair


It’s unfair, complain the neocons. Vanity Fair promised to wait until after the election to publish their remarks critical of the Bush administration.

Moreover, according to the neocons, Vanity Fair did a bit of editorial hocus-pocus, thus making the neocons out to be nearly dovish, a downright horrifying prospect for these Machiavellian warmongers. Well, not exactly dovish, but close enough to irk them. Enough to have them pile on and accuse the magazine of “dirty tricks,” according to Frank Gaffney. More...

Outside the Box #76: Wayne Madsen Interview


Wayne Madsen is a Washington, D.C.-based investigative journalist, author, and syndicated columnist. His indispensible web site is located here. More...

Bush & Blair: The Iraq fantasy
Neither will admit that Iraq is a disaster. But while their state of denial may cost votes in Washington and London, on the frontline in the Middle East, it continues to cost lives

By Patrick Cockburn | The Independent

At least 3,000 Iraqis and 100 American soldiers are dying every month. The failure of the US and Britain at every level in Iraq is obvious to all. But the White House and Downing Street have lived in a state of permanent denial. On the Downing Street website are listed 10 "Big Issues" affecting the Prime Minister, but Iraq is not one of them. More...

Saddam sentence: Justice or travesty?


How any Christian, or follower of any main religion, can rejoice at a death sentence being passed, defies logic. The decision to murder Saddam Hussein by hanging is the latest in a string of actions which have flouted international law in recent years.

So, Saddam Hussein is to be hanged for signing the death warrants of 148 rebels, would-be murderers, in Dujail in 1982. Yet George Bush signed the death warrants of 152 people as Governor of Texas. Is he to be hanged for that? More...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Saddam verdict date 'rigged' for Bush

NZ Herald

Saddam Hussein

"This court is a creature of the US military occupation, and the Iraqi court is just a tool and rubber stamp of the invaders," More...

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Gore Vidal Calls for New 9/11 Investigation 'Before We Find Our Leaders Dragged off to The Hague in Chains'

He lines that problem up with a number of factors-- an under-read and largely ignorant populace as well as the media, which has been "bought and paid for 1000 times over. They couldn't tell the truth if they could find it." More...

Still in Denial about 9/11?


First Responders: "We were also killed on 9/11, avenge us."

For more "First Responder" vidoes, click here

Friday, November 03, 2006

Video - Answering Rumsfeld: This is the Iraqi police achievement
Roads to Iraq

The video was published by Iraqirabita, and the question is:

Can 250, 000 Iraqi policemen succeed protecting Iraq, if this is what they doing the whole day?

This is the answer to what Rumsfeld said:

I’m very comfortable with the increases they’ve proposed and the accelerations in achievement of some of their targets.

Evil Is As Evil Does

By Paul Craig Roberts

Perhaps Americans don’t notice, but the rest of the world does see the double standard applied when Saddam Hussein is put on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity, while US, UK, and Israeli government officials commit far greater crimes by illegally invading countries, targeting civilian populations, and torturing detainees. More...

The Dollar's Full-System Meltdown

By Mike Whitney | Information Clearing House

Capital has no loyalties. It follows the markets. When America’s bustling consumer market stalls, we’ll undergo capital flight just like everywhere else. The 3 million lost manufacturing jobs, the 200,000 lost high-paying high-tech jobs, the tax incentives for major corporations doing business outside the country; all signal that corporate America has already loaded the boats and is headed for more promising markets in Asia and Europe. More...

British believe Bush is more dangerous than Kim Jong-il
· US allies think Washington threat to world peace
· Only Bin Laden feared more in United Kingdom

By Julian Glover | The Guardian

The ICM poll ranks the US president with some of his bitterest enemies as a cause of global anxiety.

America is now seen as a threat to world peace by its closest neighbours and allies, according to an international survey of public opinion published today that reveals just how far the country's reputation has fallen among former supporters since the invasion of Iraq.

Carried out as US voters prepare to go to the polls next week in an election dominated by the war, the research also shows that British voters see George Bush as a greater danger to world peace than either the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, or the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Both countries were once cited by the US president as part of an "axis of evil", but it is Mr Bush who now alarms voters in countries with traditionally strong links to the US. More...

Video: Olbermann 'special comment' on White House campaign tactics
Mike Sheehan and David Edwards | Raw Story

On MSNBC's Countdown, Keith Olbermann remarks in his trademark "Special Comment" on the absurdity of the Bush administration's attacks on Sen. John Kerry, under fire for remarks construed by Republicans as an insult to American troops.
Olbermann recalls the violent 1856 caning by Rep. Preston Brooks of South Carolina on the vociferous, anti-slavery Sen. Charles Sumner of Massachusetts which disabled the senator for three years and was one of the memorable events leading up to the Civil War. In support, Brooks' constituents sent him new canes; drawing a parallel, Olbermann remarks, "We almost wonder to whom President Bush will send the next 'new cane.'"

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


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