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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

Litvinenko scandal now linked to Miami


Litvinenko-Scaramella-Berezovsky network now linked to Miami Beach, home of key members of the Russian-Israeli mob, Jeb and Marvin Bush's global financial interests, and right-wing zealots and intelligence operatives of various nationalities. More...

Hold these grotesque executioners to account

By Iain Macwhirter | Sunday Herald

So, who is going to hold the executioners to account?

Who will try Bush and Blair, the authors of an invasion which was almost certainly illegal under international law and which has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians? Shouldn't they be in the dock?

They ordered the invasion of Iraq on the dubious pretext of disarming weapons of mass destruction which weren't there. They deceived the international community and their own people in order to justify the invasion of a country which posed no military threat. That is perilously close to prima facie evidence of a war crime. More...

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hanging Saddam

By Mike Whitney | Information Clearing House

Capital punishment is a moral evil. The state never has the right to kill its own people regardless of their crimes; Saddam is no exception. But the premeditated murder of Saddam is particularly appalling, because it is stupid as well as unjust. It cuts off dialogue with the very people (the Ba’athist-led resistance) who need to be entered into the political process to achieve normalization. Bush is destroying his last chance for a negotiated settlement and paving the way for America’s total defeat. More...

Friday, December 29, 2006

The Disrespect for Truth has Brought a New Dark Age

By Paul Craig Roberts | Information Clearing House

The belief in truth is fading from our society. It is unclear that scientists themselves any longer believe in truth or the ability to discover it.

The discovery of truth is no longer the purpose of our criminal justice system. Once prosecutors believed that it was better for ten guilty men to go free than for one innocent person to be wrongfully convicted. Today prosecutors believe in high conviction rates to justify their budgets and re-election.

In the past police solved crimes. Today they round up suspects and pressure them. More...

Israeli suspect wanted in Russian Spy case

Two things are notable about this development - (1) it points to a continuing struggle between Russian and israeli oil interests, and (2) now that an israeli is implicated in the poisoning, the mainstream media is no longer reporting on it.

Litvinenko scandal now knocking on the door at Number 10 Downing Street.


Litvinenko-Berezovsky-Scaramella polonium scandal now knocking on the door at Number 10 Downing Street.
The source of Litvinenko's "death bed" photo, which was shopped successfully to the world's media, was Bell Pottinger, a British public relations firm headed by Tim Bell, also known as Lord Bell of Belgravia. Bell is a former Saatchi & Saatchi public relations guru who became Margaret Thatcher's top spin doctor who is now closely linked to top public relations spinmeisters in Tony Blair's "New Labor" Party machine.

Bell, who is the top PR handler for Berezovsky, has also counted among his clients the late Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, South Africa's National Party (the party of the apartheid regime) (Bell's pro-apartheid PR counterpart in Washington during the 1980s was none other than Jack Abramoff), Thatcher's African mercenary-imbued son Mark Thatcher, the government of Saudi Arabia, News Corporation's Rupert Murdoch, Berezovsky's patron Boris Yeltsin, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei, "Friends of Alexander Litvinenko," and the "democracy" campaign in Iraq in association with Dubai-based Bates PanGulf and the media consultancy Balloch & Roe. More...

Thursday, December 28, 2006

What freedom of information?
Ministers are accused of scuppering right-to-know legislation

By Robert Verkaik, Law Editor | The Independent

Labour's flagship freedom of information laws are being blocked by ministers who are increasingly refusing to answer routine inquiries about government policy, new figures show.

Seven government departments, including the department in charge of monitoring the new powers, are identified in a Whitehall report as refusing to give answers to more than half of all requests made by the public. More...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

We're the incredible shrinking party, says Labour contender

Greg Husrt, Political Correspondent | TimesOnline
  • 'Blair turned us into virtual reality'
  • Decline slowing counters chairman
Disillusion with Labour is now so great that the party is losing a member every 20 minutes, a candidate for the Labour deputy leadership has claimed.

John Cruddas, the only candidate from outside the Cabinet to stand for the post, suggested that the party would have no members in less than a decade if it kept losing them at the same rate.

Since 1997, when membership peaked at 405,000, Labour had lost more than half its members, Mr Cruddas said. The trend accelerated after 2000 to the equivalent of 27,000 lost members a year. If such a rate continued, Labour, which has just under 200,000 members, would have lost them all by 2013, he told the BBC. More...

The Enduring Legacy of Gerald R. Ford


I believe that the picture below tells us all we need to know about the lasting impact the presidency of Gerald R. Ford has had on the United States of America, the nation he so proudly led for a couple of years after pardoning the man who was at that time the biggest criminal ever to occupy the Oval Office:

Yes, it was Gerald R. Ford who took those famously amoral and criminally incompetent backroom operators, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, out of the lower quadrants of the twisted bowels of the Nixon White House and raised them to the highest levels of American government, where, in one form or another, overtly and covertly, they have inflicted their primitive ideology and violent psychodramas on the nation, and the world, for more than three decades.

Why the Bush crime family wants Saddam to die.


The Bushes want Saddam very dead: the Iraqi ex-dictator knows too much about the chem-bio weapons supplied to Iraq by Reagan and Bush.
Iraq's former dictator managed to avoid one of the world's most high-tech assassination efforts during the Iraq War campaign only to be allegedly discovered by U.S. forces hiding in a hole in the ground near Tikrit. There is little doubt that the trial of Saddam Hussein by a U.S. puppet government in the Green Zone of Baghdad has been a charade and a miscarriage of justice. Saddam's death sentence decided by an Iraqi government-appointed and U.S.-approved judge on Dec. 26 was never in doubt, considering the knowledge the former Iraqi leader possesses of past crimes of the Bush family and their coterie of friends and partners in providing Iraq with much of the biological and chemical weaponry used against the Kurds, Shi'as, and Iranians. More...

President Carter Says U.S. 'Prime Culprit' in Nuclear Proliferation

Sherwood Ross | Jones Report

Former President Jimmy Carter says by “rejecting or evading almost all nuclear arms control agreements negotiated during the past 50 years, the United States has now become the prime culprit in global nuclear proliferation.”

In his book “Our Endangered Values”(Simon & Schuster), Carter leaves no doubt he has that Great Proliferator, George W. Bush in mind, even though he doesn’t call him that or mention him by name. Just as damning, though, Carter quotes an article by ex-Defense Secretary Robert McNamara in last year’s May/June Foreign Policy: “I would characterize current U.S. nuclear weapons policy as immoral, illegal, militarily unnecessary and dreadfully dangerous.” And that indictment can be laid at the feet of only one hombre. More...

Disappearing world: Global warming claims tropical island
For the first time, an inhabited island has disappeared beneath rising seas.

Environment Editor Geoffrey Lean | The Independent

Rising seas, caused by global warming, have for the first time washed an inhabited island off the face of the Earth. The obliteration of Lohachara island, in India's part of the Sundarbans where the Ganges and the Brahmaputra rivers empty into the Bay of Bengal, marks the moment when one of the most apocalyptic predictions of environmentalists and climate scientists has started coming true.

As the seas continue to swell, they will swallow whole island nations, from the Maldives to the Marshall Islands, inundate vast areas of countries from Bangladesh to Egypt, and submerge parts of scores of coastal cities. More...

The Bush Administration's 9/11 Story is a Conspiracy Theory


The story that the Bush Administration wants the world to believe about 9/11, namely that it was planned and orchestrated entirely by Osama bin Laden from the Bat Cave, is the most ridiculous conspiracy theory on the Internet.

Click here for the video.

Backlash in Basra

The Truth Seeker

British troops seize and demolish a Basra police station, sparking anger in the civil authorities and prompting this writer to wonder: was this an attempt to destroy evidence of British involvement in false flag terror in Iraq?

The Spirit of Christmas: Bush banned from birthplace of Jesus Christ
"Their entry into the church will tarnish it as [Bush's] hands are covered in the blood of the innocent..."

Global Research

The Spirit of Christmas consists in spreading Peace and Justice.

The Spirit of Christmas is when War Criminals are banned from the Birthplace of Jesus Christ.

In April 2003 at the height of the military campaign directed against Iraq, the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem decided to ban President Bush and Prime Minister Blair from the birthplace of Jesus Christ.

"They are war criminals and murderers of children. Therefore the Church of Nativity decided to ban them access into the holy shrine for ever,"

"Their entry into the church will tarnish it as [Bush's] hands are covered in the blood of the innocent,”

You're attacking the wrong nation, Mr Blair
Saudi Arabia, not Iran, is the more malign regional power

Anatole Kaletsky | Times Online

It has been another awful week for Tony Blair, perhaps even worse than the mid-summer meltdown triggered by his fatally misjudged support for the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. First there was the craven surrender to Saudi Arabia’s demand for the suspension of Britain’s anti-corruption laws if they impinge on the personal finances of Saudi princes. Next came the derisive rejection of Mr Blair’s latest effort to “kick-start the Middle East peace process” by every leader in the region. This was followed by the devastating report from Britain’s leading foreign policy institute, explaining how the Prime Minister had subordinated national interests to his unrequited love affair with President Bush. Then to cap it all, Britain’s supposed ally, the Iraqi Vice-President, commented that Mr Blair had been “brainwashed” and “blackmailed” by Mr Bush. More...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Neo-con forgery fingerprints in Litvinenko case.


There is more evidence that the same neo-con perpetrators who forged the infamous Niger "yellowcake" uranium documents, documents purporting to link a number of French, Russian, British, and other politicians to UN "Oil-for-Food" fraud, and other fabrications designed to "prove" Iraqi possession of weapons of mass destruction were also behind the forgery of a package of e-mails, written in English and claiming to be from a source within the Russian Federal Security Bureau, that the Kremlin had a hit list of opponents to be eliminated through assassination. These included assassinated Russian journalist Anna Politovskaya, poisoned ex-KGB and FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko, right-wing Italian Senator Paolo Guzzanti, Russian-Israeli mob tycoon Boris Berezovsky, and the man who showed Litvinenko the e-mail forgeries, Italian operative Mario Scaramella.

The same capitals that were involved in the Iraqi war forgeries are part and parcel of the Russian FSB e-mail forgeries: Rome, Tel Aviv (where the Russian mobsters are primarily based), and London. More...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Blair lets slip...War for Israel


After the apparent contradiction of inviting Iran and Syria to help the US and UK out of their quagmire in Iraq [while] at the same time threatening them, Blair finally laid the cards on the table with a clear indication of whom we have been fighting this war for all along.

This is what he said when describing the government of Iran as a strategic threat:

"They seek to pin us back in Lebanon, in Iraq and in Palestine. Our response should be to expose what they are doing, build the alliances to prevent it and pin them back across the whole of the region."

Now we all know that the British have troops in Iraq and that the prime minister must try to safeguard their interests, however impossible a task this seems to become.

But that the British are fighting a war in Lebanon and Palestine is definitely news.

Hence, when Blair talks about "us" being pinned back in the Lebanon and in Palestine, he can only mean the Israelis, and thus for the first time has admitted that British foreign policy is shaped for their benefit. More...

It Can’t Be Won Militarily; So, Send More Troops?

By W. Patrick Lang and Ray McGovern | Information Clearing House

As Robert Gates takes the helm at the Pentagon this week, he can be in no doubt that Vice President Dick Cheney and President George W. Bush remain determined to stay the course in Iraq (without using those words) for the next two years. What Gates probably does not realize is that the U.S. military is about to commit hara-kiri. More...

Where's the Accountability for the Dead and Wounded?

By Sean Penn | Information Clearing House

Children grow up in our country -- many by the way, under conditions of extreme poverty -- and are told from a very early age "You will be accountable!" "With freedom, comes responsibility!" And so the lecture goes...Democratic and Republican alike. Lie-cheat-steal, and there will be consequences! Theft will be punished. Actions that cause the deaths of others will be severely punished. The message, from leaders in Washington, news media, mom, dad, and church is clear. Criminals MUST be held accountable. More...

Another Take On The BAE Saudi Arabia Arms Deal

By Said K. Aburish | Information Clearing House

Not for the first time, Saudi Arabia has demonstrated that it can use its political and financial power.

By threatening to cancel a huge contract for the Eurofighter Typhoon, the Saudis have forced Tony Blair to stop the Serious Fraud Office investigation into the bribery payments to members of their royal family by British Aerospace(BAe).

The SFO (Serious Fraud Office) has been investigating the Yamama II Saudi armament contract for two years. Experts described it as the largest arms deal in history. Many suspected it carried the largest single bribe in history. Though signed in 1988 and it has so far produced £43 ($86) billion worth of business, it is expected to produce £40 ($80) billion more in spare parts and maintenance work.

The government-to-government deal signed by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has been controversial from the start. During the negotiations for Yamama II, Wafic Said, the man identified by many as having steered the deal towards Britain, was known to have dined with Mrs Thatcher at No. 10 Downing Street. More...

Monday, December 18, 2006



Hosted by Lenny Bloom


Click here to listen

No 10 investigated for perversion of justice

Rajeev Syal | TimeOnline
  • Loans for honours cover-up suspected
  • Aides to be questioned about hampering police
Comment Central: just like in All the President's Men, it's the cover up that will get you

Downing Street aides and Labour officials involved in the cash-for-honours inquiry are being investigated on suspicion of perverting the course of justice, The Times has learnt.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has advised detectives to look into suspected attempts to hamper the nine-month investigation. Some e-mails and documents have yet to be handed over to the police while others have apparently “disappeared”. Some individuals are suspected of colluding over evidence. More...

It's Not Just Bush: We're Accountable Too

by Heather Wokusch |

Blaming everything on a handful of people at the top, no matter how destructive and abusive they've been, misses a critical point. Systems tend to self-perpetuate. Remove one player and the next comes in to ensure business as usual.

Remove Rumsfeld, a man who helped prop up Hussein in the 80's and skewed intelligence towards war, and who do you get? Robert Gates, a man who helped prop up Hussein in the 80's and skewed intelligence towards war.

Replacing those in power won't help if the power structure itself doesn't change. And that means addressing how our own actions maintain this dysfunctional system. More...

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Final, Ghastly Days of Blair


Master of the black arts of spin: Alastair Campbell

When Alastair Campbell left Downing Street in the wake of the death of Iraqi weapons expert Dr David Kelly, the Prime Minister's allies explicitly stated that he had learned his lesson.

They said that there would be no more spin, no more deception, no more smears, no more burying of bad news. Government henceforward was to be conducted on a straightforward basis.

How utterly wrong these claims turned out to be. I have been keeping a file of ministerial lies and deceptions, and it is now bulging.

Only last week, Defence Secretary Des Browne was forced to apologise to MPs after a leaked document showed that he had misled the House of Commons about plans to axe allowances to British soldiers serving in war zones.

Earlier this month, General Sir Mike Jackson, the former head of the Army, said that he warned ministers about the extreme danger of the Afghanistan expedition, exposing as a piece of tawdry spin John Reid's remarks that he hoped our soldiers would return 'without a shot being fired'. More...

Friday, December 15, 2006

Criminal II

Lenin's Tomb

The Prime Minister openly thwarts the rule of law in the name of the 'national interest':
    A major criminal investigation into alleged corruption by the arms company BAE Systems and its executives was stopped in its tracks yesterday when the prime minister claimed it would endanger Britain's security if the inquiry was allowed to continue.

    The remarkable intervention was announced by the attorney general, Lord Goldsmith, who took the decision to end the Serious Fraud Office inquiry into alleged bribes paid by the company to Saudi officials, after consulting cabinet colleagues.


Lenin's Tomb

Diplomat's suppressed document lays bare the lies behind Iraq war

By Colin Brown and Andy McSmith in The Independent

The Government's case for going to war in Iraq has been torn apart by the publication of previously suppressed evidence that Tony Blair lied over Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.

A devastating attack on Mr Blair's justification for military action by Carne Ross, Britain's key negotiator at the UN, has been kept under wraps until now because he was threatened with being charged with breaching the Official Secrets Act. More...

Saudi Arabia: Britain caved in to Saudi Blackmail?
Breaking an international convention against bribery & corruption

World Press Network

Major criminal investigation stopped
  • A major criminal investigation into alleged corruption by the arms company BAE Systems and its executives was stopped in its tracks yesterday when the prime minister claimed it would endanger Britain's security if the inquiry was allowed to continue.
  • The destruction of its inquiry will be a severe blow to the SFO which has spent more than £2m on what was its most extensive current investigation, and taken hundreds of pages of statements from witnesses.

Interview with Tom Heneghan
Saudi Ambassador resigns to avoid Fitzgerald subpoena


It can now be reported that the Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has evidence linking the Saudi Royal Family to Al Qaeda money laundering involving the CITI Bank, Deutsche Bank and the Israeli Mossad.

What makes this worse is that European Interpol has now connected the dots linking the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko to Ahmed Chalabi and the Italian double agent Scarmella aka "curve ball" and the Russian-Mossad Mobster Oleg Gordievski.

The financial link ties 'America Peace Group' in Chechnya to ERINYS LTD. of England and financial and operational activity relating the triggering of the War in Iraq and the events of September 11, 2001, and to what can now be described as the Saudi-Russian-Israeli Mossad Box. More...
Click here to listen to Tom Heneghan interview

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Boston Air Traffic Controller Says 9/11 An Inside Job
Knew people in FAA on day of hijackings who said intercept procedures should have been enacted as normal

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

A former Boston Center air traffic controller has gone public on his assertion that 9/11 was an inside job and that Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon tracked three of the four flights from the point of their hijacking to hitting their targets. In an astounding telephone interview, Robin Hordon claims air traffic controllers have been ignored or silenced to protect the true perpetrators of 9/11.

A recording of the phone conversation was posted on Google video late yesterday by the Pilots For 9/11 Truth organization. More...

The Solution to Iraq

By Sadiq H. Wasfi, Ph.D and Dahlia S. Wasfi, M.D.

No human being, regardless of race, creed, skin color, ethnicity, or religion, accepts humiliation and subjugation. As such, our military death toll will grow until the day when the rape and pillage of the “New American Century” ends and the troops come home. How much more agony should we force the children of Iraq and America to take. More...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Alleged Liquid Bomb Plot Credibility Crumbles
Court clears Rauf of charges as much vaunted transatlantic airliner attack dissipates into another staged terror alert

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

The alleged ringleader of a much vaunted plot to blow up multiple transatlantic airliners using liquid explosives has been cleared of terrorism charges and of being a member of any terrorist group, rendering August's terror scare another hyped creation of government scare mongering. More...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Bush's sinking ship of fools

By H.D.S. Greenway | The Boston Globe

"THE CURRENT approach is not working, and the ability of the United States to influence events is diminishing," said Lee Hamilton, co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group. "Our ship of state has hit rough waters." The seafaring metaphor has become the sine qua non of Iraq discussions. "Stay the course" and "cut and run" come to mind, the latter referring to the days when you might cut your anchor chain in order to save the ship. One is tempted to call the Baker-Hamilton condemnation of incompetence and bungling a shot across the bow of an Iraq policy that is dead in the water and sinking. More...

The US is finished - kaput

The truth hurts. It's over.

The US has tried and failed miserably to be an imperial power.

We're just not 'cut out' for the job not to mention that it wasn't part of the bargain.

Our arrogant government has its imperial army stretched over 150 out 193 countries in the world and, most remarkably, are using the entire world's resources to do it - while in return handing them a bunch of worthless IOUs. More...

False Flag Terror Of The New World Order
Methods used to facilitate staged attacks

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

The fact that states, intelligence and security agencies engage in false flag staged terror to further political agendas is documented throughout history, but it's too naive to simply characterize every act as an "inside job." Different methods are utilized to facilitate attacks using three different basic templates.

1) Unwitting Dupes

In this case, role players are used to test "security responses" by being told they are part of an exercise for a dummy terrorist attack, an operation that will help the state prevent similar attacks in future. The controllers tell the unwitting dupes that no harm will come to them and that their help will be greatly rewarded. More...

7/7 Witness: Bus Was Diverted To Tavistock Sq. By Two Unmarked Cars
Soon to be published account will detail the plot and cover up of the number 30 bus bombing

Steve Watson | InfoWars

A soon to be published narrative of the number 30 bus bombing on 7/7 in London claims that the Hackney bus was diverted to Tavistock Square by two unmarked cars which then left the scene at high speed after the drivers had conversed with police in the area.

The witness, named "Daniel", has a blog here and a website here. He states:
    I was aboard the lower deck of the bus that was blown up on July 7th. I rang the emergency hotline to report the 2 dark cars I saw holding the bus up and diverting it towards Tavistock Square. Instead of being asked to provide a statement what followed was 7 months of police surveillance and Harassment. My experiences are contained in a book called Statement: The 4th Bomb (as yet unpublished)

Englehard: Carter’s Book is Mein Kampf, Protocols

Novelist Jack Engelhard, minus a firm grip on reality, absurdly lambastes former president Jimmy Carter as the author of a modern day version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Engelhard is whirled into a tizzy by Carter’s Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid published recently by Simon & Schuster, not exactly the publishing wing of Hamas.

“Israel’s continued control and colonization of Palestinian land have been the primary obstacles to a comprehensive peace agreement in the Holy Land,” writes Carter. More...

Unscheduled, Unscripted, Ground-Breaking TV:

David Shayler on Alexander Litvinenko’s Death.
Former MI5 officer David Shayler blows the whistle live on Sky News. Watch the interviewer squirm and say “slow down” as Shayler reveals home truths about the NWO, 9/11, 7/7, and 'false flag terror ops'. It really starts about 5 minutes into the clip More...

Monday, December 11, 2006

America's Shame: Brought Low By a Gang of Cretins

Written by Chris Floyd | Empire Burlesque
    Only Six Fluent in Arabic at U.S. Embassy in Iraq(Reuters)
    Among the 1,000 people who work in the U.S. Embassy in Iraq, only 33 are Arabic speakers and only six speak the language fluently, according to the Iraq Study Group report released on Wednesday.
This tells you pretty much all you need to know about the American debacle in Iraq. Imagine the arrogance and stupidity of conquering, occupying and trying to run a country without being able to speak its language. A nation of 26 million people – and your embassy has only six people who can actually understand what is being said, written, and broadcast there. This is a folly that amounts to a monstrous crime in itself, aside from the inherent evil of launching an unprovoked war of aggression.

Evil is the only word to describe the wilful ignorance at work throughout the entire process of the Iraq War, from its inception to its execution to the catastrophic endgame now unfolding before our eyes. More...

Israel bans Tutu's UN mission to Gaza

Another brick in isreal's genocidal wall between them and the rest of humanity.Israelis never have and never will allow ANYONE to investigate their crimes because then the whole world will learn that, far from being tragic errors, as they ardently claim, every heinous incident is in fact part and parcel of a deliberate, systematic plan to forever rid israel and surrounding territories of its Arab inhabitants and any trace of Islamic civilization.

Britain stops talk of 'War On Terror'
Foreign Office has asked ministers to ditch the phrase invented by Bush to avoid stirring up tensions within the Islamic world

Jason Burke | London Observer

Cabinet ministers have been told by the Foreign Office to drop the phrase 'war on terror' and other terms seen as liable to anger British Muslims and increase tensions more broadly in the Islamic world.

The shift marks a turning point in British political thinking about the strategy against extremism and underlines the growing gulf between the British and American approaches to the continuing problem of radical Islamic militancy. It comes amid increasingly evident disagreements between President George Bush and Tony Blair over policy in the Middle East. More...

I'm Back!!!

Apologies for the week-long absence. I've been through abit of illness caused by a sports injury, it still hasn't healed properly but I missed the blog too much, so, expect some more of the usual...;-)

Monday, December 04, 2006

Chavez wins!!

Lenin's Tomb

Once again, he takes it by landslide, with over 60% of the vote. One taxi driver passing through a wealthy area of Caracas told the BBC: "People round here do not know what it is like in the slums. It is a bigger party than New Year's Eve." You can listen to a report from a couple of Green Left Weekly correspondents and hear the victory celebrations here. Chavez said in his victory speech:
    "Long live the socialist revolution! Destiny has been written ... We have shown that Venezuela is red! ... No one should fear socialism ... Socialism is human. Socialism is love ... Down with imperialism! We need a new world! It's another defeat for the devil, who tries to dominate the world ... Down with imperialism! We need a new world!"
Oh yeah - you know it. The axis of hope is here to stay. More...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Homeland Security?


While Homeland Security Department under Michael Chertoff hypes secret terrorist rating list and phony cyber-attacks on Wall Street, it permits Russian-Israeli gangsters tied to the same elements who poisoned Alexander Litvinenko to freely travel on forged US passports in and out of the United States.
While the Department of Homeland Security has placed the name of every air passenger traveling into and out of the United States on a secret terrorist rating list based on the mining of various types of personal data and is today hyping a phony "Al Qaeda" cyber attack alert directed at stock and commodities exchanges and other financial houses in the United States, the same department, headed by Michael Chertoff, is ignoring a major breakdown in U.S. national security.

On November 27, WMR reported on the case of Israeli Hazki Hen who was arrested for attempting to smuggle as much as $100 million in counterfeit $100 bills from the semi-independent enclave of South Ossetia via middlemen in Georgia and Israel. We can now report that a similar ring connected to the Russian-Israeli Mafia, involving some key participants in the Iran-Contra scandal and illegal U.S. wars in Central America in the 1980s, is traveling into and out of the United States on cleverly forged U.S. passports.

Although the U.S. passport numbers are clearly out of sequence and should be flagged by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials, higher-ups at the Homeland Security Department are looking the other way as unsavory characters transit in and out of the United States on the fake passports. More...

Friday, December 01, 2006

Never Heard of al-CIA-duh Group Threatens Banksters

Once again, an “al-Qaeda” affiliate nobody has ever heard of, and will never hear from again, is threatening damnation and ruin.

“The U.S. government warned American private financial services on Thursday of an al Qaeda call for a cyber attack against online stock trading and banking Web sites beginning on Friday, a source said,” Reuters reports. “The source, a person familiar with the warning, said the Islamic militant group aimed to penetrate and destroy the databases of the U.S. financial sites.”

No doubt this will be accomplished from caves with fiber optic cables or maybe from the high-tech boondocks of South Waziristan. More...

Rendition: Those liars and their lies in full

By Obsolete

...we already knew that those camps that Tony Blair had "never heard of" existed, as George Bush was forced into admitting they did. Don't worry though, everyone in them was treated humanely, and they certainly weren't tortured.

...for a government that always dismisses civil liberties concerns with the old adage that "if you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear", it's odd that government ministers and advisers have been so thoroughly uncooperative with the EU investigation into rendition. If they didn't know anything, why would they do everything they possible could to obstruct and filibuster the Europe-wide inquiry?

The reason, as you've already guessed, is that the government is actually up to its neck in the scandal, as the draft EU report makes clear...

For the full article go here

The Litvinenko poisoning puzzle


The answers to the Litvinenko poisoning puzzle are falling into place nicely, despite the efforts of the British police to muddy the waters:
  1. All the people who met with Litvinenko on the day of his poisoning were associated with anti-Putin forces, and most, if not all, with wanted criminal fugitive Boris Berezovsky.
  2. Mario Scaramella, the fellow who met with Litvinenko at the sushi restaurant (in fact, initiated the contact on what may have been a ruse, suggested the meeting, and picked the restaurant), didn’t eat, but just watched Litvinenko eat. He has a dodgy resume, but claims to be an expert on nuclear materials.


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