There is more evidence that the same neo-con perpetrators who forged the infamous Niger "yellowcake" uranium documents, documents purporting to link a number of French, Russian, British, and other politicians to UN "Oil-for-Food" fraud, and other fabrications designed to "prove" Iraqi possession of weapons of mass destruction were also behind the forgery of a package of e-mails, written in English and claiming to be from a source within the Russian Federal Security Bureau, that the Kremlin had a hit list of opponents to be eliminated through assassination. These included assassinated Russian journalist Anna Politovskaya, poisoned ex-KGB and FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko, right-wing Italian Senator Paolo Guzzanti, Russian-Israeli mob tycoon Boris Berezovsky, and the man who showed Litvinenko the e-mail forgeries, Italian operative Mario Scaramella.
The same capitals that were involved in the Iraqi war forgeries are part and parcel of the Russian FSB e-mail forgeries: Rome, Tel Aviv (where the Russian mobsters are primarily based), and London. More...