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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers
The story of what happens to everyday Americans when corporations go to war.

Acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed and Uncovered) takes you inside the lives of soldiers, truck drivers, widows and children who have been changed forever as a result of profiteering in the reconstruction of Iraq. Iraq for Sale uncovers the connections between private corporations making a killing in Iraq and the decision makers who allow them to do so.

Brave New Films are both funded and distributed completely outside corporate America. Over 3000 people donated to make Iraq for Sale, and it is up to you to distribute it. Give copies to co-workers and organize a screening in your neighborhood. Get involved


Click here for the video...

SPIN: The Art of Selling War

Directed by Josh Rushing, a veteran Marine Corps media spokesman, "SPIN: The Art of Selling War" is an investigative documentary that looks at the standard justification for going to war by the American administrations of past and present. More...

Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich: "Privatizing Iraq's Oil is Theft!"

At at noon press conference, on May 24, 2007, at the Cannon Terrace, on Capitol Hill, Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), ripped into the Bush-Cheney Gang's legislative scheme to privatize the oil of Occupied Iraq.

He charged: "Privatizing Iraq's oil is theft." He also called the Iraq Supplemental Bill: "a moment of truth for the Democratic Party." Rep. Kucinich explained how the proposed Bill, now pending before the U.S. Congress, via its benchmarks, will provide for the privatization of Iraqi oil. It requires the regime in Iraq to pass a law called, "The Hydrocarbon Act." If they refuse to do so over a billion dollars in reconstruction funds will be blocked by the Bush-Cheney administration, he claimed. More...

Mossad Agent Pearlman Releases Phony "Al-Qaeda Tape"
While President Bush authorizes the CIA to bankroll and arm the real Al-Qaeda in Iran

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

Adam Pearlman, the Jewish Mossad agent who once wrote stinging essays condemning Muslims as "bloodthirsty terrorists", has once again popped up as an "Al-Qaeda spokesman" to frighten the dwindling number of Americans who still believe Al-Qaeda exists outside of U.S. intelligence circles.
    "An American member of al-Qaida warned President Bush on Tuesday to end U.S. involvement in all Muslim lands or face an attack worse than the Sept. 11 suicide assault, according to a new videotape."

Orwell rolls in his grave: Britain's endemic surveillance cameras talk back

Will Byrne | Raw

Observed by over 4.2 million closed circuit – or CCTV – cameras across the country, Britain is already the most surveilled industrialized state in the Western world. It was recently estimated that the average Briton is captured by electronic eyes more than 300 times on a typical workday.

Yet the country’s surveillance network, which boasts one camera for every fourteen citizens, is no longer merely facilitating observance: It has now begun talking back. In a scene eerily reminiscent of Orwell's dystopian vision of 1984, loudspeakers in one small-town center in northern Britain scold anyone they catch engaged in “anti-social behaviour,” including littering, drunkenness, or fighting. More...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

When the GOP Changes the Subject, "...the implications are deadly for the people of the United States"

The Existentialist Cowboy

The GOP never wins a debate. It just changes the subject. Right wing consultants call this "re-framing".

Specifically, Democrats who had been in a position to take the offensive found themselves defending "funding cuts" when the GOP should have been defending an immoral war of aggression. The GOP had merely to characterize Democratic efforts as a Democratic failure to "support the troop" and the Democrats go from offense to defense.

As Glenn Greenwald argued in Salon, "cutting off funding" never meant US soldiers would suddenly find themselves without guns, ammo or food. Congress would have done what it usually does. The leadership would have worked to determine a date for a safe withdrawal and fund the war through that date. The GOP changed the subject, misrepresented the Democratic position and went of offense.

Democrats have no excuse. They should have caught on by now. Once again, they allowed the GOP to re-position them and change the parameters of debate. It was no longer about ending the war, opposed by some 70 percent of the US voting public. It became about "withdrawing support for the troops", opposed by almost as many.


Cindy Sheehan Quits Peace Movement

By Cindy Sheehan |

I have endured a lot of smear and hatred since Casey was killed and especially since I became the so-called “Face” of the American anti-war movement. Especially since I renounced any tie I have remaining with the Democratic Party, I have been further trashed on such “liberal blogs” as the Democratic Underground. Being called an “attention whore” and being told “good riddance” are some of the more milder rebukes.

I have come to some heartbreaking conclusions this Memorial Day Morning. These are not spur of the moment reflections, but things I have been meditating on for about a year now. The conclusions that I have slowly and very reluctantly come to are very heartbreaking to me. More...

Monday, May 28, 2007

U.S. Government Uses Al-Qaeda To Attack Iran
Bush authorizes group formerly headed by alleged 9/11 mastermind to be bankrolled & armed by CIA for covert regime change

Paul Joseph Watson & Steve Watson |

Recent revelations illustrating the fact that the U.S. government is using a Sunni Al-Qaeda terrorist group formerly headed by the alleged mastermind of 9/11 to carry out bombings in Iran undermines the entire war on terror as a monumental hoax that is being exploited purely to realize a geopolitical agenda.

"President George W Bush has given the CIA approval to launch covert "black" operations to achieve regime change in Iran, intelligence sources have revealed. Mr Bush has signed an official document endorsing CIA plans for a propaganda and disinformation campaign intended to destabilise, and eventually topple, the theocratic rule of the mullahs."
"The CIA is giving arms-length support, supplying money and weapons, to an Iranian militant group, Jundullah, which has conducted raids into Iran from bases in Pakistan," the London Telegraph reported yesterday. More...


Lataan Blog

For some time Mossad, the Israeli intelligence organisation, have tried to plant stooges in the Gaza and West Bank among Palestinians who have tried to pass themselves off as ‘al Qaeda’. The Israelis have failed miserably in their attempts at this. For one thing, the Gaza resistance community is a very tight knit one where everyone just about knows everyone and strangers are very quickly pointed out. The same applies in the west Bank. Of late, however, the Israelis and the US have taken a new tack playing on the friction that has evolved between Hamas and Fatah. Despite the fact that Hamas was popularly elected to govern the Palestinian peoples the Israelis have constantly thwarted Hamas’ ability to so do and have attempted, almost successfully, to polarise the two groups and Palestinians. The US has been active in playing off one against the other by supplying arms to Hamas’ opposition, Fatah.


Cheney criticizes the Geneva Conventions in Military Academy commencement address

Michael Roston | Raw Story

Vice President Dick Cheney criticized the notion of applying the Geneva Conventions to individuals captured in the course of the war on terrorism in a Saturday commencement address at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York.

"Capture one of these killers, and he'll be quick to demand the protections of the Geneva Convention and the Constitution of the United States," the Vice President said in the Saturday morning speech. "Yet when they wage attacks or take captives, their delicate sensibilities seem to fall away." More...

Republican Candidates Employ “al-Qaeda” Fairy Tales

Like paranoid schizophrenic neglecting his meds, Senator John McCain tells us Osama will get us if the United States pulls out of Iraq.

“In the May 15 Republican debate in South Carolina, Senator John McCain of Arizona suggested that Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden would ‘follow us home’ from Iraq—a comment some viewers may have taken to mean that bin Laden was in Iraq, which he is not,” reports the Boston Globe.

Indeed, Osama is not in Iraq or anywhere else because he died in late December, 2001. Of course, McCain is simply pandering to the ill-informed, that is to say a large percentage of the American people, who had trouble telling the difference between Osama and Saddam. No doubt many of these folks will vote for the Manchurian Candidate from Arizona if he is selected to run for the office of Commander Guy. More...

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Children of the Dust

John Pilger

As the Israeli army attempts to imprison an entire nation, it is the youngest who suffer most. Half of all Palestinians killed in the past six years are children.

Israel is destroying any notion of a state of Palestine and is being allowed to imprison an entire nation. That is clear from the latest attacks on Gaza, whose suffering has become a metaphor for the tragedy imposed on the peoples of the Middle East and beyond. These attacks, reported on Channel 4 News, were "targeting key militants of Hamas" and the "Hamas infrastructure". The BBC described a "clash" between the same militants and Israeli F-16 aircraft.

Consider one such clash. The militants' car was blown to pieces by a missile from a fighter-bomber. Who were these militants? In my experience, all the people of Gaza are militant in their resistance to their jailer and tormentor. As for the "Hamas infrastructure", this was the headquarters of the party that won last year's democratic elections in Palestine. To report that would give the wrong impression. It would suggest that the people in the car and all the others over the years, the babies and the elderly who have also "clashed" with fighter-bombers, were victims of a monstrous injustice. It would suggest the truth. More...

Neocon update


  1. The deliberate leaking that Bush has authorized new covert action against Iran is bizarre, especially when we already know that the United States and Britain are utilizing groups like the terrorist cult MEK (see Raymond Tanter) to stir up trouble in Iran, and British and American troops have probably made incursions into Iran. My take on it is that the announcement is just a sop to the Zionists, still smarting after the pogrom against Wolfowitz. They need a reassurance every once and a while as the biggest ScareJew, the retaking of Washington by the American Establishment (yikes!), represents to them the beginnings of the next Holocaust.
  2. The fang-marks of Elliott Abrams are all over the Palestinian ‘civil war’ and the attack by the Lebanese army on a Palestinian refugee camp (the main external links are to here and here, but the Hersh story may itself be disinformation to protect Israel, and we have seen some of the Israeli machinations in Lebanon, up to and including the Hariri assassination)...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Mystery flights

Reporter: Olenka Frenkiel | BBC - Thisworld

This World pieces together the jigsaw of "extraordinary rendition", the alleged illegal CIA transfer of terror suspects to secret prisons in Europe.

In far Eastern Poland in 2002 and 2003 strange planes landed on an old disused runway in a secluded forest. Nine times.

Was Poland a staging point in the network of secret prisons established by the United States in their "extraordinary rendition" programme? Did these mystery flights bring al-Qaeda suspects to Poland?

Poland is not alone: it is alleged that the CIA flew their planes to 29 different countries; that there were 300 CIA landings in Europe alone, 80 in Britain. More...

Click here for a preview...

Google is watching you
'Big Brother' row over plans for personal database

By Robert Verkaik, Law Editor | The Independent

Google, the world's biggest search engine, is setting out to create the most comprehensive database of personal information ever assembled, one with the ability to tell people how to run their lives.

In a mission statement that raises the spectre of an internet Big Brother to rival Orwellian visions of the state, Google has revealed details of how it intends to organise and control the world's information.

The company's chief executive, Eric Schmidt, said during a visit to Britain this week: "The goal is to enable Google users to be able to ask the question such as 'What shall I do tomorrow?' and 'What job shall I take?'." More...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bush Authorizes New Covert Action Against Iran

Brian Ross and Richard Esposito Report: | The Blotter

The CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount a covert "black" operation to destabilize the Iranian government, current and former officials in the intelligence community tell the Blotter on

The sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the subject, say President Bush has signed a "nonlethal presidential finding" that puts into motion a CIA plan that reportedly includes a coordinated campaign of propaganda, disinformation and manipulation of Iran's currency and international financial transactions. More...

White House says bin Laden ordered Iraq plots

By Matt Spetalnick | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Osama bin Laden ordered al Qaeda's leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, to form a cell in 2005 to plot attacks outside of Iraq and make the United States his main target, a senior U.S. official said on Tuesday.

Citing newly declassified intelligence, Fran Townsend, President George W. Bush's adviser for homeland security, said the information backs the administration's assertion that U.S. troops must stay in Iraq for now to prevent it from becoming a "terrorist sanctuary." More...

Citigroup Conspiracy:Bank Accused of Funding 9/11


Enron, of course, was the fraud-driven Houston-based "energy trading" firm, which also doubled as an offshore money laundry and slush fund and which provided one of the most spectacular corporate crash and burn epics of recent history.

"Wallace writes, 'this cover-up of criminal misconduct has certainly been perpetrated both at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC and at Citigroup's 399 Park Avenue address in New York City.'"

"The document goes on to state, "Alberto Gonzales, and the U.S. Department of Justice that he heads, have successfully blocked any investigation of Citigroup, despite evidence that has been presented to them."

"Wallace also writes, 'I was brought into this spider web of greed and illegality by J. Clifford Baxter, a business associate of mine, who was at one time vice chairman of Enron.

"Through his relationship with Robert Rubin at Citigroup's Chairman's Suite in New York City, in August 2001, I became privy to a series of business transactions planned by Citigroup that I began to realize were not only illegal but also aiding international terrorism from Saudi Arabia.

"I complained to Citigroup's senior executives and their board, and Cliff told me and others that he was going to expose this bank fraud of Citigroup and Saudi banks.

"Then, about 30 days after my first letter to Citigroup's chairman, Cliff suddenly died on January 18, 2002 from what is to this day still considered a very questionable suicide. More...

9/11 Debunkers Hide From Slam Dunk Evidence Of Controlled Demolition
Electron microscope analysis of steel spheres from WTC site proves thermate, proves collapse of twin towers was an act of deliberate arson

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

Professor Steven Jones presented brand new and compelling evidence for the controlled demolition of the twin towers and WTC 7 recently, but the 9/11 debunkers and the corporate media are loathe to tackle it because it represents a slam dunk on proving the collapse of the buildings was a deliberate act of arson.

During a talk at the Rebuilding America's Senses event at the University of Texas last month, Jones laid out facts about steel samples recovered from the WTC site that Popular Mechanics dare not even attempt to debate. Debunkers are scared to even get near this information because the science behind it fundamentally contradicts the official story of what happened on 9/11. More...

China and USA in New Cold War over Africa’s Oil Riches
Darfur? It’s the Oil, Stupid...

By F. William Engdahl | Global Research

The case of Darfur, a forbidding piece of sun-parched real estate in the southern part of Sudan, illustrates the new Cold War over oil, where the dramatic rise in China’s oil demand to fuel its booming growth has led Beijing to embark on an aggressive policy of—ironically-- dollar diplomacy. With its more than $1.3 trillion in mainly US dollar reserves at the Peoples’ National Bank of China, Beijing is engaging in active petroleum geopolitics. Africa is a major focus, and in Africa, the central region between Sudan and Chad is priority. This is defining a major new front in what, since the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, is a new Cold War between Washington and Beijing over control of major oil sources. So far Beijing has played its cards a bit more cleverly than Washington. Darfur is a major battleground in this high-stakes contest for oil control. More...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

One building that's been built on time and on budget in Iraq: America's fortress embassy

Ed Pilkington in New York | The Guardian

· Vatican-sized bomb-proof structure to cost £300m
· Builders in Green Zone already insurgent targets

A portion of the new US embassy under construction is seen from across the Tigris river in Baghdad, Iraq. Photograph: AP
When the idea of building a new US embassy in Baghdad was first mooted by the American administration in the aftermath of the invasion of Iraq, there seemed to be a grandiose logic to it.

The compound, by the side of the Tigris, would be a statement of President Bush's intent to expand democracy through the Middle East. Yesterday, however, the entire project was under fresh scrutiny as new details emerged of its cost and scale.

Rising from the dust of the city's Green Zone it is destined, at $592m (£300m), to become the biggest and most expensive US embassy on earth when it opens in September. More...

Monday, May 21, 2007

Tony Blair in Iraq: War Criminal Admits Guilt

By Felicity Arbuthnot | Global Research

As Prime Minister Tony Blair arrived in Baghdad on Saturday, for an 'unexpected' visit, to bid the Iraqi people he has helped decimate, farewell, he was welcomed by mortar rounds which fell in the 'International Zone', the illegally squatted palace of former President Saddam Hussein. Just: 'usual business..' said his spokesman airily. Hope Blair and his entourage brought a spare pair of trousers, Whitehall's mandarins are not known for towering courage in the face of adversity, more for fiction writing, aka 'dodgy dossiers'. A bad tempered Blair, delusional as ever, talked of 'signs of progress on security.'

'I have no regrets about removing Saddam ...', said the man, the corpse of whose premiership will for ever lie in Mesopotamia's sands, with the possible million souls he and his Washington masters have sent - and continue to send - to their graves - and that is only since March 2003. No mention of the weapons of mass destruction he assured the world, threatened the very existence of the West and could be launched 'in forty five minutes.' More...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Carter attacks Blair's Iraq role

BBC News

Jimmy Carter has won a Nobel Prize for his charitable work
Click here for Carter on Blair.
Former US President Jimmy Carter has criticised outgoing British Prime Minister Tony Blair for his "blind" support of the war in Iraq.

Mr Carter told the BBC Mr Blair's backing for US President George W Bush had been "apparently subservient".

He said the UK's "almost undeviating" support for "the ill-advised policies of President Bush in Iraq had been a major tragedy for the world".

His comments came as Mr Blair paid what is likely to be his last visit to Iraq.

He flew into the capital, Baghdad, for talks with President Jalal Talabani and Prime Minister Nouri Maliki at which he is expected to push for greater reconciliation between Iraq's Sunni and Shia factions.

Mr Blair is due to leave office at the end of next month. More...

Blair in Baghdad

By Andrew | Craig Murray Blog

As Blair visits Baghdad acompanied by mortar shells and an unprecedented attack (Real Player) on his legacy from former US President Jimmy Carter, the latest damning and bleak report on Iraq is released by Chatham House.


Hallelujah Trail: Terror War "Regime Change" Comes to the Holy Land

Empire Burlesque

The Bush Administration has now embarked on its fourth "regime change" operation in its global "Terror War." Following the more direct overthrows in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the aggression by paid-for proxies in Somalia, we now have the civil war in Palestine, with U.S. arms and money backing the armed overthrow of the democratically elected Hamas government. As in Somalia, where the American-trained army of the Ethiopian dictatorship joined up with Somali warlords in the pay of the CIA, the latest regime change is being carried out by a combination of foreign and native proxies: the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority.


Mass Murder and High Treason

Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

There are glaring discrepancies surrounding Bush's activities on the morning of 911. At the very least, George W. Bush is the liar we know him to be. At worst, the discrepancies may lead one to conclude that Bush knew about the events of 911 well in advance and did absolutely nothing.

The timeline of his travels depicts a man trying to stay out of the line of fire. It does not portray a President concerned with the lives of American citizens. It does not portray a "commander-in-chief" or a "decider". It portrays a weak-kneed wimp at the mercy of his "handlers", the real power behind the throne. Or - should I say "dictatorship"?

His false statements concerning his activities on that day raise doubts not only about his credibility but also the possibility that the President of the United States is complicit in mass murder and high treason. More...


By: Ted Lang |

Our entire government is controlled by Israel! Through a small, rich and powerful Jewish supported pro-Israeli tax-exempt lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or simply AIPAC, virtually all American domestic and foreign policy is now being controlled by a foreign government entanglement. This is done by targeting American politicians: those who are pro-Israel receive campaign funding and favorable publicity through a myriad of Jewish organizations, magnified by the liberal and Democratic Party-leaning American press; those politicians not favoring policies benefiting Israel are targeted by Jews all over America who send money to help finance that politician’s opponent. More...

Satan's secret weapon

One of Satan’s favorite tricks is to make his victims feel ashamed to oppose him.

Governments, creditors, etc. make their victims hate themselves.

Satan is cowardly. So are politicians, zionists, and warmongers. Yet they label anyone who opposes them “cowardly.”


Thursday, May 17, 2007

KILL EVERYBODY: American soldier exposes US policy in Iraq

Yoryevrah |

"KILL EVERYBODY" - US ARMY SPECIALIST DARRELL ANDERSON EXPOSES US POLICY "I joined in '03," 'cause I was broke, I needed money, but I was a young American kid, I wanted to fight in a war. I joined up. [A] month out of training I arrived in Baghdad, Iraq, January '04. Saddam's been captured. And I get there and the guys I'm serving with have been there for six months already; they were there in '03. And I go, "Well, you know what, I think it's come out that, you know, these people had nothing to do with 9/11, there was no Iraqi on those planes. We can see around here there's no Al Qaida, there's no terrorist syndicates in Baghdad, or Iraq. Saddam had stamped 'em out." And I asked my buddies, "Well, you know, we're here to find 'weapons of mass destruction'." And they laughed at me. And I said, "Well, you know, we're here to 'help the people.'" And they laughed at me. And I said, "What's our mission? What's our goal?"...They're like, "All we're trying to do is make it home alive..." Anderson describes the escalation of violence against unarmed civilians: "In April, they told us, "In a crowded area, if one person shoots at you, kill everybody." More...


On May 15, 2007, Jerry Falwell died. He was a fundamentalist evangelist who created the organization the "Moral Majority." Millions flocked to him and his group. Falwell’s message was of an America that was very bigoted and insular. Anybody who disagreed was an enemy to the U.S.

The significance of Falwell’s program was that he was the most successful person to ever mix religion and the U.S. government. With his success, other politicians and preachers have succeeded him in diminishing the line between religion and government.

To be fair, not all Christians agreed with Falwell’s message. Millions decried him, but millions were converted to his relentless effort to make the U.S. a "Christian nation."
Among the gems Falwell told the world was that homosexuals were to blame for Hurricane Katrina, the storm that leveled the city of New Orleans. Falwell said that God destroyed the city because of the acceptance of homosexuals in U.S. society. More...

"Mission Accomplished.": 48 blood soaked months later...

By Felicity Arbuthnot |

Four years ago (alleged) Draft Dodger in Chief, landed on aircraft carrier USS Lincoln & declared: ' mission accomplished'


Sunday, May 13, 2007

A very public secret
The Old Bailey's decision to impose reporting restrictions on the Blair-Bush memo case is an unprecedented attempt to hush up something said in the open.

Richard Norton-Taylor | The Guardian

An Old Bailey judge has imposed unprecedented gagging orders preventing the British media from reporting information which is published today in newspapers and websites around the world.

The orders were imposed by Mr Justice Aikens during discussions in the court which Lewis Carroll would have delighted in hearing. At times, we were truly living in Wonderland. The discussions took place after David Keogh, a Whitehall communications officer, and Leo O'Connor, researcher to a former Labour MP, were found guilty of breaching the Official Secrets Act and jailed.

Their crime was to disclose the contents of an official minute of a meeting between Tony Blair and George Bush in the White House on April 16 2004. Keogh disclosed the document to O'Connor who passed it on to Tony Clarke, his boss who was MP for Northampton South at the time. More...

Powell's Chief of Staff Proposes Impeachment

By David Swanson |

On Thursday, May 10, 2007, Lawrence Wilkerson, speaking on National Public Radio, proposed impeaching President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. Here's the audio.


Billions in oil missing in Iraq, US study finds


"Between 100,000 and 300,000 barrels a day of Iraq's declared oil production over the past four years is unaccounted for and could have been siphoned off through corruption or smuggling, according to a draft American government report," the New York Times is set to report on Saturday's front page, according to a copy of the story advanced to RAW STORY. Excerpts follow.

Using an average of $50 a barrel, the report said the discrepancy was valued at $5 million to $15 million daily.

The report does not give a final conclusion on what happened to the missing fraction of the roughly 2 million barrels pumped by Iraq each day, but the findings are sure to reinforce long-standing suspicions that smugglers, insurgents and corrupt officials control significant parts of the country's oil industry. More...

The View from Baghdad
Blair's Departure


Baghdad - Iraq may be seen in Britain as Tony Blair's nemesis but Iraqis yesterday greeted his departure with utter indifference. Asked what they thought about it, most simply shrugged their shoulders and looked surprised at being asked the question. Others said they saw him as a surrogate for President Bush.

It is easy to see why Mr Blair is not regarded with more affection in Iraq. On 8 April 2003, just before the fall of Saddam Hussein, British troops distributed a leaflet in Arabic containing a message from him to Iraqis. It promised "a peaceful, prosperous Iraq which will run by and for the Iraqi people".

Iraqis are all too aware this never happened. More...

Cheney: Iraq war not predestined as ex-CIA chief says

The Anatolian Times

US Vice President Dick Cheney denied that going to war in Iraq in 2003 was a foregone conclusion, as former CIA chief George Tenet says in a new book.

"That's just not true," Cheney told Fox News, which asked him about Tenet's allegation in Abu Dhabi, according to a White House transcript.


Friday, May 04, 2007

Ex-CIA analyst: Forged 'yellowcake' memo 'leads right back to' Cheney

By David Edwards | Raw

A former CIA analyst claims that falsified documents which were meant to show that Iraq's Saddam Hussein regime had been trying to procure yellowcake uranium from Niger can be traced back to Vice President Dick Cheney.

Appearing on MSNBC's Tucker Carlson Show, Ray McGovern who served in the CIA for twenty-seven years, said, "the [forged] memo leads right back to the doorstep of the Vice President of the United States."

According to McGovern, former CIA Director George Tenet told his "coterie of malleable managers" at the CIA to create a National Intelligence Estimate "to the terms of reference of Dick Cheney's speech of August 26, 2002, where Dick Cheney said for the first time Saddam Hussein could have a nuclear weapon in a year, he's got all kinds of chemical, he's got all kinds of biological weapons." More...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

How to continue a war with one signature.
President Bush’s veto:

You can see his full letter HERE.


The U.S.’ War on Democracy

Interview with John Pilger | By: Pablo Navarrete

The United States has long waged a war on democracy behind a facade of propaganda designed to contort the intellect and morality of Americans and the rest of us. For many of your readers, this is known. However, for others in the West, the propaganda that has masked Washington’s ambitions has been entrenched, with its roots in the incessant celebration of World War Two, the “good war”, then “victory” in the cold war.


Gravel: Impeachment 'will come, in due course'


“Don’t worry about impeachment,” Gravel said in a reassuring tone, adding that he has held discussions with House Judiciary Chair John Conyers (D-MI). “That will come, in due course.”


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

ABC News: Where are war architects now, four years after 'Mission Accomplished?'

David Edwards and Mike Sheehan

Today marks four years since President Bush announced "Mission Accomplished" on an aircraft carrier, proclaiming an end to major combat operations in Iraq. Yet the war continues and "the majority of Americans say we are on the wrong path," as ABC's Diane Sawyer remarks on Good Morning America.

"How naive that ['Mission Accomplished'] banner looks four years later," adds ABC News senior national correspondent Claire Shipman, "and that is being charitable."

She continues, "It is striking when you look at it, how circumstances have changed for all of the president's men behind the war effort" as she recalls the moment aboard the carrier as a "moment of Bushian bravado that this administration will never live down." More...


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