- The deliberate leaking that Bush has authorized new covert action against Iran is bizarre, especially when we already know that the United States and Britain are utilizing groups like the terrorist cult MEK (see Raymond Tanter) to stir up trouble in Iran, and British and American troops have probably made incursions into Iran. My take on it is that the announcement is just a sop to the Zionists, still smarting after the pogrom against Wolfowitz. They need a reassurance every once and a while as the biggest ScareJew, the retaking of Washington by the American Establishment (yikes!), represents to them the beginnings of the next Holocaust.
- The fang-marks of Elliott Abrams are all over the Palestinian ‘civil war’ and the attack by the Lebanese army on a Palestinian refugee camp (the main external links are to here and here, but the Hersh story may itself be disinformation to protect Israel, and we have seen some of the Israeli machinations in Lebanon, up to and including the Hariri assassination)...