

On May 15, 2007, Jerry Falwell died. He was a fundamentalist evangelist who created the organization the "Moral Majority." Millions flocked to him and his group. Falwell’s message was of an America that was very bigoted and insular. Anybody who disagreed was an enemy to the U.S.

The significance of Falwell’s program was that he was the most successful person to ever mix religion and the U.S. government. With his success, other politicians and preachers have succeeded him in diminishing the line between religion and government.

To be fair, not all Christians agreed with Falwell’s message. Millions decried him, but millions were converted to his relentless effort to make the U.S. a "Christian nation."
Among the gems Falwell told the world was that homosexuals were to blame for Hurricane Katrina, the storm that leveled the city of New Orleans. Falwell said that God destroyed the city because of the acceptance of homosexuals in U.S. society. More...