
Interview with Tom Heneghan
Saudi Ambassador resigns to avoid Fitzgerald subpoena


It can now be reported that the Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has evidence linking the Saudi Royal Family to Al Qaeda money laundering involving the CITI Bank, Deutsche Bank and the Israeli Mossad.

What makes this worse is that European Interpol has now connected the dots linking the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko to Ahmed Chalabi and the Italian double agent Scarmella aka "curve ball" and the Russian-Mossad Mobster Oleg Gordievski.

The financial link ties 'America Peace Group' in Chechnya to ERINYS LTD. of England and financial and operational activity relating the triggering of the War in Iraq and the events of September 11, 2001, and to what can now be described as the Saudi-Russian-Israeli Mossad Box. More...
Click here to listen to Tom Heneghan interview