Kurt Nimmo.com

“Robert Gates, the 63-year-old career intelligence officer chosen to replace Donald Rumsfeld at the Pentagon, takes over with the clearest of missions: get American troops out of Iraq as quickly and cleanly as possible,” reports the Times Online.
In fact, this is not the “clearest of missions,” as Congress, increasingly under the control of the Democrat side of the Property Party equation, has not explicitly declared it plans to leave Iraq in the near future, fearing the connotation it has “cut and run” once again, this time allowing “al-Qaeda,” as Bush said during his press conference earlier today, to inundate Iraq and use it as a base of operations, never mind the Iraqi resistance is likely to resist “al-Qaeda” jihadists as a foreign contagion, and also never mind “al-Qaeda” is essentially a creation of American, Pakistani, and British intelligence. More...