
"As Long As You're Not Doing Anything Wrong, You Have Nothing To Worry About"
Tired cliche to cover big brother agenda doesn't wash anymore

By Steve Watson |

I am personally sick of hearing the above phrase used whenever the latest surveillance tool is trotted out and used on the public as a means of control. It's worn out and doesn't work anymore. People are finally beginning to stop laughing at the madness of the big brother society, but will it be too late when people begin to see the seriousness of the threat?

Endlessly used as an excuse to pass into everyday use policies and technology that are eroding our freedoms and giving our governments more control and responsibility over our lives are phrases such as "Why worry if you have nothing to hide?"

Since when were long established civil liberties and the citizen's right to privacy replaced with this "new freedom", this "freedom lite" shall we call it, this guilty until proven innocent mantra?

The problem lies with what is considered to be "something to hide". More...