By Joe Quinn | Sign Of The Times

Such "private" firms are required because, to use US or British troops to protect US and European big business operations in Iraq would immediately expose the real reason for the Iraq invasion. Of the dozens of such "security and risk management" companies currently with their hands in the Iraq cookie jar, the vast majority were established since the US invasion of Iraq. No coincidence there.
One of the founders of Erinys is Sean Cleary, a South African and ex-Apartheid era official. Sean Cleary is closely linked with Jonas Savimbi, leader of the UNITA rebel movement in Angola. (take note of the mention of Angola, it comes back to haunt us later). Erinys has its headquarters in the CIA/MI6/Mossad international drug-running, human-trafficking, money-laundering playground of Dubai. In the summer of 2003, Erinys was awarded an $80-million contract to provide security for Iraq's oil infrastructure. Today, Erinys has more than 15,000 employees and is the biggest employer in the private security business in Iraq. More...