


    World Trade Centre 7

    Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator


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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"This Advice Mr , Bush Shut The Hell Up"

Special Comment

By Keith Olbermann

Anchor, 'Countdown' - MSNBC

The war in Iraq, your war, Mr. Bush, is about how you accomplished the derangement of two nations, and how you helped funnel billions of taxpayer dollars to lascivious and perennially thirsty corporations like Halliburton and Blackwater, and how you sent 4,000 Americans to their deaths for nothing.

Posted 16/05/08

Part 1

Part 2


Rumsfeld: "Why Not another 911"

by Larry Chin | Global Research

In a newly-released tape of a 2006 neocon luncheon meeting featuring former War Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, attended by ex-military "message force multiplier" propaganda shills Lt. General Michael DeLong, David L. Grange, Donald W. Sheppard, James Marks, Rick Francona, Wayne Downing, Robert H. Scales and others, Rumsfeld declared that the American people lack "the maturity to recognize the seriousness of the ‘threats’" -- and need another 9/11.


Military or Market-Driven Empire Building: 1950-2008

by Prof. James Petras | Global Research


From the middle of the 19th century but especially after the Second World War, two models of empire building competed on a world scale: One predominantly based on military conquests, involving direct invasions, proxy invading armies and subsidized separatist military forces; and the other predominantly based on large-scale, long-term economic penetration via a combination of investments, loans, credits and trade in which ‘market’ power and the superiority (greater productivity) in the means of production led to the construction of a virtual empire.


Bush's Capital Crimes

The Existentialist Cowboy Blog

I have yet to see a complete list of Bush's crimes. Here are just a few main categories in which Bush has outdone Nero.
    Election Theft

    Bush's campaign financed the felonious physical assault of vote re-counters in Florida, even as the State Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Al Gore who had sought the recount, a recount upheld by the Florida Supreme Court. Though, this state issue was resolved legally by the Florida Supreme Court, SCOTUS would later hand down a bogus decision for which there is no precedent or basis in law.

    Scalia's rationalization is pure political bunkum and has nothing do with law. Certainly, there was no compelling reason for the US Supreme Court to even hear the case! Scalia said that 'continuing' the recount would be harmful to Bush. Duh! In a Democracy the one getting the fewer number of votes is SUPPOSED to lose! Scalia is not only a criminal, he's an idiot and an arrogant asshole! All his statements concerning Bush v Gore are those of an idiot pretending to be a great intellect.

    Bush Goes Rogue

    In office, Bush imperiously repudiated America's treaty obligations and international commitments, most notably the Kyoto accords on global warming. An aide to my GOP Congressman told me that the US is not obliged by the treaties it signs!

    Bush covered up the crime of 911, destroying evidence as he interfered with and obstruction investigations. He opposed the creation of the 911 Commission and interfered with it after its creations. The result: an incomplete, disingenuous, and irrelevant 'tome' disowned by the co-chairs of the committee that wasted tax payer dollars coughing it up! Pure propaganda designed to deflect suspicion of the Bush administration complicity and cover up of 911!

Was 10:45 a.m. the Originally Planned Demolition Time of WTC 7?

By Shoestring |

At 11:07 a.m. in the morning of September 11, 2001, a CNN correspondent in New York reported that a third tower had possibly collapsed. While this report was incorrect, it is interesting to note that the reporter's description could have applied to World Trade Center Building 7. This huge skyscraper was indeed the third tower to collapse on 9/11. However it did not come down until late in the afternoon, more than six hours after this report.

CNN correspondent Allan Dodds Frank reported by phone from Lower Manhattan. He described: "[J]ust two or three minutes ago there was yet another collapse or explosion. I'm now out of sight, a Good Samaritan has taken me in on Duane Street. But at a quarter to 11, there was another collapse or explosion following the 10:30 collapse of the second tower. And a firefighter who rushed by us estimated that 50 stories went down. The street filled with smoke. It was like a forest fire roaring down a canyon." [1]

WTC 7 was a 47-story tower, so would have fitted the description of the estimated "50 stories" described by Frank. And it did indeed collapse completely. One could in fact accurately describe its demise with Frank's words: "The street filled with smoke. It was like a forest fire roaring down a canyon." However, this collapse did not happen until 5:20 that afternoon.

What could have led Frank to make his incorrect report?



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