
President Bush Now Caught In The Tangled Web Of Deception He Spun

By Bill Gallagher

DETROIT -- President George W. Bush's character is diseased. Serial lies spew from his forked tongue as the result of a damaged mind and personality that will not permit him to face the truth. He lies about leaks and leaks about lies.

Vice President Dick Cheney, Bush's shady and cynical servant, refuses to deal with the truth no matter how compelling and overwhelming the facts are. Cheney is the lord of the lies, the Bushevik Beelzebub, now hopelessly caught in his own deceptions and treachery.

We now know they both kept repeating a known lie -- that Iraq had secret trailers used as biological weapons labs -- long after a Pentagon-sponsored fact-finding group unanimously concluded the trailers had nothing whatsoever to do with weapons of any kind.