The Age Of The Neocons Headed For The Dustbin Of History
By Linda S. Heard
Online Journal Contributing Writer
“The final hours of the North American empire have arrived . . . Now we have to say to the empire: ‘We are not afraid of you. You’re a paper tiger.’” These were the words of Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez during his recent visit to Vienna.
He may be right. The concept of a “New American Century,” conceptualized by neoconservatives who envisioned total US hegemony over land, seas, skies and even space, is fast fading. In the post-Sept. 11 climate of fear it seemed that all Washington had to do was wag its finger at errant nations for them to cave and do its bidding. Not so today.
The US chose Iraq as an example of what Washington’s military might could achieve under the banner of democracy. “Shock and Awe” was supposed to stand as a warning to neighboring countries. Watch out! Do as we say, or you’ll be next.
But the plan has gone badly wrong. Some might say it has had the opposite effect of what was intended.
By now, Iraq should have been effectively run by a puppet government answerable to the White House, rather than one that is fearful of leaving its Green Zone fortress. What is more, a government with ties to Iran. Its people should have been outwardly enjoying the outer trappings of “freedom” even as their natural resources were being stolen from under their noses.
By Linda S. Heard
Online Journal Contributing Writer
“The final hours of the North American empire have arrived . . . Now we have to say to the empire: ‘We are not afraid of you. You’re a paper tiger.’” These were the words of Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez during his recent visit to Vienna.
He may be right. The concept of a “New American Century,” conceptualized by neoconservatives who envisioned total US hegemony over land, seas, skies and even space, is fast fading. In the post-Sept. 11 climate of fear it seemed that all Washington had to do was wag its finger at errant nations for them to cave and do its bidding. Not so today.
The US chose Iraq as an example of what Washington’s military might could achieve under the banner of democracy. “Shock and Awe” was supposed to stand as a warning to neighboring countries. Watch out! Do as we say, or you’ll be next.
But the plan has gone badly wrong. Some might say it has had the opposite effect of what was intended.
By now, Iraq should have been effectively run by a puppet government answerable to the White House, rather than one that is fearful of leaving its Green Zone fortress. What is more, a government with ties to Iran. Its people should have been outwardly enjoying the outer trappings of “freedom” even as their natural resources were being stolen from under their noses.