Global Eye: Bush Spy Program A Pale Echo Of Echelon
By Chris Floyd
Once again, we must ride to the rescue of President George W. Bush, who is being unfairly maligned by a few malcontents unhappy with his secret program to capture and data-mine every single phone call made by anyone anywhere in the United States. These irrational "Bush-haters" refuse to believe the Leader's minions - and even the Leader His Own Self! - when they assure us that the personal data sucked into these vast Orwellian black holes will never, ever, ever, never be abused in any way. I mean, what more do the Leader's anti-American, terrorist-coddling critics want?
And listen, all this malarkey about the Leader's omnivorous, omnipresent, secret, lawless, unregulated, unrestricted domestic spying on every single American citizen being some kind of clear and brazen violation of the Constitution - well, that's just the kind of legalistic, liberal, nit-picky hair-splitting that al Qaeda loves to see. The Leader has explained to us over and over, very patiently, that anything He decides to do is legal - because He decides to it! So there's no point in getting into a hissy fit over the so-called illegality of wholesale spying without warrants, indefinite detention without charges, torture and rendition, concentration camps, extrajudicial killing, wars of aggression or anything else the Great Decider decides to decide.