Media’s Distortions To Justify The Occupation Of Iraq
By Ghali Hassan
The flurry of news, hypotheses, and media’s distortions about the nature of U.S. Occupation and the Iraqi people resistance to the Occupation continues unabated. How much of this is managed propaganda to justify the Occupation and distort the image of the Resistance to U.S. murderous and unprovoked war?
According to both the Western mainstream media and the so-called “alternative” media, the U.S. is “fighting terrorism”, “building democracy”, and “preventing civil war” in Iraq. The distortion of facts and lack of oppositional media leave people in the West, Americans in particular, ill informed. The Western media diligently divert public attention from the illegal Occupation of Iraq and the responsibility of the U.S. and its allies for the horrendous crimes committed against the people of Iraq. Western journalists and pundits are the main agents of this distorted propaganda campaign.
The aims are to justify the ongoing violent Occupation of Iraq and to portray the Iraqi Resistance as “violent insurgency” composed of “religious fanatics” and “foreign fighters” isolated from the rest of the population “with nothing to lose” is the Occupation's way of discrediting the Iraqi people legitimate right to resist U.S. Occupation..