New U.S. Foreign Policy For Palestine; Starvation
By Mike Whitney
The United States and Israel have finally agreed on a plan to resolve the decades-long Israel-Palestine conflict. Israel will continue lobbing missiles into civilian areas of Gaza and the West Bank while the US cuts off food and other vital aid to the territories. That way they can maximize the human suffering while preparing the people for a violent death.
This is not what Palestinians bargained for when they accepted the western-model of democracy.
The Road Map has become a cul de sac of aggression, subjugation and outright murder.
I wonder how many Palestinians would have stayed home if they knew how they’d be treated for voting for the party of their choice?
Presently, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are experiencing what United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) John Ging calls, “the countdown to a humanitarian crisis”. In a wanton act of collective punishment, Palestinians are being deprived of food, money and access to the outside world. As Jimmy Carter says in his article, “Punishing the Innocent is a Crime” “Overwhelmingly (the victims) are school teachers, nurses, social workers, police officers, farm families, who are just hoping for a better life”.
Their crime?
They voted for the wrong party; the party that will not fulfill its primary obligation to act as Israel’s security apparatus in the territories.
By Mike Whitney
The United States and Israel have finally agreed on a plan to resolve the decades-long Israel-Palestine conflict. Israel will continue lobbing missiles into civilian areas of Gaza and the West Bank while the US cuts off food and other vital aid to the territories. That way they can maximize the human suffering while preparing the people for a violent death.
This is not what Palestinians bargained for when they accepted the western-model of democracy.
The Road Map has become a cul de sac of aggression, subjugation and outright murder.
I wonder how many Palestinians would have stayed home if they knew how they’d be treated for voting for the party of their choice?
Presently, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are experiencing what United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) John Ging calls, “the countdown to a humanitarian crisis”. In a wanton act of collective punishment, Palestinians are being deprived of food, money and access to the outside world. As Jimmy Carter says in his article, “Punishing the Innocent is a Crime” “Overwhelmingly (the victims) are school teachers, nurses, social workers, police officers, farm families, who are just hoping for a better life”.
Their crime?
They voted for the wrong party; the party that will not fulfill its primary obligation to act as Israel’s security apparatus in the territories.