
The Next World War
A turning point is reached

By Justin Raimondo

All the wheels and pulleys of a very familiar narrative are swinging into motion, creaking and grating against gears, as the usual suspects grind out their war propaganda. Every day, it seems, there is some newly discovered quotation from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran in which he seems to be auditioning for the part of Hitler's doppelganger. There is, in short, nothing like the threat of another war to get's readers' attention and focus them on the importance of this Web site.

The great danger of war with Iran as an imminent possibility resides not only in this administration's proven warlike proclivities, but in the very similar appetites of the "opposition" party. Leading Democrats, including likely presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, far from seizing on recent pronouncements by the Bush White House as another round of duplicitous war propaganda, have accused the administration of appeasing the Iranians and promised – or, rather, threatened – to be much tougher on Tehran.

If our readers have learned anything over the months and years of perusing the news and commentary at, it is that the War Party is not synonymous with the GOP. Far from it. Without the support of both "major" U.S. political parties, the cabal that lied us into war could not have gotten away with it.