
Voice Of The White House May 11, 2006


“’When thieves fall out,’ as the saying goes,’ honest men prosper.’ With the obvious ongoing destruction of the CIA by the Cheney-Rumsfeld axis of evil, many of the older and experienced agents are leaving the agency before it is taken over by the Department of Defense and run the way Cheney, Bush and Rumsfeld wish it to be run…as a fully-controlled arm of Republican and White House ideological and political policy. These demoralized and totally disillusioned staffers are leaking like a rotten garden hose and talking to outsiders as never before. There was always the occasional slip of information at cocktail parties between acquaintances but now it is like a veritable circus parade, complete with brass bands and clowns and reams and reams of formerly highly classified and explosive documents.. Also, many inside the Pentagon are also disillusioned, and occasionally deeply alarmed, at the courses being set for them by the Cheney-Rumsfeld axis of evil. They have discoursed loudly and at length about what many of them call ‘the new American Gestapo.’

The man who heads this Pentagon drive is one Dr. Stephen A. Cambone, the Pentagon’s de facto intelligence head and Rumsfeld’s most trusted aide. Cambone keeps a low profile and is very careful to avoid any kind of publicity. Stephen Cambone is 54 years old, a native of Highland New York and as Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Overseas (and Domestic) has a staff of 145 full time employees and over 100 so-called “Defense Contractors” including the notorious Lincoln Group of paid propagandists known inside the Pentagon as the ‘Goebbels Brigade.’ His office's responsibilities include domestic counter intelligence, (i.e., spying at will on any American with a telephone, fax or computer,) long-range threat planning and budgeting for new technologies.