by Anthony Wade, OpEdNews.com
You are starting to hear the GOP echo chamber scream louder as we careen toward the midterm elections. With each passing day there is a crystallizing of the republican talking points Karl Rove wants to sell the American people this fall. If you are a republican, you want to "bring the troops home with the honor of completing the mission" and favor "victory." If you are a democrat, you want to "cut and run" and favor "tucking tail and giving up." None of this is true mind you, but then again, most of what Karl Rove has sold to the American people has never been true and so many have bought it anyway.
Why the panic? A glance at the approval ratings tells the story. President Bush has an approval rating hovering around 30% and while he cannot run again, the American people have finally caught on to the fact that Bush = GOP Rubber Stamp Congresspersons. Add to that the fact that the approval rating for the GOP Congress is now at 25% and you have Karl Rove’s worst nightmare. You should not be disillusioned America. What is at stake this November is the future of the republic on which we stand. It is not just about the specter of impeachment. It is the threat of the power to properly investigate and subpoena. If the GOP loses control of either house what will happen could devastate the Republican Party. The truth may finally come out. The truth about the Downing Street Memos which prove that George Bush lied this country into a war that has claimed at least 2,500 American lives and possibly over 100,000 Iraqi civilians. The truth about the Office of Special Plans which Bush used to create intelligence favorable to his pre-determined plan of invasion. The truth about how many soldiers have really died in this war and why their flag draped coffins cannot be seen. The truth about torture as policy. The truth about Valerie Plame and her illegal outing as a covert CIA operative. The truth about the massive election fraud perpetrated against the will of the American people by the Republican Party in 2004. The truth about the NSA illegal spying scandal. The truth about the smoking gun mushroom cloud and the WMD that never existed to begin with. And maybe, just maybe, the truth about 911.
There are other truths at stake this November as well. Placing real scientists back at the EPA might lead to the truth about global warming. Placing real economists, not republican hacks back in the government might lead to the truth about slanted tax cuts that do not spur the economy. Possibly the truth about the slow death of the American worker and the plight of healthcare in this country could come out. What about the truth about how many children are being left behind? One can only dream that the truth about the dangers of media consolidation could also be revealed and corrected. The truth about Diebold, the Cheney secret energy task force and Jeff Gannon might come to light. There are so many truths buried over the past six years that they cannot be properly represented in just one article. But they are all out there and they shake the Republican Party to its very core.
That is when they are at their most dangerous because there are people in power who will do anything they can to ensure that power is not lost or threatened by a little thing such as the truth.
by Anthony Wade, OpEdNews.com
You are starting to hear the GOP echo chamber scream louder as we careen toward the midterm elections. With each passing day there is a crystallizing of the republican talking points Karl Rove wants to sell the American people this fall. If you are a republican, you want to "bring the troops home with the honor of completing the mission" and favor "victory." If you are a democrat, you want to "cut and run" and favor "tucking tail and giving up." None of this is true mind you, but then again, most of what Karl Rove has sold to the American people has never been true and so many have bought it anyway.
Why the panic? A glance at the approval ratings tells the story. President Bush has an approval rating hovering around 30% and while he cannot run again, the American people have finally caught on to the fact that Bush = GOP Rubber Stamp Congresspersons. Add to that the fact that the approval rating for the GOP Congress is now at 25% and you have Karl Rove’s worst nightmare. You should not be disillusioned America. What is at stake this November is the future of the republic on which we stand. It is not just about the specter of impeachment. It is the threat of the power to properly investigate and subpoena. If the GOP loses control of either house what will happen could devastate the Republican Party. The truth may finally come out. The truth about the Downing Street Memos which prove that George Bush lied this country into a war that has claimed at least 2,500 American lives and possibly over 100,000 Iraqi civilians. The truth about the Office of Special Plans which Bush used to create intelligence favorable to his pre-determined plan of invasion. The truth about how many soldiers have really died in this war and why their flag draped coffins cannot be seen. The truth about torture as policy. The truth about Valerie Plame and her illegal outing as a covert CIA operative. The truth about the massive election fraud perpetrated against the will of the American people by the Republican Party in 2004. The truth about the NSA illegal spying scandal. The truth about the smoking gun mushroom cloud and the WMD that never existed to begin with. And maybe, just maybe, the truth about 911.
There are other truths at stake this November as well. Placing real scientists back at the EPA might lead to the truth about global warming. Placing real economists, not republican hacks back in the government might lead to the truth about slanted tax cuts that do not spur the economy. Possibly the truth about the slow death of the American worker and the plight of healthcare in this country could come out. What about the truth about how many children are being left behind? One can only dream that the truth about the dangers of media consolidation could also be revealed and corrected. The truth about Diebold, the Cheney secret energy task force and Jeff Gannon might come to light. There are so many truths buried over the past six years that they cannot be properly represented in just one article. But they are all out there and they shake the Republican Party to its very core.
That is when they are at their most dangerous because there are people in power who will do anything they can to ensure that power is not lost or threatened by a little thing such as the truth.
And I believe its for the same reason Tony Blair is refusing to resign. ...hoping of-course by winning elections, they would be vindicated. They obviously don't understand the concept of TRUTH
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11:22 am