By Schuyler Ebbets, thepeoplesvoice.org

Some have said that the World Trade Center was intentionally destroyed, and over 3000 people were murdered to create a Pearl Harbor stile event to justify the Iraq war. People are free in America to speculate if they want, but we don't have to speculate about the mass murder of some three hundred thousand people in Iraq. It is obvious that America is stealing their oil and privatizing every aspect of the peoples lives. Iraq has been turned into one giant Bush, Cheney, Halliburton, Bechtel, "free market zone', just another name for total corporate enslavement.
The Bush regime has broken virtually every one of the Geneva Conventions. They have committed crimes for which there are not yet laws written. Crimes against the earth and the environment. His father before him was the first to use depleted uranium weapons, but the son, Dubya, has far exceeded the senior Bush, by spreading over 1000 metric tons of the deadly U238-isotope, America’s nuclear waste, over Iraq and Afghanistan, making childhood leukemia and spontaneous abortions commonplace, dooming the people of both countries to endless suffering and premature death. According to a UN Sub Commission report, cancer in Iraq has increased 1000%, and deformities 600%. Depleted Uranium has rendered Iraqi lands infertile, entered the food chain, and contaminated the ground water. With a half-life of 4.5 billion years the Uranium 238 dropped on Iraq and Afganistan by Bush and his father have rendered much of the two countries permanently unfit for human habitation.
Depleted uranium bombs are piroplastic in nature, which means the substance ignites on impact. When it burns it actually changes at a molecular level, loosing its solid form as it instantly turns in to a fine dust. It migrates into the ground water and is taken up into the air and blown by the wind. Although the dust is most concentrated in Europe and areas near the Iraq occupation, some of the deadly airborne depleted uranium reaches the upper atmosphere and is circulated by the jet stream and distributed over the entire surface of the earth. The use of depleted uranium weaponry by the United States, which defies all international treaties, will slowly annihilate all species on the planet including the human species, and yet this regime continues to contaminate the atmosphere with depleted uranium with full knowledge of its destructive potential.
On June 17, 2006 Austrian right-wing populist Joerg Haider, who is part of Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel's government coalition, called President Bush a war criminal. Haider said in an interview with Austrian daily newspaper Die Presse: "He is a war criminal. He brought about the war against Iraq deliberately, with lies and falsehoods, The Iraqi population is suffering terribly. Bush took the risk of an enormous number of victims."
When was the last time an American president was openly called a 'war criminal'? It had never happened before this regime took over, but it has since become a common occurrence for Bush, Rumsfeld, and Cheney to be called war criminals by members of the world community.
By Schuyler Ebbets, thepeoplesvoice.org

Some have said that the World Trade Center was intentionally destroyed, and over 3000 people were murdered to create a Pearl Harbor stile event to justify the Iraq war. People are free in America to speculate if they want, but we don't have to speculate about the mass murder of some three hundred thousand people in Iraq. It is obvious that America is stealing their oil and privatizing every aspect of the peoples lives. Iraq has been turned into one giant Bush, Cheney, Halliburton, Bechtel, "free market zone', just another name for total corporate enslavement.
The Bush regime has broken virtually every one of the Geneva Conventions. They have committed crimes for which there are not yet laws written. Crimes against the earth and the environment. His father before him was the first to use depleted uranium weapons, but the son, Dubya, has far exceeded the senior Bush, by spreading over 1000 metric tons of the deadly U238-isotope, America’s nuclear waste, over Iraq and Afghanistan, making childhood leukemia and spontaneous abortions commonplace, dooming the people of both countries to endless suffering and premature death. According to a UN Sub Commission report, cancer in Iraq has increased 1000%, and deformities 600%. Depleted Uranium has rendered Iraqi lands infertile, entered the food chain, and contaminated the ground water. With a half-life of 4.5 billion years the Uranium 238 dropped on Iraq and Afganistan by Bush and his father have rendered much of the two countries permanently unfit for human habitation.
Depleted uranium bombs are piroplastic in nature, which means the substance ignites on impact. When it burns it actually changes at a molecular level, loosing its solid form as it instantly turns in to a fine dust. It migrates into the ground water and is taken up into the air and blown by the wind. Although the dust is most concentrated in Europe and areas near the Iraq occupation, some of the deadly airborne depleted uranium reaches the upper atmosphere and is circulated by the jet stream and distributed over the entire surface of the earth. The use of depleted uranium weaponry by the United States, which defies all international treaties, will slowly annihilate all species on the planet including the human species, and yet this regime continues to contaminate the atmosphere with depleted uranium with full knowledge of its destructive potential.
On June 17, 2006 Austrian right-wing populist Joerg Haider, who is part of Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel's government coalition, called President Bush a war criminal. Haider said in an interview with Austrian daily newspaper Die Presse: "He is a war criminal. He brought about the war against Iraq deliberately, with lies and falsehoods, The Iraqi population is suffering terribly. Bush took the risk of an enormous number of victims."
When was the last time an American president was openly called a 'war criminal'? It had never happened before this regime took over, but it has since become a common occurrence for Bush, Rumsfeld, and Cheney to be called war criminals by members of the world community.