Channel is terror group's biggest cheerleader as Americans hit with the sum of all fearmongering

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison
Following the ceaseless bombing of Lebanon, Fox News has gone thermonuclear in its mission to drive fear into the hearts of Americans by insisting that Hezbollah's use of a nuclear device in a major US or Israeli is inevitable and that only increased surveillance of Americans can stop it.
Couched in a bizarre Hannity and Colmes demonstration, where a Geiger counter (soon to be a common household object apparently) was used to measure radiation of packets placed in the two presenter's pockets, guest Cham Dallas, director for the Center for Mass Destruction Defense, was determined to get his message across.
Dallas: Sometime in the future there's going to be a nuclear weapon used in the United States - certainly a radiological device is going to be used and a lot of radioactivity is going to fall on American citizens.
Colmes: You say that like it's a certainty, like there's no question it's going to happen.
Dallas: There's no doubt in my mind that at some point in the future we will have a radiological device probably soon and a nuclear device at some point five or ten years after.
Dallas fingered Pakistan and North Korea as the likely suppliers of nuclear weapons without informing the viewers that the receipts for this technology are in the hands of the US government - Rumsfeld fast-tracking nuclear capability to North Korea and the Bush family protecting A.Q. Khan's network.
Not content with saying it twice, Dallas snapped up the chance provided by Hannity to repeat his doomsday creed a third time.
Hannity (referring to Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda): Do you doubt that these terror groups could get a weapon - if they did there's no doubt they would use it against Israel is there?
Dallas: There's no doubt in mind mind that if I should say when one of these terror groups gets a weapon like Hezbollah - within the next decade - they will use it within a time of their choosing, but they would use it.
And a fourth time!