Mike Whitney | Uruknet

The administration has also refused to accept the results of the Palestinian elections--which overwhelmingly supported the new Hamas parliament--even though Bush has repeatedly stated that his primary goal is to bring "democracy" to the Middle East. Instead, Bush has given $18 million to training militants in Jordan (who are members of the rival Palestinian group, Fatah) so they can return to the occupied territories and initiate hostilities against the elected Hamas government. This is being conducted under the supervision of the US intelligence agencies and with the complete knowledge and cooperation of Israeli-puppet, Mahmoud Abbas.
The message is clear: If elections do not produce the results that please Washington and Tel Aviv; expect to face "regime change" through force.
While Palestinian children were being shot in the head by Israeli snipers in Gaza, Rice was crowing about "birth pangs" for "New Middle East". And, when an entire family was blown to bits while picnicking on a beach in Gaza, Rice was proclaiming Israel’s "right to defend itself".
And, now she wants peace? More...