By William Waack
Brazil - O Globo - Original Article (Portuguese)
Translated By Brandi Miller
An antiwar protester poses as President Bush in front of the U.S. Capital Saturday, Jan.27. |
The current president is a "gambler," a risk taker with faith - above all in himself - that has run out of luck. And at the moment of defeat, Bush is becoming even more dangerous, raising the stakes when everyone else reckons it's time to back away from the table. His last set of commands suggests that he sees Iran as the main instigator of the immense difficulty of "pacifying" Iraq. Bush's instructions that "Iranian agents" should be treated like Iraqi insurgents - that is, shoot first and ask questions later – will not be decisive to the current military situation, but it is instructive of what is going on in the brain of the man who is still the world's most powerful.
Stubbornness and self-confidence can be decisive characteristics in times of adversity, or the ultimate prescription for failure - depending on how discerning those that make and implement decisions are. In other words, it depends on that thing that is so difficult to define: vision. Bush is stubborn, without the least bit of greatness or the capacity of comparative discernment of past leaders, who at various times, have found themselves isolated and confronted by impossible tasks. More...