
The neo-cons and their task masters have drawn a major line in the sand.


Former President under attack by those who favor Israeli narrow interests over American wider goals.
America's greatest living former President Jimmy Carter is under attack by individuals who favor the narrow interests of a foreign country -- Israel -- against the wider interests of the United States.

People with names like Dershowitz, Foxman, and Lieberman are content to shed the blood of America's military men and women, not for the interests of people in Oshkosh, Wisconsin; Austin, Texas; or Corvallis, Oregon but for narrow-agenda right-wing elements in Tel Aviv, Netanya, and Jerusalem, Israel.

They and their money pipelines of the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) are engaged in a huge propaganda effort to immerse the United States deeper into the Iraq quagmire and fight Binyamin Netanyahu's "wet dream" wars in Iran and Syria. More...

Hysterical jew insists that Carter is bought. Of course, when Carter
points to the purchasers of Congress, "he's an anti-semite!"
Having everything both ways is pretty much the essence of judaism.

And your point is?

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