Neocon Flubs Keep On Rolling: Iran Does Not Manufacture 81MM Mortar Shells
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini: the “United States has a long history in fabricating evidence.” |
Pentagon carelessness fabricating bogus “evidence” against Iran is really quite stupendous. As I wrote here yesterday, the 81mm mortar shell offered up to the complaisant corporate media as “evidence” Iran is supplying weaponry to the Shi’a of Iraq is an obvious ruse, as the date on the proffered shell does not follow the Muslim calendar and other markings are in English when it only makes sense they would appear in Persian script.
But it gets worse.
It's almost beyond belief that the Pentagon and the Neo-Con "war-mongers" would attempt yet another bogus story to initiate war...
Posted by
Me |
12:09 pm