Ron Brynaert | Raw Story

After joking that "if Karl Rove finds out about this, he won't let me out again," Cheney told AIPAC members that they "play a vital role in making the strategic and moral case for America's friendship with Israel."
The vice president then spoke of the "mind-set" of terrorists.
"Civilized, decent societies will never fully understand the kind of mind-set that drives men to strap on bombs or fly airplanes into buildings, all for the purpose of killing unsuspecting men, women and children who they have never met and who have done them no wrong, but that is the very kind of blind, prideful hatred we're up against," Cheney said. More...
There seems to be no limits to Dick Cheney's "doublespeak"...
Strangely, the only truth in this speech was evidentally in his final sentence, "We're fighting that war on our own terms..."
How does one "prevail" over an "enemy" required to achieve one's objective?
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10:00 pm