Go back to sleep, you can trust a press release from a heavily redacted secret military tribunal of a tortured detainee conducted by individuals representative of an oligarchy whose every deception, gross violation of U.S. law, and act of imperial bloodletting over the last six years rests on maintaining the orthodoxy of the official 9/11 myth
Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

The Pentagon's press release was subject to editing on behalf of the U.S. Defense Department to remove any sensitive material that Khalid might have unwittingly revealed between his water boarding sessions, but I'm sure we can trust this same gaggle of criminals that lectured us on WMD and "accidentally" misplaced over 2 trillion dollars.
In the document, KSM confesses to almost every nasty thing that's happened in the world over the past twenty years, as well as formulating plots to assassinate Clinton, Carter and the Pope. It's just a shame that the torture masters were not given more time to really put the screws to Khalid, because then we may have found out that he was also responsible for the Challenger disaster and the O.J. Simpson murders. More...
Click here for the edited transcript of the tribunal.