
Voice of the White House April 15, 2007


Courtesy of Thetruthseeker - “On Thursday, March 15, a meeting was held in a private suite at the Hay-Adams hotel in Washington. (Interestingly a reader informs us that the Hays-Adams hotel is also known to be connected to the British Secret Intelligence Service. Ed.)

This meeting was attended by CIA and CIA-based Mossad personnel, a Russian/Israeli representative of Boris A. Berezovsky, an Israeli citizen formerly a Russian citizen, representatives of Mikhail Brudno and Vladimir Duboy, also Israeli citizens and once major holders in Yukos, the Russian oil giant.. Also present was a personal representative of Vice President Cheney.

The meeting was under clandestine electronic surveillance and it quickly emerged that the purpose of this meeting, which commenced after a luncheon served in the rooms and began at 1425 hours, was to discuss the means by which Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Republic, was to be removed from office, either through extensive civil disruption or assassination. More...