
War on Terror looks like a fraud

John Gleeson – The Winnipeg Sun

Courtesy of Thetruthseeker - A matter of days after the following article appeared the phrase "war on terror" was officially dumped from the British government's vocabulary, according to International Development Secretary Hilary Benn. Of course nothing has really changed though, only the semantics, but if nothing else this subtle shift is a measure of how devious our leaders have become. Ed.

Contrary to the "patriots" who try to use the deaths of our soldiers in Afghanistan to stifle debate on Canada's involvement in the War on Terror, I would say that as new evidence presents itself, we would indeed be cowards to ignore it simply because we've lost troops in the field and are therefore blindly committed to the mission.

And new evidence is piling up around us, arguably strong enough to declare the whole War on Terror an undeniable fraud. More...