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Friday, June 29, 2007

Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Program

Courtesy of

Alan Watt provides a concise historical and philosophical run-down on the NWO agenda in a conversation with radio host Alex Jones:

54 minutes, 26 seconds.

Alan Watt’s site:

Alex Jones’ site:


NWO greeting for Prime Minister Gordon Brown?


Police believe they have foiled a major terrorist attack in the heart of London's West End after a "massive" explosive device was found in a car.

Eyewitnesses said a man crashed the vehicle into bins near a nightclub early this morning and then ran off.

The incident was in Piccadilly, near the Regent Street shopping area, and security sources say it was timed to coincide with Gordon Brown's first day as Prime Minister.


“Everybody Knows the Clock is Ticking"
Yet nobody knows what time it is.

By Jim Kirwan | InformationClearingHouse

For most of the last ten days the news from Washington has been punctuated by the bizarre antics of Dick Cheney – the man that puts the ‘Vice’ in the US presidency. History gave us all a lesson during the Nixon years and Watergate, when the line between the laws and those who either make or enforce those laws was re-emphasized. No one then was allowed to place themselves above or beyond the law. That clock continues to tick: but apparently a lot of people have forgotten that presidents are not gods (or dictators), and that no president is or can ever be, allowed to remain above the laws of this nation that they supposedly lead.


Cheney-Bush Planning For New 911

By Ted Lang | Exclusive to

...Cheney-Bush did 9/11 all right, and they probably have already finished plans for the next domestic terrorist event. But where's the proof you might be prompted to ask. The proof is in their very behavior, which increasingly, and on a daily basis, demonstrates their hatred and contempt for America, its people, and its Constitution. They are becoming braver and more arrogant by the day. More...

Thursday, June 28, 2007

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Cheney Claims Vice President Is ‘An Important Part’ Of Executive Branch

By Nico | ThinkProgress

New evidence bolsters the case that Vice President Cheney himself considers his office to be part of the executive branch (except when he is attempting to avoid accountability and oversight).


Daily Show: Cheney’s Dick Move: 2001 flip flop

By SilentPatriot | CrooksandLiars

Jon examines Vice President Cheney’s latest audacious claim of being not only above the rule of law, but also residing outside the traditional three branches of government.


Click here for the video...

Norman Mineta Confirms That Dick Cheney Ordered Stand Down on 9/11
Former Transportation Secretary Disputes 9/11 Commission Report Timetable for Dick Cheney and Reveals Lynn Cheney Was Also in PEOC Bunker Before Attack

By Aaron Dykes | JonesReport

Former Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta answered questions from members of 9/11 Truth about his testimony before the 9/11 Commission report.

Mineta says Vice President Cheney was "absolutely" already there when he arrived at approximately 9:25 a.m. in the PEOC (Presidential Emergency Operations Center) bunker on the morning of 9/11. Mineta seemed shocked to learn that the 9/11 Commission Report claimed Cheney had not arrived there until 9:58-- after the Pentagon had been hit, a report that Mineta definitively contradicted.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Cheney Author: 9/11 Didn’t Change Cheney, Gave Him Opportunity ‘To Put His Views Into Action’

By Faiz |

The Washington Post’s four-part series on the influence and power of Dick Cheney reveal the tactics of a stealthy operator who prizes secrecy, kneecaps opponents, stifles dissent, and dogmatically pursues a rigid hard-right agenda.

Cheney has argued that his quest for war in Iraq, pursuit of torture, denial of due process to detainees, and advocacy for illegal wiretaps were all precipitated by the events of 9/11:
    CHENEY: In a sense, 9/11 changed everything for us. 9/11 forced us to think in new ways about threats to the United States, about our vulnerabilities, about who our enemies were, about what kind of military strategy we needed in order to defend ourselves. [12/23/03]

    CHENEY: I think 9/11 changed things to the point where we could no longer afford to ignore what was going on in Iraq. [2/23/07]

Countdown: Dick’s World - Fun With Dick And Dick

By Logan Murphy |

On “Countdown,” Keith Olbermann does his best to cover the absolutely bizarre dog and pony show being performed by the White House and the right wing noise machine, regarding the recent revelations surrounding Vice President Cheney’s assertion that he’s not part of the Executive branch.


Click here for the video...

General Predicts Israel Will Attack Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah, “al-Qaeda” this Summer

It is a provocative headline: “Israel braces for July war with up to five enemies.” If we are to believe Israeli military intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, this attack will be launched by Iran, Syria, Hizbullah, Hamas and, of course, “al-Qaeda,” the database. “Each of these adversaries is capable of sparking a war in the summer,” Yadlin told the World Tribune. In other words, Israel is capable of attacking one or all of these “adversaries,” as Israel has a notorious history of attacking its neighbors under contrived pretense.

Few remember the words of the Irgun terrorist Menachem Begin, later Israeli prime minister—as Israelis, much like Americans, prefer to be led by terrorists and war criminals—who admitted in 1982 “that Israel had fought three wars in which it had a ‘choice,’ meaning Israel started the wars,” according to Donald Neff, writing for the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.


Monday, June 25, 2007

Bush Directive for a "Catastrophic Emergency" in America: Building a Justification for Waging War on Iran?

By Prof. Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research

The threat of a Second Al Qaeda "Attack on America" is being used profusely by the Bush administration to galvanize public opinion in support of a global military agenda.


Cheney ordered Secret Service logs destroyed, paper reports

By John Byrne | Raw

VP created new secret document classification, keeps 'man-size' safes

A massive piece in Sunday's Washington Post reveals the true extent of secrecy Vice President Dick Cheney requires.

So clandestine is the Vice President's work that he has created a new secret document designation: "Treated As: Top Secret/SCI."

That's not all: the piece also reveals that Cheney keeps 'man-size' Mosler safes on hand for "workaday business" and has destroyed all Secret Service visitor logs, in addition to already refusing to comply with a national security directive issued by President Bush, which RAW STORY first reported earlier this week.

Not only does he refuse to give the names of his staff, Cheney won't even disclose how many people he employs. More...

Hanging Around WTC 7

By Amy de Miceli

...It was just after the first attack on the North tower, but before the second plane hit the South Tower, when Barry Jennings escorted Michael Hess to the World Trade Center Tower 7. Mr. Jennings recalls a large number of police officers in the lobby of WTC 7 when they arrived. The two men went up to the 23rd floor, but could not get in, so they went back to the lobby and the police took them up in the freight elevator for a second try. When they arrived on level 23, at the Office of Emergency Management they found it had been recently deserted, "coffee that was on the desk, smoke was still coming off the coffee, I saw half eaten sandwiches"

At that point he made some phone calls, and an un-named individual told them to "leave, and leave right away"...


Cheney Announced Bush Detainee Policy Before Bush Made Decision

Barton Gellman and Jo Becker | Washington Post

Just past the Oval Office, in the private dining room overlooking the South Lawn, Vice President Cheney joined President Bush at a round parquet table they shared once a week. Cheney brought a four-page text, written in strict secrecy by his lawyer. He carried it back out with him after lunch.


Iraqis to Bush: "You have left us with nothing"

By Mike Whitney | InformationClearingHouse

"Never had I fathomed, not even in my remotest imagination, that a day will come when God's houses will be attacked and destroyed. The way they are today, in Iraq...Never.


Friday, June 22, 2007

Judicial Watch, up to its old tricks


Judicial Watch, one of Christian Zionist Richard Melon Scaife’s propaganda outlets, suddenly pops up with some old FBI documents which indicate (or here) that Osama may have been behind one of the flights that extracted the Saudi royal children, and some bin Laden family members, from the American lynch mob in the wake of September 11. The timing of this revelation is odd. It is even odder that Osama would be so kind as to leave some sort of paper trail connecting him to the extrication. Did he use his laptop in that cave in Afghanistan to charter the flight? More...

OVP: Our Fourth Branch of Government?

By Nicole Belle |

On Countdown, Keith Olbermann talks about the startling and deeply disturbing assertions that the Office of the Vice President is making regarding oversight.


Click here for the video...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Conspiracy


Here’s what happened:

  1. The American Establishment knew that Bush wasn’t qualified in any way to be President of the United States. On the other hand, he appeared to be electable, and carried with him the promise of lower taxes and the end of the few regulations on corporations that were left...

FBI Knowingly Allowed Bin Laden To Personally Charter Flight After 9/11
Newly released documents prove agency let Osama's family go at his request without even questioning them

Steve Watson | Prison Planet

The FBI were aware that Osama Bin Laden may have chartered one of the flights that took Bin Laden family members out of the U.S. in the days after the 9/11 attacks, yet allowed the planes to depart without even questioning them, new Agency documents reveal.

While all other air traffic had been grounded for days by the authorities they knowingly allowed the immediate family of their prime suspect behind the attacks to get into planes and fly out at Bin Laden's own request.

The previously confidential documents (PDF link) have been obtained by Judicial Watch through the Freedom of Information Act and ongoing litigation. More...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

NSA 'spy room' at AT&T exposed
Agency can spy on email and web use with impunity

Iain Thomson |

Documents obtained by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) claim to show that US telco AT&T allowed the National Security Agency (NSA) to set up a 'secret room' in its offices to monitor internet traffic.

The documents were handed over as part of an EFF legal case against AT&T for alleged violation of user privacy. The US government has asked the courts to dismiss the case, claiming that the lawsuit could expose state secrets. More...

9/11 Bombshell: WTC7 Security Official Details Explosions Inside Building
Says bombs were going off in 7 before either tower collpased

Steve Watson | Prison Planet

The Alex Jones show today welcomed Loose Change creators Dylan Avery and Jason Burmas to discuss an exclusive interview they have conducted with an individual with high level security clearance who was inside the Office of Emergency Management in World Trade Center 7 and has descibed and detailed explosions inside the building prior to the collapse of any of the buildings at ground zero on 9/11.

The interview, to be featured in the forthcoming Final Cut of Loose Change is currently under wraps but the creators have allowed some details to leak purely to protect themselves and the individual involved who has asked to remain anonymous until the film is released. More...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

IAEA chief declares any attack on Iran "an act of madness"

By Peter Symonds |

The latest meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which ended on Thursday, has set the stage for a new round of punitive measures against Iran over its nuclear programs. Washington is pressing for a third round of UN Security Council sanctions, but the presence of two US aircraft battle groups in the Persian Gulf is a constant reminder that the Bush administration is keeping "all options on the table".

In his concluding remarks, IAEA director general Mohammed ElBaradei ominously warned that the use of force against Iran would be “an act of madness ... [that] would not resolve the issue.” Having witnessed firsthand the Bush administration’s use of lies about WMDs to justify military aggression against Iraq, ElBaradei is well aware that US “diplomacy” is also providing the pretext for war against Iran.

ElBaradei bluntly told the BBC a fortnight ago: “I wake up every morning and see 100 Iraqi innocent civilians are dying. More...

The Real Reason for Bush’s Invasion of Iraq Is a National Security Secret

By Paul Craig Roberts

...what is the real agenda?

Millions of Americans have come to their own conclusions about the reasons for Bush’s invasion: (1) Oil: the US government wants to hold on to power by expanding its control over oil, and Bush and Cheney want to reward their oil company cronies. (2) Military-security complex: Police agencies favor war as a means of expanding their power, and military industries favor war as a means of expanding their profits. (3) Neoconservative ideology: Neocons’ believe in "American exceptionalism" and claim that America’s virtue gives the US government the right and the obligation to impose US hegemony on the rest of the world, especially in the Middle East where independent Muslim states object to Israel’s theft of Palestine. (4) Karl Rove: Rove used the "war president" role to rescue Bush from attack by Democrats as an illegitimate president elected by one vote of the US Supreme Court. (5) American self-righteousness over 9/11 and lust for revenge.

All of these reasons came together to make a cruel war on an innocent people. More...

Biggest Cheney Scandal Yet: U.S. To Open Investigation of BAE Corruption

By Lyndon LaRouche

The U.S. Department of Justice is almost certain to open an investigation of the scandal-ridden, British-based global defense contractor BAE Systems under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, according to a report in the British-based {Guardian Unlimited} today.

The BAE scandal implicates some of Lyndon LaRouche's most significant enemies in Washington and London. British Prime Minister Tony Blair, U.S. Vice president Dick Cheney, and former British Ministry of Defense procurement officer Baroness Liz Symons are tied up in the biggest bribery scandal in memory, involving at least $2 billion in payoffs to Saudi Prince Bandar over a 22-year period to secure weapons deals, and billions more in slush funds paid out elsewhere. More...

Countdown: White House, RNC E-Mail Scandal Bigger Than Originally Thought

By Logan Murphy |

On "Countdown", David Shuster talks about a preliminary House Oversight Committee report on possible violations of the Presidential Records Act by the White House and White House officials. The report shows a coordinated, widespread pattern of using RNC e-mail servers to conduct government business, with hundreds of thousands, and potentially millions of those e-mails having been destroyed–all illegally. More...

Click here for the video...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

"Cheney hawks push for Iran strikes"

AFP -- An internal debate is underway in the administration of US President George W. Bush on whether the current diplomatic approach toward Iran has any hope of halting the country's nuclear program, The New York Times reported on its website Friday.

Citing unnamed senior administration officials, the newspaper said the debate has pitted Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her deputies against the few remaining hawks inside the administration, especially those in the office of Vice President Richard Cheney.

Cheney's aides are pressing for greater consideration of military strikes against Iranian nuclear facilities, the report said. More...

Defreitas: Not Simply an Idiot, but a Useful Idiot

"The recently publicized terrorist plot to blow up John F. Kennedy International Airport, like so many of the terrorist plots over the past few years, is a study in alarmism and incompetence: on the part of the terrorists, our government and the press," writes Bruce Schneier for Wired.

Schneier concludes that the corporate media is “just as deluded as Defreitas,” the supposed “homegrown terrorist” nabbed before the plot came to fruition. Of course, as Schneier explains, the alleged plan, to blow up JFK’s fuel tanks and a small segment of the 40-mile petroleum pipeline that supplies the airport, was ridiculous. The fuel tanks are thick-walled, making them hard to damage. The airport tanks are separated from the pipelines by cutoff valves, so even if a fire broke out at the tanks, it would not back up into the pipelines. And the pipeline couldn’t blow up in any case, since there’s no oxygen to aid combustion. Not that the terrorists ever got to the stage—or demonstrated that they could get there—where they actually obtained explosives. Or even a current map of the airport’s infrastructure. More...

The Daily Show catches Tony Snow Lying

By John Amato |

Where oh where is our beloved Press Corps? Jon Stewart magnificently busted Tony Snow lying and he did it in the perfect way...Take a look...

Click here for the video...

Even Dan Froomkin caught this one...


Thursday, June 14, 2007

The delinquent Congress

By Ernest Partridge | Online Journal

The administration of George Bush has, in effect, suspended the Constitution of the United States.

At Guantánamo in Cuba, in military prisons in the United States, and in secret detention facilities abroad, American citizens and non-citizens are being held without charge, without counsel, without prospect of a jury trial, in violation of the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth articles of the Bill of Rights. These rights apply to all persons under United States jurisdiction. The word “citizen” appears nowhere in the Bill of Rights.

The same administration has conducted warrantless surveillance of American citizens in violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights, and despite an explicit order of the Supreme Court to cease and desist.

And the administration, in violation of ratified treaties, which have the force of law (Article Six of the Constitution), is engaged in an undeclared war against a non-threatening nation, and is torturing prisoners. The treaties are, respectively, the Nuremberg Accords and the Geneva Conventions. More...

Israel’s new President: a war criminal par excellence

By Khalid Amayreh |

To many in the West, Israel’s new President Shimon Peres is a respectable statesman and man of peace. However, in truth, Peres is a repulsive racist and war criminal who has tons of innocent blood on his hands.

In 1993, Peres acquired the image of a peacemaker for his role in concluding the Declaration of Principles, better known as the Oslo Accords, with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

The inherently vague agreement, which both the PLO and Israel interpreted differently, even contradictorily, enabled Israel to impose its own interpretation and consequently consolidate its tight control of all aspects of Palestinian life under the deceptive rubric of peace.

And when the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat told his people in the mid 1990s that the Oslo Accord would eventually lead to the creation of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, Peres snidely remarked that "I can’t post a guard at Arafat’s lips."

Peres, born as Szymon Perski in Vishniova, Belarus, in 1923, has a long history of serving the evil Zionist enterprise in Palestine. More...

Blair Calls For Chinese Style Net Controls In the UK
Declares war on "pernicious conspiracy theory" media coverage

Steve Watson | Prison Planet

Related Article: Internet Doomsday Creeps Closer

Outgoing British Prime Minister Tony Blair has savaged online media today in a speech in which he declared war on the free press by hinting at new restrictions on internet journalism and suggested that the media should be brought more into line with the government.

Blair complained that the media was too "feral" (i.e. not tamed by the government) and referring to online journalism stated:

"In fact, the new forms can be even more pernicious, less balanced, more intent on the latest conspiracy theory multiplied by five."

This is an outright call for a crackdown on the free press. Blair is out in the open here saying the media is too independent of the government, he is admitting that the freedom with which the media, especially online, is now operating is hurting his government and its agenda.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Put Rumsfeld, Gonzales back on the dock for war crimes - UN expert

Press Esc

Politicians forced German prosecutors not to open an investigation into allegations of torture raised in a complaint filed against Donald Rumsfeld, former US Secretary of Defense, US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and others, according a damning report by the top UN judicial independence expert who urged German authorities to re-opening the case. More...

'Kill Anyone Still Alive': American Special Ops in Somalia

By Chris Floyd | Empire Burlesque

How many people did American forces actually kill when they attacked refugees fleeing from the U.S.-backed Ethiopian invasion of Somalia last January? We know from reports by Oxfam, the Guardian, the Associated Press and Reuters that dozens of innocent civilians were slaughtered near the Kenyan border, including villagers and nomadic tribesmen hit by American gunships seeking to kill alleged al Qaeda operatives who may or may not have been among the refugees. But a new story in Esquire magazine -- detailing the creation of America's most recent military satrapy, the Africa Command -- provides disturbing indications that the post-invasion killing by American operatives in Somalia was far more extensive -- and deliberate -- than previously known. [Extensive background on the war in Somalia can be found here.]


The War on Consciousness

By Paul Levy | ICH

We have the most criminal regime in all of our history wreaking unspeakable horror on the entire planet, while simultaneously waging war on the consciousness of its own citizens - US. If we aren’t aware of this, we are unwittingly playing into, supporting and complicit in the evil that is being perpetrated in our name. More...

"The Army now admits...

...that it secretly dumped 64 million pounds of nerve and mustard agents into the sea, along with 400,000 chemical-filled bombs, land mines and rockets and more than 500 tons of radioactive waste - either tossed overboard or packed into the holds of scuttled vessels."


Monday, June 11, 2007

"The Secret History of the American Empire"
Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption

Audio & Transcript - Interview with John Perkins | ICH

Today, we spend the hour with a man who claims to have worked deep inside the forces driving corporate globalization. In his first book, “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”, John Perkins told the story of his work as a highly paid consultant hired to strong-arm leaders into creating policy favorable to the U.S. government and corporations -- what he calls the “corporatocracy.” More...

G8 False Flag Terror Attack Averted?
US "security men" attempted to smuggle C4 plastic explosive past checkpoint

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

It looks highly likely that a false flag terror attack to be blamed on protesters of the G8 summit in Germany was averted after German surveillance stopped a team of "US security men" attempting to smuggle C4 plastic explosives past a checkpoint at Heiligendamm.

The alarming revelation was buried at the end of a Deutsche Press-Agentur news article about the ongoing battles between police and protesters at the global forum.
    Sources told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa that US security men tested German security by trying to smuggle C4 plastic explosive past a checkpoint at Heiligendamm.

    German surveillance machinery detected the tiny stash in a suitcase in a car and the Americans in plainclothes then identified themselves. German police declined comment.

    Was this simply a "test" as is claimed or more likely, an aborted false flag terror attack that was set to be blamed on protesters to legitimize the powerhouse G8 nations and the global elite while demonizing anti-globalization activists and justifying the use of lethal force against demonstrators?

Dick Cheney Becomes Ever More Impeachable

By Edward Spannaus and Nancy Spannaus | EIR

Vice President Dick Cheney, the linchpin of the British oligarchical hold on the U.S. government, took some political body blows in the week of June 4, which have increased the pressure for bringing him to account for his crimes and offenses. With more and more spotlights being trained upon Cheney's high crimes and misdemeanors against the U.S. Constitution, he becomes ever more impeachable—and the political excuses for failing to pursue impeachment more and more unacceptable.

Specifically, if impeachment is "off the table," the war against Iran and shredding of the U.S. Constitution are surely on the table.

The three hits delivered to Cheney were: 1) the sentencing of his chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby, to 30 months in prison; 2) the stunning revelation by former Deputy Attorney General James Comey of Cheney's pivotal role in the illegal NSA wiretap program; and 3) the legal overturning of two cases before the Cheney-promoted Military Commissions at Guantanamo.

The Libby Sentence—Is Cheney Next? More...

Everything They Say About Promoting Democracy Is, And Always Has Been, A Damnable Lie

By Chris Floyd | Empire Burlesque

"Bandargate," the exploding scandal involving a billion-dollar arms-deal kickback to presidential crony Prince Bandar -- the Saudi poobah dubbed "Bandar Bush" by the president himself for his decades-long intimacy with America's ruling family -- continues to provide telling revelations about the way the world really works.

For instance, buried deep in one of the Guardian's latest stories on the scandal, we find this illuminating passage:
    Prince Bandar has spoken himself of his unorthodox methods with cash. He is quoted in a recent biography saying that he personally flew $10m in a suitcase to Rome and gave it to a priest at the Vatican Bank, in order to covertly fund the Christian Democrats against the Communists in the 1983 Italian elections.

    He is quoted saying he did this at the request of the Pope, Lady Thatcher and then head of the CIA, Bill Casey. They wanted him to shift the cash so no western fingerprints would be on it.


Desert Peace Blog

(Ben Heine © Cartoons)
Israel's policy of segregation in the center of Hebron led to the closing of at least 1,014 commercial establishments during the Intifada. At least 659 Palestinian families had to leave their homes. These are the finding of a new report issued recently by B'Tselem and The Association for civil rights in Israel.

Watch THIS video produced and presented by the two organisations.

Over the years, Israel established a number of settlement points in and around the Old City of Hebron, which had traditionally served as the commercial center for the entire southern West Bank . More...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The British Army Rebels Against Propaganda

By John Pilger | Information Clearing House

An experienced British officer serving in Iraq has written to the BBC describing the invasion as "illegal, immoral and unwinnable" which, he says, is "the overwhelming feeling of many of my peers". In a letter to the BBC's Newsnight and he accuses the media's "embedded coverage with the US Army" of failing to question "the intentions and continuing effects of the US-led invasion and occupation". More...

Bush Mantra: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

By Joseph L. Galloway | Information Clearing House

The Democrats in Congress wring their hands, gnash their teeth and wail that there was nothing they could do but cave in and vote to continue funding the war in Iraq. After all, that crafty George W. Bush had maneuvered them into a corner and they didn't have the votes to override his veto. Horse manure. More...

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

If You Think Bush Is Evil Now, Wait Until He Nukes Iran

By Paul Craig Roberts | Information Clearing House

The war in Iraq is lost. This fact is widely recognized by American military officers and has been recently expressed forcefully by Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the commander of US forces in Iraq during the first year of the attempted occupation. Winning is no longer an option. More...

Could an al-Qaeda Attack Trigger War With Iran?

By Gareth Porter |

Following revelations of a George W. Bush administration policy to hold Iran responsible for any al-Qaeda attack on the U.S. that could be portrayed as planned on Iranian soil, former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski warned last week that Washington might use such an incident as a pretext to bomb Iran. More...

New law every 3 hours from Blair

Gerri Peev | The Scotsman

ONE law every three hours has been created during Tony Blair's decade in power - most of it without the full scrutiny of parliament, research published today will reveal.

Over the past ten years, close to 30,000 new laws have been created - an average of 2,685 a year or more than seven a day.

But the Labour government has also increasingly used statutory instruments, rather than acts of parliament, to impose the new flood of legislation.

Some 98 per cent of new laws in the Blair decade were introduced by statutory instrument, allowing less time for debate in parliament than the tabling of a bill. More...

Severe Indictment Of U.S. Foreign Policy

By César Chelala | Information Clearing House

New York -- -- According to the just released Global Peace Index, created by The Economist Intelligence Unit, the U.S. is among the least peaceful nations in the world. And Russia is even less so, a severe condemnation for these two powerful countries. This serious indictment shows the need to reassess policies and return to the rule of international law if the goal for a more peaceful world is to be achieved. More...

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Olbermann: The Nexus Of Politics And Terror

By Logan Murphy |

On Monday night's "Countdown" Keith Olbermann updates his disturbing timeline of how the Bush Administration has strategically used terrorism and fear to counter bad publicity, starting in 2002 all the way up to the most recent terrorist plot to blow up JFK airport. This is a long segment so we've broken it down into two files. This is stunning, and dramatic analysis, make sure to watch both parts. More...

Click here for video (Part 1)
Click here for video (Part 2)

Libby sentenced to 30 months in prison


WASHINGTON - Former White House aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby was sentenced to 2½ years in prison Tuesday for lying and obstructing the CIA leak investigation.

Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, stood calmly before a packed courtroom as a federal judge said the evidence overwhelmingly proved his guilt.

“People who occupy these types of positions, where they have the welfare and security of nation in their hands, have a special obligation to not do anything that might create a problem,” U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton said. More...

Cheney's Mystery Visitors

By Michael A. Fletcher | Washington

If you want to know who is visiting Vice President Cheney and his staff, you might have to camp out and watch. The logs that record such visits are not available to reporters, interest groups and others seeking the names. (By Julie Jacobson -- Associated Press)
So you thought that maybe, just maybe, Vice President Cheney was mellowing in his controversial campaign to reestablish executive powers and prerogatives that he feels had been eroded since Watergate. Okay, so you didn't think that. And you were right not to.

A Sept. 13, 2006, letter from Cheney's counsel, Shannen W. Coffin, to the Secret Service that surfaced last week made clear that Cheney intends to exercise "exclusive control" of the logs showing who is visiting him or his staff at the White House compound or at the vice presidential residence at the Naval Observatory.

In the letter, Coffin reiterated Cheney's position that the vice president's office should be the sole keeper of the visitor logs and the Secret Service should not. Other administrations have relinquished the records in the face of congressional investigations.

But the Bush administration's policy puts the visitor records out of reach of the Freedom of Information Act and off-limits to reporters and interest groups trying to determine who is meeting with the vice president or his staff. More...

Experts cast doubt on credibility of JFK terror plot

by Luis Torres de la Llosa | Yahoo News

NEW YORK (AFP) - An alleged plot to blow up fuel tanks and pipelines at New York's JFK airport had little chance of success, according to safety experts, who have questioned whether the plot ever posed a real threat.

US authorities said Saturday they had averted an attack that could have resulted in "unfathomable damage, deaths, and destruction," and charged four alleged Islamic radicals with conspiracy to cause an explosion at the airport.

But according to the experts, it would have been next to impossible to cause an explosion in the jet fuel tanks and pipeline. Furthermore, the plotters seem to have lacked the explosives and financial backing to carry out the attack. More...

Monday, June 04, 2007

JFK Airport Plot Has All The Hallmarks Of Staged Terror
Near-retarded "ringleader", paid government provocateur mirrors legion of previous cases

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

An alleged plot to blow up fuel tanks, terminal buildings and fuel lines running beneath Kennedy International Airport has all the hallmarks of being another staged terror alert, having never advanced beyond a rudimentary planning stage while being prodded and provocateured by a paid government informant.

In every single major terror sting we have researched in the west since 9/11, not one single plot has been absent the ingredient of a government provocateur, save the cases that were outright manufactured by imaginative government propagandists in alliance with the corporate media.

In this case, the provocateur was "An informant with a criminal history including drug trafficking and racketeering agreed to work with investigators on the case, in exchange for payments and a reduced sentence," according to the New York Times.


How scary is it?


Contrast “U.S.: 'Unthinkable' terror devastation prevented” and “Plot Was Unlikely to Work, Experts Say, Citing Safeguards and Pipeline Structure”. The usual problem with Bibi Netanyahu’s ‘war on terror’ is that the ‘terrorist’ story has to be dramatic enough to cause fear and Islamophobia, but not so dramatic that it seriously reduces anybody’s profits or the stock market index. Pipelines are everywhere, and largely unguarded and unguardable, and Americans know that, so a pull-back from the original scare was necessary. More...

CIA running black propaganda operation against Iran, Syria and Lebanon, officials say
Some intelligence sources more wary of covert Pentagon operations

Larisa Alexandrovna | Raw

The Central Intelligence Agency has received approval at least twice in the last several years to conduct an “information war” against several countries in the Middle East, including Iran, Lebanon and Syria, according to current and former intelligence officials.

In addition, the Bush Administration has been running operations out of the Defense Department that are not subject to Congressional oversight, intelligence sources say. These programs appear murkier, and have included support for an alleged terrorist group in Iran.

A recent ABC News report revealed that President George W. Bush had signed a presidential finding giving the CIA the authority to conduct “non-lethal” covert operations against Iran. Former and current intelligence sources tell RAW STORY, however, that there have been “at least two” presidential findings over the past few years which have empowered the agency to run an “open-secret” information war against Iranian interests, mainly leveraging resources and assets “within the United States and France.” More...

Whose Truth?

Dr. Marcy Newman writing from Beirut, Live from Lebanon

The northern entrance of Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp, under fire from Lebanese forces. (Dr. Marcy Newman)
1 June 2007

For the past 800 and some odd days in Lebanon, especially in Rafiq Hariri strongholds, there have been signs counting the days until "the truth" (al-haqiqa) is learned about Hariri's assassination (in other words, until Syria can be blamed). This "truth" seems to be the only one that matters in Lebanon right now.

Since early morning U.S. weapons have bombarded the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in northern Lebanon, though no one can get a clear idea about what exactly is happening there. On the news we watched bombs going off every few seconds all day long with huge clouds of black smoke smoldering in the sky. A journalist friend who was trying to photograph the scene called me and asked me to bring him more equipment from his home in Beirut. Since I needed to deliver medicine to Nahr al-Bared refugees in Bedawi refugee camp I drove his equipment up to Nahr al-Bared where he was trying to take pictures. More...

Friday, June 01, 2007

Fourth Suicide At Gitmo

By: Nicole Belle |

The Australian: A Saudi prisoner died at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp today, apparently the fourth person to commit suicide at the controversial US enclave in southeastern Cuba.

"The detainee was found unresponsive and not breathing in his cell by guards. The detainee was pronounced dead by a physician after all lifesaving measures had been exhausted," the US military's Southern Command said in a statement.[..]

It said a cultural adviser was assisting the military to ensure that the remains were handled in a culturally sensitive and religiously appropriate manner.


Iran says dead rebels had U.S.-made arms -media

Source: Reuters

(Recasts with Iranian commander's quotes)

TEHRAN, May 31 (Reuters) - Rebels killed in clashes with Iranian forces this week had recently infiltrated border areas of the Islamic Republic carrying U.S.-made arms, an Iranian commander was quoted as saying on Thursday.

Ten rebels and seven Iranian border guards were killed in clashes in a northwestern area close to Turkey, according to Iranian media reports on Wednesday and Thursday.

"The weapons ... included M16 weapons which are being provided through channels linked to forces present in the region," General Rastegar-Panah, identified only with his last name, told state radio.

The report referred to "American-made weaponry and arms". More...


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