By Khalid Amayreh |
In 1993, Peres acquired the image of a peacemaker for his role in concluding the Declaration of Principles, better known as the Oslo Accords, with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).
The inherently vague agreement, which both the PLO and Israel interpreted differently, even contradictorily, enabled Israel to impose its own interpretation and consequently consolidate its tight control of all aspects of Palestinian life under the deceptive rubric of peace.
And when the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat told his people in the mid 1990s that the Oslo Accord would eventually lead to the creation of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, Peres snidely remarked that "I can’t post a guard at Arafat’s lips."
Peres, born as Szymon Perski in Vishniova, Belarus, in 1923, has a long history of serving the evil Zionist enterprise in Palestine. More...