Numbskull “al-Qaeda” Patsies Flub in Glasgow
Obviously, the British and Scotland branch of “al-Qaeda” need to call the home office, as “al-Qaeda in Iraq” is far more effective at car bombs and the UK version need a bit of tutoring. “A vehicle that crashed into Scotland’s largest airport was being treated as a potential terror attack linked to two car bombs found in London, police said Saturday,” reports
MSNBC. “Britain raised its security alert to ‘critical’—the highest level possible and an indication that terrorist attacks are imminent. U.S. airports increased safety precautions.” In other words, goons with automatic weapons and dogs, reminiscent of Nazi soldiers on train platforms demanding to see papers, will be sending a message to holiday commuters next week, as America celebrates its independence to shop, eat hot dogs, and blow off fireworks made by slaves in China.