On Cue, “al-Qaeda” Threatens Iran
For the neocons, “al-Qaeda” is a dream come true. For instance, the current arch nemesis of the clash of civilizations gang, Iran—or rather, the latest target, as the previous target, Iraq, is mired in engineered “sectarian violence,” and other targets, such as Syria, await their turn—has supposedly fallen afoul of “al-Qaeda in Iraq,” as the corporate media reports. “The leader of an al-Qaida umbrella group in Iraq threatened to wage war against Iran unless it stops supporting Shi’ites in Iraq within two months, according to an audiotape,” the
Associated Press would have us believe, mostly because we are suckers for these sort of things. “Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, who leads the group Islamic State in Iraq, said his Sunni fighters have been preparing for four years to wage a battle against Shi’ite-dominated Iran,” precisely as their handlers—the CIA, Mossad, and MI6—have planned.