
Camp David "Crash" More Evidence Of 9/11 Media Scripting?
CBS News reported that United Airlines Flight 93 had crashed at Camp David - 90 miles away from its alleged resting place in Somerset County, PA

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

Uncovered archive video showing CBS News reporting that United Airlines Flight 93 had crashed at Camp David, 90 miles away from its supposed final resting place at Somerset County PA, has led to more charges that the media were reading off a de facto script as the events of 9/11 unfolded.

According to a CBS News report on 9/11, an FBI official in Washington was informed by the FAA that United Airlines Flight 93 had crashed "into the vicinity of or at Camp David," the presidential retreat.

The Secret Service are later cited as the source for confirming a crash near Camp David and that Camp David itself was not damaged, but that it was the intended target.


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