
History Channel Fraudsters Pass Off Joke Website as Representative Of 9/11 Truth
Liar Bradley Davis used 'Jews Did 9/11' parody to smear truthers during dirty tricks broadcast

Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

As part of a catalogue of dirty tricks employed to smear the truth movement in its 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction special, The History Channel used screenshots of an inane parody website and passed it off as representative of people asking questions about the official story.

During the introduction to the show, images from the website were flashed up and associated with the 9/11 truth movement.

The website is nothing more than a ludicrous fast moving slideshow of 9/11 images with giant letters that read "JEWS DID 9/11" superimposed on top. Some of the images contain the Star of David and more scribbled "Jews did 9/11" epitaphs appear on other shots in neon green type.
