Another Day, Another False Flag Op Foiled
Kurt Nimmo Blog
Once again, we are expected to believe a handful of patsies—excuse me, “terrorists”—were capable of taking out a U.S. military base, this time the Ramstein air base in Germany, but thanks to the diligent work of Germany’s “special police officers,” these America-hating miscreants were apprehended before they attacked. In addition to Ramstein, reports the
New York Times, these would-be terrorists plotted “massive attacks” against the Frankfurt international airport and “several sites frequented by Americans, including discos [and] bars…. German and American officials said that such indicators made them suspect (sic) connections to Al Qaeda.”
Monika Harms, the German federal prosecutor, “said the three suspects arrested Tuesday belonged to a German cell of the Islamic Jihad Union, a radical Sunni group based in Central Asia that split from the extremist Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan,” thus making the “connections to Al Qaeda” suspect—or maybe not so suspect, as “al-Qaeda” has served for some time now as a handy-dandy false flag operative, a fact well documented, never mind a fact strenuously ignored by the corporate media.