
Israeli Control of the Mass Media & the 9-11 Cover-Up, Part I
Arnon Milchan - Mossad's Man in the Middle

By Christopher Bollyn

Photo: Arnon Milchen (a.k.a. Milchan), Mossad's man in the middle, with two of his best friends - Shimon Peres (left) the current president and architect of Israel's illegal nuclear arsenal, and Benjamin Netanyahu, the architect of the Zionist "War on Terror."
The government and controlled media have lied to the public about 9-11 for 6 years. Those who have discerned and exposed the lies about the "false flag" terror attacks and the fraudulent "War on Terror" have been treated like madmen and criminals.

It's time for this criminal nightmare to end.


Click here for Part Two
Click here for Part Three