
No place for war criminals: Wars are nothing more than “legitimised terror.”
Statement by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, former PM of Malaysia


Tough stand: Participants and guests listening to Dr Mahathir speaking at the conference in Kuala Lumpur.
KUALA LUMPUR: People should use their power and make leaders found guilty by the War Crimes Tribunal “unwelcome wherever they go”, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said.

“They (the war criminals) should be literally hounded,” the former prime minister said in his keynote address at the three-day Expose War Crimes – Criminalise War Conference here yesterday.

“They should have their full frontal and profile pictures put up everywhere as war criminals. And historians should always refer to them as war criminals in history books.”

He said all leaders, especially those from powerful nations, wanted to go down in history as great men – identified with great deeds and not as war criminals.

“History should remember (British Prime Minister Tony) Blair and (US President George W.) Bush as the Killers of Children or as the Lying Prime Minister and President. What Blair and Bush have done is worse than what Saddam (Hussein) had done,” he added.
