By Henry Makow Ph.D. | TheTruthSeeker

The paradigm fostered by the mass media of a 'balanced' world consisting of competing interests, nations, ideologies and religions only gives us false confidence and traps us in a false matrix of "good guys vs. bad guys."
As my readers know, I suspect that most “competing” groups/ideologies actually have been created or subverted by a single force: a satanic cult, the Illuminati (Sabbatean-Frankist Jews and cabalistic Freemasons.) This clique is empowered by a cartel of cartels, beginning with world central banking, based in London. It uses MI-6, the CIA, the Mossad and other “Intelligence” agencies as instruments and controls the media and most politicians.
The Sabbatean-Frankists were a Jewish heresy that captured half the Jewish world in the 17th and 18th Century. They eschewed all morality preaching that good is evil and vice- versa. They believe that chaos and devastation will hasten the return of the Messiah. They went underground and prospered by intermarrying with non-Jews and assuming conventional Jewish or non-Jewish identities. The "Catholic" half-Jewish John Kerry or Madelaine Albright are examples.