"Terror is theatre."
-Khalil in The Little Drummer Girl
by John Le Carre (1982)
Christopher Bollyn
The warning signs are now very clearly indicating that a major false flag terror attack in Europe is in the works, as I previously warned in my March 10 posting below. The latest warning comes through an audio tape of Osama Bin Laden interpreted by Israeli channels for the Associated Press. See "Bin Laden Slams EU Over Prophet Cartoons" AP story:
The Israelis are evidently setting the stage for a major false flag terror attack in Europe.
The reason for the planned false flag terror attack is quite clear. The fighting morale among Europeans for the fraudulent "War on Terror" is flagging. Nobody seems eager to help the clueless Canadians who are threatening to pull out of Kandahar if they don't get help, but nobody else is that stupid.
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread," and the Canadians are obviously quite foolish. They say they will stay in Afghanistan until the Parliament calls them home, but what did the Canadians lose in Afghanistan, except whatever common sense God might have given them?