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Monday, April 28, 2008

‘Western Leaders Are War Criminals’

By Mick Meaney | RINF

The former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad, has echoed calls for Western leaders to be charged with war crimes over the invasion of Iraq.

Speaking at Imperial College in London Mahathir, who was in office from 1981 to 2003, singled out US President George Bush, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Australia’s former prime minister John Howard as he wants to see them tried “in absence for war crimes committed in Iraq”.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Financial Collapse will End the Occupation:
And it won't be "A time of our choosing"

By Mike Whitney | InformationClearingHouse

“Come and see our overflowing morgues and find our little ones for us...
You may find them in this corner or the other, a little hand poking out, pointing out at you...
Come and search for them in the rubble of your "surgical" air raids, you may find a little leg or a little head...pleading for your attention.
Come and see them amassed in the garbage dumps, scavenging morsels of food...
Come and see, come..."
"Flying Kites” Layla Anwar

The US Military has won every battle it has fought in Iraq, but it has lost the war. Wars are won politically, not militarily. Bush doesn't understand this. He still clings to the belief that a political settlement can be imposed through force. But he is mistaken. The use of overwhelming force has only spread the violence and added to the political instability. Now Iraq is ungovernable. Was that the objective? Miles of concrete blast-walls snake through Baghdad to separate the warring parties; the country is fragmented into a hundred smaller pieces each ruled by local militia commanders. These are the signs of failure not success. That's why the American people no longer support the occupation. They're just being practical; they know Bush's plan won't work. As Nir Rosen says, “Iraq has become Somalia”.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

TV News: Pimping for the Pentagon!

By Reggie |

Is it a still a conspiracy theory when the entire plot is exposed on the front page of the Sunday NY Times? Today’s story blows the lid off the myth that television is an any way fair and balanced, in any way trustworthy, and in any way real news.

Most Americans will never see the NY Times story because the TV news networks will not expose their own lies on their own news programs. Just imagine CNN, FOX News or NBC, ABC or CBS featuring this headline:

Behind Military Analysts, the Pentagon’s Hidden Hand

Courting Officers Tied to Military Contractors

Records and interviews show how the Bush administration has used its control over access and information in an effort to transform the analysts into a kind of media Trojan horse — an instrument intended to shape terrorism coverage from inside the major TV and radio networks.


The Darkness that Feeds on the Darkness in Itself

Smoking Mirrors Blog

The chief by product of religion is hypocrisy along with profit and perpetuating the organism. Survival is as much a priority of soulless enterprise as it is in any life form capable of recognizing threat. So it is that you get the obfuscator in chief of the pedophile scandal now operating as Pope and wringing his hands about what a tragedy it was while he was the main force behind its continuance. Religion gives us many terrible ironies and this is only one of them. Yackety yack, don’t look back.


The Voice of the White House - April 18, 2008

Washington, D.C., April 17, 2008 : “The one subject never touched upon in the American media is the control of high level American political institutions by Israel and her American supporters. There is no question that Israel knew to the day when the 9/11 attacks were to happen and who, to the man, were involved in them. There is no question that Israeli businessmen, tipped off by their Mossad, rushed to stock markets all over the world to benefit from what they knew was coming.


UN Human Rights Official Wants Investigation Into US Government Role In 9/11
John Bolton: "This is exactly why we voted against the new human rights council."

Steve Watson |

An official in the newly formed UN Human Rights Council has called for a fresh investigation into the events of 9/11 in order to examine the possible role that neoconservatives may have played in the attacks.

The New York Sun picked up the story today, explaining that Richard Falk, a professor of international law emeritus at Princeton University, and an expert on human rights was assigned to a new position within the council on March 26.

His role is to report on human rights in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs.

Two days prior to the announcement, Falk appeared on former University of Wisconsin lecturer Kevin Barrett's radio show and spoke of how he is keen to see a fresh investigation into 9/11 in order to address inconsistencies in the official account of what happened.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

You Can't Handle the Truth

The Existentialist Cowboy

Two truths denied by nation and media: 1) Bush and Cheney are war criminals; 2) 911 was an inside job. In the meantime, unless something is done, Bush will have led this nation into another bloody, criminal war crime: an attack --possibly nuclear --upon Iran. It is the nature of evil that Bushco has compromised many otherwise good Americans now powerless to act because they have fallen into the spider's web.

As the US economy slips inexorably into a black hole from which they may be no escape, Bush plots another ruinous war. Some 232,000 jobs have been lost in the past three months and still the American people, the media, the Congress kowtows to the worst administration in American history. Nero is said to have fiddled while Rome burned. Deck chairs were re-arranged on the Titanic. Cowards whistle past grave yards. Americans cower in the suburbs.

The US Congress --both parties --have failed their Constitutional responsibilities and in doing so betrayed the nation. That includes every court and every judge who winked and nodded and re-wrote the laws disingenuously to accommodate the revolutionary criminals who have seized what seems now to be absolute power, absolute dictatorship, a 'Big Brother' of Orwellian imagination. Worst of all, it includes the American people, many of whom still support the junta. It also includes anyone still stupid enough to drive an SUV, still stupid enough to enrich the war mongering oil barons with gasoline purchases.


Tuesday, April 08, 2008


By greenfloyd | Folsom

After nearly 20 years of full time research into the true workings of the world, the last few weeks have been real head-shakers for me. Talk about watching a movie.

And it's not even a new movie - just a remake of endless of its kind over hundreds of years. They were once in silent black and white and now in full-blown computer-enhanced digital colour. The movie is called 'The Banking Crisis' and among its many sequels and spin-offs are 'The Recession', 'The Slump', 'The Crash', and, in it's latest version, 'The Credit Crunch'.

All of them star the insider actors and actresses from the same elite families and all have but one prime objective: human control. Everything else is decoration, diversion and camouflage.


Bush Lies About 911: A Primer

The Existentialist Cowboy

As FBI Director Robert Mueller had said, there is no evidence to connect the 'said' 19 'hijackers' with the events of 911. That's 'no' as in 'none', 'nada' and 'zip'! And there is STILL no evidence to connect the 'Arab hijackers' with the crime of mass murder called '911'. Those who assert must prove. Bush asserted a theory in which the 19 hijackers crashed US buildings and all died. Show me the bodies! Show me a valid and verifiable autopsy report.

Show me the evidence! FBI Director Robert Mueller had said that there was none -- no evidence connecting the 19 'said' hijackers with 911. He was right about that if he was wrong about almost everything else.

While there is no verifiable evidence to support the absurd Bush version of this capital crime of mass murder, there is, however, probable cause to indict George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Condoleeza Rice for the crimes of mass murder and treason. Let Cheney give his side of the story --under oath --to a federal grand jury! My critics should not complain if there is no evidence in support of the Bush/Cheney fairy tale! The evidence that might have exonerated the Bush/Cheney gang --if there ever was any --has all been destroyed.


Feith: We Invaded Iraq Because We Were Afraid They'd Attack Us

David Edwards and Muriel Kane | The Raw Story

During an interview to be broadcast on 60 Minutes this Sunday, former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Doug Feith was asked why the US chose to go after Saddam Hussein instead of Osama bin Laden.

CBS's Steve Kroft asked Feith, "Why was the decision made to go after him after 9/11? Because we knew even then, he didn't have anything to do with it."

"What we did after 9/11 was to look broadly at the international terrorism network from which the next attack on the United States might come," Feith replied, "and we did not focus narrowly only on the people who were specifically responsible for 9/11. Our main goal was preventing the next attack."


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A Third American War Crime in the Making

By Paul Craig Roberts | InformationClearingHouse

The US Congress, the US media, the American people, and the United Nations, are looking the other way as Cheney prepares his attack on Iran.


Call For New 9/11 Investigation Reaches Crescendo
Public figures increasingly speaking out while media ignores professionals and experts

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

Calls for a new 9/11 inquiry are reaching a crescendo, with well-respected authorities and celebrities alike adding their voices to the cause, as the official 9/11 story crumbles under the weight of revelations of White House ties to the 9/11 Commission, and other cover-ups on behalf of authorities staffed with investigating the attacks.

The corporate media's insistence on ignoring hundreds of professional experts who are calling for a new 9/11 investigation has spurred many celebrities to use their public platforms to speak out, knowing that the press will at least have to address the issue.

The latest to do so is top comedian Margaret Cho, who told the Alex Jones Show yesterday that the public were going to become very angry when it was fully disclosed that the attacks were a conspiracy, concurring with fellow comedian George Carlin who also questioned the official story last year.


Is an International Financial Conspiracy Driving World Events?

By Richard C. Cook | Global Research

"They make a desolation and call it peace." -Tacitus

Was Alan Greenspan really as dumb as he looks in creating the late housing bubble that threatens to bring the entire Western debt-based economy crashing down?

Was something as easy to foresee as this really the trigger for a meltdown that could destroy the world’s financial system? Or was it done, perhaps, "accidentally on purpose"?

And if so, why?


Was Hitler an Illuminati Agent? (Encore)

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

Greg Hallett's book "Hitler Was A British Agent" depicts war as a ghoulish illusion conjured by occult magicians in order to degrade and eventually enslave humanity in world government.

Hallett's claim that Hitler was a "British" agent is based on the testimony of a shadowy network of retired intelligence agents. While he fails to provide documentary proof, Hallett does offer persuasive circumstantial evidence.

For example, Adolph Hitler was in England in 1912-1913, a fact supported by his sister-in-law's book: "The Memoirs of Bridget Hitler"(1979). Many historians including Hitler biographer John Toland have ignored this startling information. (If Hallett is right, historians like Toland are guilty of sanitizing Hitler and actually making him more credible than he was.)

Hallett says Hitler spent February to November 1912 being brainwashed and trained at the British Military Psych-Ops War School at Tavistock in Devon and in Ireland. "War machines need war and [that means they need] funded, trained and supported double agents to be their patsies, their puppets and their puppet enemies," Hallett writes (38).



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