
Bush Lies About 911: A Primer

The Existentialist Cowboy

As FBI Director Robert Mueller had said, there is no evidence to connect the 'said' 19 'hijackers' with the events of 911. That's 'no' as in 'none', 'nada' and 'zip'! And there is STILL no evidence to connect the 'Arab hijackers' with the crime of mass murder called '911'. Those who assert must prove. Bush asserted a theory in which the 19 hijackers crashed US buildings and all died. Show me the bodies! Show me a valid and verifiable autopsy report.

Show me the evidence! FBI Director Robert Mueller had said that there was none -- no evidence connecting the 19 'said' hijackers with 911. He was right about that if he was wrong about almost everything else.

While there is no verifiable evidence to support the absurd Bush version of this capital crime of mass murder, there is, however, probable cause to indict George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Condoleeza Rice for the crimes of mass murder and treason. Let Cheney give his side of the story --under oath --to a federal grand jury! My critics should not complain if there is no evidence in support of the Bush/Cheney fairy tale! The evidence that might have exonerated the Bush/Cheney gang --if there ever was any --has all been destroyed.
