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Monday, July 30, 2007

Trafficked foreign laborers building U.S. Embassy in Iraq? Allegations of abuse and kidnapping

By Bridget Budbill |

Allegations of worker abuse and kidnapping by the First Kuwaiti Trading and Contracting Co., the contractor selected to build the U.S. embassy in Iraq, were flying today before members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Former American employees John Owens and Rory Mayberry testified that First Kuwait "kidnapped" foreign low-wage laborers to work on the $592 million construction project by lying to them about where they were going.

"...As I found out later, these men thought they had signed up to work in Dubai hotels. One fellow I met told me in broken English that he was excited to start his new job as a telephone repair man.

They had no idea they were being sent to do construction work on the U.S. Embassy."


Oz cops blame UK for wrong info


MELBOURNE: Shortly before Indian doctor Mohammed Haneef, absolved of terror charges in connection with the failed car bombings in UK, left for India, Australia's police chief said the investigations into the case faced several obstructions including incorrect intelligence inputs from British authorities.

"British police initially told Australian investigators that Haneef's cellphone SIM card had been found inside a jeep allegedly used by his cousin Kafeel Ahmed in a failed car bombing in Glasgow on June 30," Australian federal police commissioner said. "Instead, the SIM was found in the home of Kafeel's brother, Sabeel, in Liverpool several hundred kilometres from the attack scene," he said.


Decider Guy Demands Further Erosion of the Fourth

If Bush and the neocons have their way, your cell phone will be an official government surveillance device. Of course, your cell phone and computer connected to the internet are already surveillance devices, it is just that Bush and the neocons want to enshrine this fact in law.

“President Bush used his weekly radio address Saturday to urge Congress to modernize a law that governs the interception of communications between suspected terrorists abroad,” reports Voice of America, the official propaganda organ of the U.S. government. In other words, the NSA, CIA, and the Pentagon, through so-called modernization, will be able to legally monitor all “terrorist” communications, that is to say anybody who opposes the government. As we know, the NSA has done this for decades. Bush is simply advertising to make it all this incessant snooping legal and above board.


Saturday, July 28, 2007

The motives behind the Bush administration’s latest terror scare

By Jerry White | WSWS

Over the last two weeks the Bush administration has orchestrated yet another campaign to sow fear and anxiety among the American people with unsubstantiated claims that signs are mounting of a looming Al Qaeda terrorist attack.

Not a day goes by without suggestions by Bush or top Homeland Security officials that an attack perhaps on the scale of 9/11, or worse, is being prepared. As always, the mass media dutifully report such claims as authoritative, without questioning the lack of evidence beyond the bald assertions of intelligence and other government officials.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

How Truth Slips Down the Memory Hole

By John Pilger |

It is 80 years since Edward Bernays, the father of public relations, predicted a pervasive "invisible government" of corporate spin, suppression and silence as the true ruling power in the United States. That is true today on both sides of the Atlantic. How else could America and Britain go on such a spree of death and mayhem on the basis of stupendous lies about nonexistent weapons of mass destruction, even a "mushroom cloud over New York"? When the BBC radio reporter Andrew Gilligan reported the truth, he was pilloried and sacked along with the BBC's director general, while Blair, the proven liar, was protected by the liberal wing of the media and given a standing ovation in parliament.


Administration Plans to Steal Iraqi Oil For Mega-Rich Revealed for First Time

By Richard Walker |

Iraqi oil workers are waking up to the fact that a proposed hydrocarbon law the Bush administration wants the Iraqi Parliament to pass will effectively place the country’s massive oil reserves in the hands of big U.S. and British oil giants for decades.

Many Iraqis are only realizing now what experts have been saying since 2003: that the invasion of Iraq was about oil and Israel, and not about America’s security.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007



U.S. Marines rid Fallujah of Satan (as well as everything else)
...A recent edition of the San Diego Union-Tribune published a letter from Christy King of Lakeside, CA, a suburb of San Diego. It was titled "Remember Sept. 11" and it stated:

I wonder where all you non-Bush supporters were on 9/11. How could you have not seen the horrific terror attack on our Free America? How can you forget that nearly 3,000 innocent people were killed? Our president and our uniformed forces are keeping the war off our soil to protect everybody, even you.

The Bush administration salivates every time it reads letters like this. The neo-cons even wished, in writing, prior to 9-11, that a "Pearl Harbor-like" incident would occur under the Bush watch. Not only did it occur, but it still is occurring in the feeble minds of many Americans.

If Ms. King were true to her philosophy, she should be decrying the innocent people who have been killed in Iraq since 1991 at the hands of three U.S. administrations, both Democrat and Republican. And, if she read only a few newspapers, even the propagandistic pro-Bush ones, she would realize that the 19 martyrs were not attacking a "Free America," but an imperialistic America that had caused havoc in the Arab and Muslim world.

Since August 2, 1990, the U.S. has killed almost three million Iraqis. The first Gulf War, the encompassing embargo and the current fiasco combine for between 2.5 million and three million deaths. In other words, Iraq has suffered ONE THOUSAND nine-elevens. That’s right, one thousand...


Galloway ordered out of House of Commons and suspended for 18 days

Spidered News

MP George Galloway is ordered out of the Commons after repeatedly clashing with the Speaker.


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Hagee, Israel backers push a get-tough policy

Abe Levy | Express-News

(Lisa Krantz/Express-News)
Surrounded by his security team (left) and San Antonio Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg of Rodfei Shalom Synagogue (far right), San Antonio Pastor John Hagee (center) leaves the U. S. Capitol building after posing for a group picture with Christians United for Israel's Texas delegates after the delegates spent the day lobbying for Israel at the Capitol on Wednesday.
WASHINGTON — Inside a reserved Senate room, several hundred evangelical activists who came by plane and bus Wednesday waited for the arrival of Texas' two senators.

As their leader, Pastor John Hagee, entered the room, they erupted in cheers, snapping photos of the face of modern Christian Zionism, a movement that promotes Israel as a biblical mandate.

The room turned silent as Hagee greeted Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn near the stage. Hagee looked the senators in the eye and said: "These people are from Texas — and they are voters."

That message came through loud and clear last week as Hagee and 4,500 like-minded Christians visited the Capitol to lobby for Israel and a get-tough policy against Iran. Motivating them is their belief that Israel's fate is tied to that of the free world.

"We didn't come to Washington to figure out what Washington thinks," Hagee said. "We came to Washington to express our views, and we came as people. People hold the power in America."


Bush Executive Order: Criminalizing the Antiwar Movement

By Prof. Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research

The Executive Order entitled "Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq" provides the President with the authority to confiscate the assets of whoever opposes the US led war.

A presidential Executive Order issued on July 17th, repeals with the stroke of a pen the right to dissent and to oppose the Pentagon's military agenda in Iraq.

The Executive Order entitled "Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq" provides the President with the authority to confiscate the assets of "certain persons" who oppose the US led war in Iraq:
    "I have issued an Executive Order blocking property of persons determined to have committed, or to pose a significant risk of committing, an act or acts of violence that have the purpose or effect of threatening the peace or stability of Iraq or the Government of Iraq or undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction and political reform in Iraq or to provide humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people."
In substance, under this executive order, opposing the war becomes an illegal act.


Sheep to the Slaughter

Paul Slansky | Huffingtom Post

Surprise! Bush's approval rating is cratering and suddenly administration officials are emitting ominous warnings about the imminence of another 9/11. Knowing these loathesome people as we by now do, can there be any doubt that they would see such an event as their salvation, the thing that would send Bush's numbers rocketing, just as the original attack did six years ago, when, a mere seven months after his inauguration, he was already widely perceived as an ignorant, arrogant, in-over-his-head failure? And, can there be any doubt that a panicked nation would rally around the flag and his numbers would indeed soar?


9/11 – Fool me once...

Ian Brockwell | American Chronicle

As George Bush tried to say some time ago “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”. With a great deal of evidence suggesting that the American people were fooled over the 9/11 attack in 2001, and indications that a new attack (equally horrific) might be on the way, these words should be imprinted on our minds.

Many leading figures in the government (and military) have been hinting at such an event, and if we are to believe the signs, this could happen in just a matter of weeks.

If it does take place, when and where will it occur? In April of this year Dick Cheney said a 9/11 with terrorists using “a nuclear weapon in the middle of one of our own cities” was the greatest threat. But could this be an attempt to distract us from the real location, a carrier in the Persian Gulf, or a chance for him to say “I told you so” later?

There are numerous articles on the internet that suggest Bush and Cheney are planning a “staged” attack, so that they can introduce martial law. One story even goes so far as to say that there will be no election in 2008!



By Brian Reade | Mirror

...Galloway may well be an egomaniac who committed the moral crime of sucking up to a vile dictator, but the majority of Britons support his views on the criminality of the second Gulf War. Critics will never forgive him for saying our troops were legitimate targets for Iraqi insurgents. Yet who made them targets?

The same MPs who now censure Galloway. Those cowardly stooges who voted for the war to keep their cushy careers on track. Convictionless sheep complicit in making Iraq more bloody and corrupt than it was under Saddam.


Monday, July 23, 2007

Daily Show: Bush’s Fuzzy al Qaeda Math

By SilentPatriot |

Jon takes a look back at all the “progress” President Bush says we’ve made against al Qaeda. Unfortunately for Bush, his own intelligence community vehemently disagrees.


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Bush Pens Torture Executive Order

In Bushzarro world, up is down, black is white, and abducting people and subjecting them to waterboarding is compliance with the Geneva Conventions. “Five years after he exempted al Qaeda and Taliban members from the Geneva provisions, Bush signed an executive order requiring the CIA to comply with prohibitions against ‘cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment’ as set down in the conventions’ Common Article 3,” reports the Boston Globe. “”The executive order resolves any ambiguity by setting specific requirements that, when met, represent full compliance with Article 3. Any CIA terrorist detention and interrogation effort will, of course, meet those requirements,” vowed CIA Director Michael Hayden.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Murdoch Was ‘The 24th Member Of The Blair Cabinet’

By Amanda | ThinkProgress

New documents show that media magnate Rupert Murdoch had a direct line to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair at 10 Downing Street. The British government, which had blocked the release of the documents for years, “backed down in a surprise change of heart the day after Mr Blair resigned last month.” The Independent reports:
    Yesterday the Cabinet Office said there were six telephone discussions between Mr Blair and Mr Murdoch in 20 months, all at crucial moments of his premiership. The subject of their calls was not revealed.

    In 2003, Mr Blair phoned the owner of The Times and The Sun on 11 and 13 March, and on 19 March, the day before Britain and the United States invaded Iraq. The war was strongly supported by Murdoch-owned newspapers around the world.

AIDS and the Zionist Depopulation Agenda

Dr. Boyd Graves discusses the origin of AIDS as well as the United States' patented cure, all based on official government documentation. Tell everyone you know that the cure for AIDS is U.S. patent #5676977, and demand from your government officials that it begin clinical trials and widespread implementation immediately. For more information, visit or


Proof Bin Laden Tape Is 5-Year-Old, Re-Released Footage
Why did IntelCenter, the middleman between "Al-Qaeda" and the media, a group that has government and Pentagon ties, re-release old footage and why did the media report it as new when it had already aired twice before?

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

A videotape that was heralded as "new" footage of Osama bin Laden by many quarters of the press has been conclusively proven to be more than 5 year old re-released footage, leading to questions about why the government and the media continue to act as willing propagandists for the terrorists while striking fear into Americans by claiming an attack is inevitable.

Though some reports included the proviso that the tape could contain old footage, the importance and ceremony attached to the re-release of the Bin Laden tape over the weekend left the distinct impression that the footage was new and that it correlated with the alleged increase of "chatter" amongst terrorist organizations indicating that a new attack is imminent, a message that was again pushed by the U.S. government following the release of the National Intelligence Estimate yesterday.


Soldier Challenges Bush: I’ll Do Another 15 Months In Iraq For Free If He Rides Along

By Logan Murphy |

Via ABC News:

Spc. Gabriel Vassell told Smith, “…We have people up there in Congress with the brain of a 2-year-old who don’t know what they are doing, they don’t experience it. I challenge the president or anyone who has us for 15 months to ride alongside me. I’ll do another 15 months if he comes out here and rides alomg with me every day. I’ll do 15 more months. They don’t even have to pay me extra.”


Kissinger’s Secret Meeting With Putin

By Mike Whitney | InformationClearingHouse

When a political heavyweight, like Henry Kissinger, jets-off on a secret mission to Moscow; it usually shows up in the news.

Not this time.

This time the media completely ignored---or should we say censored—Kissinger’s trip to Russia and his meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin. In fact, apart from a few short blurps in the Moscow Times and one measly article in the UK Guardian, no major news organization even covered the story. There hasn’t been as much as a peep out of anyone in the American media.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Another al-Zawahiri Goose Chase Ensues

Mossad is at it again, using one of its favored propaganda outlets, DEBKAfile. “Until the middle of last week, Zuwahiri [Ayman al-Zawahiri] sheltered with the local Pashtun tribes in Bannu, a town in the northwest Pakistan tribal federation of North Waziristan. The approach of Pakistani and US intelligence and special forces caused him to switch hiding places and move to Tank or Tang, a town 120 km south of Bannu,” Mossad would have us believe. “His former sanctuary of Bannu is situated 150 km as the crow flies from the South Afghan town of Gardiz which is a hub of al Qaeda-Taliban activity. The connection between the two towns is a twisting road of 400 km through Parachinar in Pashtun tribal land. According to DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources, al Qaeda and Taliban leaders do not travel from place to place by road or vehicle but on horseback by night piloted by local guides.”


Impeach Now
Or Face the End of Constitutional Democracy

By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS | InformationClearingHouse

Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran.

Bush has put in place all the necessary measures for dictatorship in the form of "executive orders" that are triggered whenever Bush declares a national emergency. Recent statements by Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff, former Republican senator Rick Santorum and others suggest that Americans might expect a series of staged, or false flag, "terrorist" events in the near future.


Former Reagan Official: Bush May Stage False Flag Events To Reinstate Draft
"Would a government that has lied us into two wars and is working to lie us into an attack on Iran shrink from staging "terrorist" attacks in order to remove opposition to its agenda?" asks Roberts

By Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration Paul Craig Roberts has gone further than ever before, warning that the Bush administration could be about to stage false flag events and terror attacks in order to reinstate the draft, announce a dictatorship and attack Iran.


Confessions Of The Neo-Cons
Pray for Fox news, want war dissenters in gas chambers

By Steve Watson |

A recent exposé in the London Independent, when stripped of its heavily lefty leaning bias, has provided a stark picture of neocon worshippers in America today as a bunch of bigoted wannabe elites who have swallowed whole the mantra of the Bush cabal and now believe that real conservatism consists of invading every oil producing country in the world and killing American citizens who protest.


Countdown: al Qaeda Reality Check

By Nicole Belle |

Keith Olbermann and terrorism analyst Roger Cressey knocks down the lies and spin of Bush’s increasingly delusional assertions of al Qaeda in Iraq.


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The Daily Show Is Back!

By Logan Murphy |

“The Daily Show” is back from their summer break and Jon Stewart looks in fine form. He goes over a few events that took place while the show was on break including the Scooter Libby case, Condoleezza Rice’s double-triple negative and of course, President Bush, Tony Snow and a live report from Iraq where it’s 130 degrees...


Click here for the video...

To the outrage of Australian authorities, someone has leaked transcripts of police interviews:
Doctor denies role in car bomb attacks


In the leaked interveiw Mohamed Haneef (right), says he tried to contact British police after learning that his mobile phone SIM card had been linked to the June attacks, but his calls went unanswered...


Monday, July 16, 2007

Another Dubious Osama Tape Appears When The Neo-Cons Need It Most
Video released by Pentagon-affiliated IntelCenter, previous tapes proven to be linked to CIA, federal government

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

If Osama Bin Laden really is still alive then the CIA owe him a pay rise for his continued sterling efforts to bail out USS Bush every time the administration is about to capsize, but the reality is that this is just another crude propaganda ploy and the latest installment in a series of hoax terror tapes edited and released by the Neo-Cons at the most politically expedient time.

Whether it's to justify a war, win an election or divert from a scandal, Bin Laden can always be relied upon to come up with the goods and save Bush's bacon.

As soon as the 6 month wait and see period for the "surge" is up and right when Bush's last remaining Republican cheerleaders desert him on Iraq, Bin Laden pops up to remind us all of the necessity of "staying the course" and winning the war on terror by feeding more troops into the meatgrinder.


AND THEN THERE WAS ONE... The Final Holdout: 9/11

By Reggie, Contributing Editor,

Am I wrong to believe that in any other life situation there would be a different reaction to a series of important lies? If you became aware that your plumber or your neighbor or your doctor, or anyone at all in your life lied to you over and over and over about issues that were relevant to your well being, would you ever again believe ANYTHING that person said to you? I really don’t think so.

So, after becoming aware of lie after lie after lie by Bushco, why would anyone in his or her right mind FULLY EMBRACE THE OFFICIAL STORY OF WHAT HAPPENED ON 9/11 WITHOUT A SINGLE QUESTION? Why would anyone in the United Sates of America conclude that the official version of the most important event in recent American history AS TOLD BY PROVEN LIARS is true?


Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Illegalities of the Iraq War
America Leads the Way

By Robert Fantina | InformationClearingHouse

In the four years since the United States and its so-called 'Coalition of the Willing' invaded the sovereign nation of Iraq, only one stated goal has been accomplished: the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Peace and democracy are simply pipe dreams, the continued fantasies of a deluded U.S. president and his gaggle of yes-men who all choose to remain oblivious to Iraq's bloody civil war.


Two UK bomb suspects released without charge


As expected, more of those arrested in the “anti-terror” operations have been released, without charge. More...

Osama: More Bounty, More Baloney

It is politics as usual. In order to hype the “war on terror” angle over what is perceived as a floundering effort in Iraq—in fact, the effort in Iraq is a smashing (no pun intended) success, as it has destroyed the country—the “U.S. Senate on Friday voted to double the bounty on Osama bin Laden to $50 million and require President George W. Bush to refocus on capturing him after reports al Qaeda is gaining strength,” according to Reuters. “By a vote of 87-1, the Senate set the reward for the killing or capture, or information leading to the capture, of the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States.”

Of course, there is no evidence Osama bin Laden had anything to do with nine eleven and the government refuses to provide any, beyond pointing to a handful of obviously faked video and audio tapes.


Special Comment: On Michael Chertoff’s Gut

By Nicole Belle |

Keith Olbermann lets the Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, know how insecure the homeland must be if we are to rely on his “gut.”


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God, Guns and Oil: The Shadow History of the Saudi-American Alliance

By Chris Floyd | Empire Burlesque

Tariq Ali has written an excellent piece in the London Review of Books on the ever-corrupt relationship between the Saudi royals and the American elite, and the history of the religious extremists who, as in America, serve as the main base of the nation's wastrel leaders. Go there and read the whole thing. With an intro like this (excerpted below), how can you resist?
    In Prince's Pockets (LRB):
    The day after the attacks on New York and Washington in 2001, a Saudi woman resident in London, a member of a wealthy family, rang her sister in Riyadh to discuss the crisis affecting the kingdom. Her niece answered the phone.

    ‘Where’s your mother?’

    ‘She’s here, dearest aunt, and I’ll get her in a minute, but is that all you have to say to me? No congratulations for yesterday?’

    The dearest aunt, out of the country for far too long, was taken aback. She should not have been. The fervour that didn’t dare show itself in public was strong even at the upper levels of Saudi society. US intelligence agencies engaged in routine surveillance were, to their immense surprise, picking up unguarded cellphone talk in which excited Saudi princelings were heard revelling in bin Laden’s latest caper. Like the CIA, they had not thought it possible for him to reach such heights.

Al-Qaida has rebuilt, U.S. intel warns

By KATHERINE SHRADER and MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press Writers

AP Photo: This is an image from video made available by IntelCenter, on Wednesday July 11, 2007,...
WASHINGTON - U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded al-Qaida has rebuilt its operating capability to a level not seen since just before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, The Associated Press has learned. The conclusion suggests that the group that launched the most devastating terror attack on the United States has been able to regroup along the Afghan-Pakistani border despite nearly six years of bombings, war and other tactics aimed at crippling it.

Still, numerous government officials say they know of no specific, credible threat of a new attack on U.S. soil.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bush Administration Prays For More Dead Americans
Officials don't "worry" about terror, they crave it to save doomed foreign policy and are actively bankrolling Al-Qaeda in Iran

By Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

'Officials worry of summer terror attack' reads an Associated Press headline today as Americans are served up their weekly dose of bellicose fearmongering.

But officials don't worry about another attack, they crave one - to save a doomed foreign policy and bolster approval ratings that have now slumped to an all time low.

This is not the conclusion of paranoid tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists, but a viewpoint held by major University foreign policy analysts like Lt.-Col. Doug Delaney, chair of the war studies program at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario, who recently told the Toronto Star that "The key to bolstering Western resolve is another terrorist attack like 9/11 or the London transit bombings of two years ago."


On Cue, “al-Qaeda” Threatens Iran

For the neocons, “al-Qaeda” is a dream come true. For instance, the current arch nemesis of the clash of civilizations gang, Iran—or rather, the latest target, as the previous target, Iraq, is mired in engineered “sectarian violence,” and other targets, such as Syria, await their turn—has supposedly fallen afoul of “al-Qaeda in Iraq,” as the corporate media reports. “The leader of an al-Qaida umbrella group in Iraq threatened to wage war against Iran unless it stops supporting Shi’ites in Iraq within two months, according to an audiotape,” the Associated Press would have us believe, mostly because we are suckers for these sort of things. “Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, who leads the group Islamic State in Iraq, said his Sunni fighters have been preparing for four years to wage a battle against Shi’ite-dominated Iran,” precisely as their handlers—the CIA, Mossad, and MI6—have planned. More...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Military Analyst: West Needs More Terror To Save Doomed Foreign Policy
Only attacks on scale of 9/11, 7/7 can save bolster resolve according to war studies head

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

The West needs more terror attacks on the scale of 9/11 and 7/7 in order to save a failing foreign policy, according to Lt.-Col. Doug Delaney.

In a paraphrased quote attributed to Delaney, he concludes that "The key to bolstering Western resolve is another terrorist attack like 9/11 or the London transit bombings of two years ago."


They Thought They Were Gods


The quotation encompasses a hubris that is pre-Age of Enlightenment. More than that, it is an assumption of God-like powers by Cheney, Bush, Rove, (Rumsfeld while he was Secretary of Defense) and their underlings.

It is not that Bush believes that he is listening to the directives of God, as he has claimed. It is rather that he – and especially Cheney – believe that they have God-like powers.


Who created the Iraqi insurgency?


The war-mongers in the Bush administration say it's Iran.

No. It was the US.

It was the US, not Iran that:

1) destroyed the social order in Iraq,

2) left massive conventional arms and ammunition warehouses undefended, and

3) disbanded the Iraqi military, police and intelligence forces leaving tens of thousands of trained, well armed killers without the means of legitimate support.


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Another Al Qaeda In Iraq Leader Killed Twice By U.S
"War propaganda put down to "eagerness""

By Steve Watson |

The U.S. military command in Iraq was forced to retract showpiece statements made this week that they had killed a high profile Al Qaeda leader due to the fact that they had already announced the killing one year ago.

A military spokesman acknowledged the mistake after it was called to his attention by The Examiner. He said public affairs officers will be more careful in announcing significant kills.

Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner announced to the media on Monday that Kamal Jalil Uthman, also known as Said Hamza, thought to be the chief of al Qaeda in Iraq military operations in Mosul, had been "recently eliminated"


Friday, July 06, 2007

Al-Qaeda, the Eternal Covert Operation: British "Terror" Incident latest Product of "War on Terror" Propaganda

By Larry Chin | Global Research

It is a well-established and deliberately unaddressed historical fact that the CIA created "radical Islam" and Islamic "terrorism" during the Cold War. It is also a documented fact that the US, its allies, and their intelligence agencies (CIA, Pakistan’s ISI, Britain’s MI-6, etc.) have -- from the 1970s to the present day -- continued to use and guide terrorist groups, including "Al-Qaeda," as intelligence and propaganda assets. "Islamic terrorism" is a manufactured weapon of Western geostrategy, serving Anglo-American interests.

Planned covert operations and false flag operations using "terrorists" in direct and indirect military-intelligence roles are of imperial design. Such operations (exemplified by 9/11), and their predictable propaganda results ("the war on terrorism") are now routine events.


Turley outlines Libby’s team putting the squeeze on Cheney

By John Amato |

Jonathan Turley outlines Libby’s defense team strategy of pressuring Cheney to help him out of multiple convictions. Not that Cheney didn’t plan to bail out his pal, but they made sure to turn the screws so to speak. Full transcript here...


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Libby pays $250,400 fine.

Convicted former White House aide Scooter Libby has paid “a fine of $250,000.00 and a $400 special assessment” left in place after President Bush commuted his jail sentence. The U.S. District Court “posted the canceled check on the docket this afternoon.”

Link to post...

Gore: Libby Had ‘Knowledge That Could Incriminate His Bosses In The White House’

This morning on NBC’s Today show, Vice President Al Gore called last week’s commutation of Scooter Libby’s prison sentence “very disappointing” and “improper,” specifically highlighting the fact that Libby had “knowledge that could incriminate his bosses in the White House which included the vice president and the president.”


Thursday, July 05, 2007

Iraq deployment linked to oil: Nelson
Australian Government Defense Minister Admits

By ABC News - Australia

Defence Minister Brendan Nelson says securing the world's oil supply is one of the Federal Government's considerations as it decides how long to keep troops in Iraq.

The statement has prompted Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd to accuse Prime Minister John Howard of "making it up as he goes along" on Iraq.


Al-Qaeda In Iraq Bush's Creation

By Bill Gallagher | InformationClearingHouse

Bush is not nearly clever enough to sort through or keep up with Cheney's Machiavellian machinations. The president is so lazy and incurious, he's more than willing to let Cheney do his dirty work. Whether it is approving torture, illegal wiretapping, concentration camps and kidnappings, or coddling corporate polluters, Cheney is ready to nod OK.


Spain intercepts arms shipment from Israel to Nicaragua
Spanish customs confiscate container with 1,085 guns and pistols found on vessel headed for Central America


The Spanish customs service found 1,085 guns and pistols on a ship making its way from Israel to Nicaragua during a routine inspection of the ship while it was docking in Algeciras in southern Spain.

The container was confiscated by the Spanish authorities, and the ship was later permitted to set sail.

The ship's bill of customs noted that the ship was carrying air rifles.


The Libby Cover-up Completed

By Robert Parry | Global Research

President George W. Bush’s decision to spare former White House aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby from jail marks the final act of a crime and cover-up that began four years ago when Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and other top officials launched a campaign to discredit a critic of the Iraq War.


Dumb “al-Qaeda” Doctors

Neurologist Mohammed Asha, and his lab technician wife Marwah, threw away their baby, Anas, in order to join “al-Qaeda,” the CIA-ISI database. Sure they did. And I have a bridge for sale.
If we believe the corporate media, the dark under current of Islamic extremism, and that of the “al-Qaeda” database, is so strong it was able to sweep up promising neurologist Mohammed Asha, who became a would-be terrorist apparently more adept at brain surgery than cooking up bombs.

According to the cheesy British tabloid the Mirror, however, Asha and his wife, Marwah, are your garden variety Palestinian terrorists, the sort who throw away their lives, including an infant son, Anas, due to a self-destructive “hate against the West over Palestine…. The couple, from Palestinian families, blamed Britain and the US for backing Israel’s ‘occupation’, relatives said.” According to Asha’s father Yunis Dana, the couple “aren’t the type to be interested in political Islam,” so it remains a mystery why they would team up with so-called Muslim radicals. As well, Marwah was radicalized because people made fun or her veil.


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Keith Olbermann’s Special Comment: You ceased to be the President of the United States

By: Nicole Belle | CrooksandLiars

Keith Olbermann delivers arguably his most pointed and most powerful Special Comment yet on the ramifications of Bush’s commutation of Libby’s sentence.


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Bomb plotters 'were known to police and MI5'

Matthew Moore, Duncan Gardham, Auslan Cramb and Richard Edwards | London Telegraph

Security experts have tonight disclosed that some of the men arrested after the London and Glasgow terror attacks were known to the police and MI5 beforehand.

Professor Anthony Glees, of the Brunel Centre for Intelligence and Security, told Channel 4 News: "My understanding is at least one of these people was on the list of 1,600 identified people.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Voice of the White House July 2, 2007


Courtesy of Thetruthseeker

Libby was designated to take the fall for Cheney on the Plame business but drew the line at jail time. He saw to it that the White House knew that if he had to go to prison, he would sing like an opera star at La Scala. Hence he’s now walked free. More...

UK terror plot: 'I can't believe my son's a fanatic'

Michael Seamark | Daily Mail

Courtesy of TheTruthseeker

It is becoming a familiar story as apparently innocuous Muslims are caught up in “terror plots”. It happened after 7/7 and it’s happening now: leading one to suspect that they may have been set up in an effort to foment a clash between Islam and the West More...

Hopeless, Incompetent, Laughable, Finally The Truth About "Terror"
Former Scotland Yard detective dismisses "car bombings" as nothing more than a bonfire, but hysteria proves the terrorists have already won

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

A TV talking head has finally characterized last week's non-events in Britain for what they were, in the face of a blitz of frenzied hype, hysterics and fearmongering from the government and media, former Scotland Yard detective John O'Connor described the botched attacks as "hopeless," "incompetent" "almost laughable," and amounting to nothing more than a bonfire.


Fear Mongering Shows Who The Terrorists Are

By Lee Rogers |

The shameful display of fear mongering by the U.S. and British governments in response to a group of bizarre so-called terror plots has continued. The government through its mouth pieces in the corporate controlled media has continued to spread propaganda stating that citizens need to give up their civil rights in exchange for security. The bungled terror plots and the insane over reaction to what were really non events could very well be the start of an entire summer of fear mongering and hysteria by both the government and associated media outlets.


Caught Red-Handed: Media Backtracks on Iran's Anti-Israel 'Threat'

mparent777 Blog

For close to two years, the media has stubbornly clung to a long discredited story about the Iranian President’s alleged threat to “destroy Israel” with nuclear weapons Iran doesn’t have and denies any intent to acquire. ‘Wiped off the map, wiped off the map,’ they bleat incessantly, even though his actual words, “The Imam [Khomenei] said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time,” were paralleled with the fall of regimes like the Soviet Union and Iran's former U.S.-installed monarchy [see: “WIPED OFF THE MAP” - The Rumor of the Century for a thorough disassembly of this claim]. From the start of his Presidency, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has rhapsodized regularly about the demise of the ‘Zionist regime’ in various metaphorical terms. He and his associates in the Iranian government have compared its fate to the Pharaohs of Egypt and the former apartheid regime in South Africa (which they also did not recognize), but never have they threatened to start a war with any country


Website That Predicted London Bombs an Intelligence Agency Front
Fellow jihadist forums claim Al Hesbah infiltrated and controlled by ISI, CIA

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

An Islamic website that carried a doomsday message that "London shall be bombed" before the discovery of two crude car bombs in London last week was notorious for having long been infiltrated and controlled by intelligence agencies and spooks who were trying to entrap suspected terrorists.

Hours before London explosives technicians dismantled a large car bomb in the heart of the British capital's tourist-rich theater district, a message appeared on one of the most widely used jihadist Internet forums, saying: "Today I say: Rejoice, by Allah, London shall be bombed," reported CBS News on Friday.

The website in question, Al Hesbah, has been attacked by other similar jihadist Internet forums for being a tool of intelligence agencies to monitor and entrap Islamic extremists.


Bush commuted Libby sentence without consulting Justice Department, Fitzgerald
'Comfort' at White House that decision won't hurt Bush politically

Raw Story

President George W. Bush did not consult with the Justice Department or special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald before commuting the sentence of former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, according to Tuesday's Washington Post.

He also rebuffed anyone appealing from Libby -- limiting discussion "to a few close aides."

"For the first time in his presidency, Bush made a decision to commute a sentence without going through a process of running requests through lawyers at the Justice Department," the Post alleged. "He also did not ask the chief prosecutor in the case, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, for his input, as routinely happens in cases routed through the Justice Department's pardon attorney."

Bush, however, said in his statement that he'd carefully weighed the arguments for and against a pardon -- apparently without actually getting information from the prosecutor about the case.


Countdown: Joe Wilson and Patrick Fitzgerald respond to the Scooter Libby Disgrace

By Logan Murphy |

On this evening’s “Countdown” Keith Olbermann interviewed Ambassador Joe Wilson about the President’s commutation of Scooter Libby’s prison sentence. Wilson held little back, referring to President Bush as “corrupt to the core” and describes how this national disgrace affects his wife, Valerie Plame, the victim of Libby’s crimes, and it’s implications for current and future CIA operatives. Ambassador Wilson also calls on Patrick Fitzgerald to release all information he amassed during his investigation and for Congress to open an investigation to find out what really happened.


Click here for the video...

Wilson: Proponents Of Libby Pardon Are ‘Accessories To An Ongoing Crime’

By Faiz |

In a recent interview with “In The Know TV,” a public affairs television show broadcast in the DC area, Joe Wilson — the husband of former CIA undercover agent Valerie Plame — spoke out about the potential pardoning of Scooter Libby.

Wilson argued, “Considering that this is an obstruction of justice case, and considering that the prosecutor has said repeatedly that there remains a cloud over the Vice President, it seems to me that those who are arguing for pardon are in fact accessories to an ongoing crime.” He said that until the cloud over Cheney is lifted, the ultimate crime cannot be said to have been punished.


Monday, July 02, 2007

UK Terror Plots Result In Irrational Fear Mongering

By Lee Rogers |

The recent so-called failed terror plots in London have sparked irrational fear mongering from both the British and U.S. governments. This fear mongering has been magnified by the utterly shameful coverage of these events by the establishment media.


Beavis and Butthead in London jihad
Huh-huh-huh, let's break somethin'
By Thomas C Greene in Dublin | The Register

Police and securocrats know that there aren't enough real terrorists in the world, which is why they have to keep manufacturing them. This is because citizens tire of being watched by cameras, frisked and x-rayed, having their belongings searched, giving fingerprints to so-called friendly nations on entry, contemplating the myriad government databases where their details and activities are preserved, and wondering if some dour little bureaucrat is reading their email or listening to them on the phone.


Freedom Next Time
Confronting Empire


The great liberal thinker Walter Lippmann once described the public as a bewildered herd. This contempt is shared today by those who claim his elite legacy, in politics and the media. Why? Because they fear that the so-called herd will suddenly change direction.




Sunday, July 01, 2007

Ex-CIA Man Exposes Hysteria Of Car "Bomb" Terror
London car bombs would not have killed anyone, government using terrorist tactics by hyping fear to morph society

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet

Countering the frothing rabid hysteria that is being whipped up by a fervent media in response to three failed car "bomb" attacks in the last few days in the UK, ex-CIA agent Larry Johnson joined Keith Olbermann to underscore the truth behind the madness - that the so-called bombs were primitive at best and would not have killed anybody.

Watch the video below.

In the immediate aftermath of the discovery of a Mercedes parked outside a London night club containing up to 60 litres of petrol and a similar second vehicle, authorities claimed that the bombs would have caused "carnage" had they been detonated, killing hundreds of people. More...

Numbskull “al-Qaeda” Patsies Flub in Glasgow

Obviously, the British and Scotland branch of “al-Qaeda” need to call the home office, as “al-Qaeda in Iraq” is far more effective at car bombs and the UK version need a bit of tutoring. “A vehicle that crashed into Scotland’s largest airport was being treated as a potential terror attack linked to two car bombs found in London, police said Saturday,” reports MSNBC. “Britain raised its security alert to ‘critical’—the highest level possible and an indication that terrorist attacks are imminent. U.S. airports increased safety precautions.” In other words, goons with automatic weapons and dogs, reminiscent of Nazi soldiers on train platforms demanding to see papers, will be sending a message to holiday commuters next week, as America celebrates its independence to shop, eat hot dogs, and blow off fireworks made by slaves in China.


The Bush/Cheney Holocaust in Iraq
Criminality, Immorality, Incompetence and Desperation

By Walter C. Uhler | InformationClearingHouse

In order to support their BIG LIE about the grave and growing threat to the U.S. posed by Iraq, the Bush/Cheney regime not only pressured the intelligence community to produce conclusions that supported its own preconceptions about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and ties to al-Qaida, it also embellished and lied about that intelligence. Moreover, it fabricated damning intelligence where the intelligence community found none.


Gay Bombs


A few days ago, an Orthodox Jewish suicide bomber was apprehended by Israeli officials before he had a chance to set off his bomb at the Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade (Orthodox Jews have a problem with gays). We didn’t hear a lot about this, as Jews are always supposed to be victims, and by definition can’t be terrorists. Had he succeeded, he no doubt would have been described as the victim, and an Arab body would have been chosen to be the terrorist. Then the usual typists would have written their opinion pieces wondering what is it in the ‘Arab mind’ that makes the Palestinians so prone to suicide bombing.



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